(*--... Operations on users ................................................--*)
external operand : llvalue -> int -> llvalue = "llvm_operand"
+external set_operand : llvalue -> int -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_operand"
+external num_operands : llvalue -> int = "llvm_num_operands"
(*--... Operations on constants of (mostly) any type .......................--*)
external is_constant : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_constant"
method [llvm::User::getOperand]. *)
external operand : llvalue -> int -> llvalue = "llvm_operand"
+(** [set_operand v i o] sets the operand of the value [v] at the index [i] to
+ the value [o].
+ See the method [llvm::User::setOperand]. *)
+external set_operand : llvalue -> int -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_operand"
+(** [num_operands v] returns the number of operands for the value [v].
+ See the method [llvm::User::getNumOperands]. *)
+external num_operands : llvalue -> int = "llvm_num_operands"
(** {7 Operations on constants of (mostly) any type} *)
return LLVMGetOperand(V, Int_val(I));
+/* llvalue -> int -> llvalue -> unit */
+CAMLprim value llvm_set_operand(LLVMValueRef U, value I, LLVMValueRef V) {
+ LLVMSetOperand(U, Int_val(I), V);
+ return Val_unit;
+/* llvalue -> int */
+CAMLprim value llvm_num_operands(LLVMValueRef V) {
+ return Val_int(LLVMGetNumOperands(V));
/*--... Operations on constants of (mostly) any type .......................--*/
/* llvalue -> bool */
/* Operations on Users */
LLVMValueRef LLVMGetOperand(LLVMValueRef Val, unsigned Index);
+void LLVMSetOperand(LLVMValueRef User, unsigned Index, LLVMValueRef Val);
+int LLVMGetNumOperands(LLVMValueRef Val);
/* Operations on constants of any type */
LLVMValueRef LLVMConstNull(LLVMTypeRef Ty); /* all zeroes */
return wrap(unwrap<User>(Val)->getOperand(Index));
+void LLVMSetOperand(LLVMValueRef Val, unsigned Index, LLVMValueRef Op) {
+ unwrap<User>(Val)->setOperand(Index, unwrap(Op));
+int LLVMGetNumOperands(LLVMValueRef Val) {
+ return unwrap<User>(Val)->getNumOperands();
/*--.. Operations on constants of any type .................................--*/
LLVMValueRef LLVMConstNull(LLVMTypeRef Ty) {
let p1 = param fn 0 in
let p2 = param fn 1 in
+ let a3 = build_alloca i32_type "user_alloca" b in
+ let p3 = build_load a3 "user_load" b in
let i = build_add p1 p2 "sum" b in
+ insist ((num_operands i) = 2);
insist ((operand i 0) = p1);
insist ((operand i 1) = p2);
+ set_operand i 1 p3;
+ insist ((operand i 1) != p2);
+ insist ((operand i 1) = p3);
ignore (build_unreachable b)