private Map<HNode, TripleItem> mapSharedNodeToTripleItem;
private Map<HNode, Integer> mapHNodeToHighestIndex;
+ private Map<Pair<HNode, HNode>, Integer> mapItemToHighestIndex;
public BuildLattice(LocationInference infer) {
this.infer = infer;
this.mapSharedNodeToTripleItem = new HashMap<HNode, TripleItem>();
this.mapHNodeToHighestIndex = new HashMap<HNode, Integer>();
+ this.mapItemToHighestIndex = new HashMap<Pair<HNode, HNode>, Integer>();
public SSJavaLattice<String> buildLattice(Descriptor desc) {
public SSJavaLattice<String> insertIntermediateNodesToStraightLine(Descriptor desc,
SSJavaLattice<String> skeletonLattice) {
- mapSharedNodeToTripleItem.clear();
- HierarchyGraph hierarchyGraph = infer.getSimpleHierarchyGraph(desc);
- HierarchyGraph scGraph = infer.getSkeletonCombinationHierarchyGraph(desc);
- LocationSummary locSummary = infer.getLocationSummary(desc);
- SSJavaLattice<String> lattice = skeletonLattice.clone();
- Set<HNode> visited = new HashSet<HNode>();
- Set<HNode> scNodeSet = scGraph.getNodeSet();
- Map<TripleItem, String> mapIntermediateLoc = new HashMap<TripleItem, String>();
- for (Iterator iterator = scNodeSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- HNode scNode = (HNode);
- Set<HNode> outHierarchyNodeSet = hierarchyGraph.getOutgoingNodeSet(scNode);
- for (Iterator iterator2 = outHierarchyNodeSet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
- HNode outHierarchyNode = (HNode);
- if (!visited.contains(outHierarchyNode)) {
- if (!outHierarchyNode.isCombinationNode() && !outHierarchyNode.isSkeleton()) {
- visited.add(outHierarchyNode);
- Set<HNode> outSCNodeSet = scGraph.getOutgoingNodeSet(scNode);
- if (outSCNodeSet.size() > 0) {
- // follows the straight line up to another skeleton/combination node
- outSCNodeSet = removeTransitivelyReachToNode(desc, scNode, outSCNodeSet);
- } else if (outSCNodeSet.size() == 0) {
- // the outNode is (directly/transitively) connected to the bottom node
- // therefore, we just add a dummy bottom HNode to the endCombNodeSet.
- outSCNodeSet.add(LocationInference.BOTTOMHNODE);
- }
- recurDFVisitNormalNode(scNode, outSCNodeSet, outHierarchyNode, 1, desc, lattice,
- visited, locSummary, mapIntermediateLoc);
- } else if (outHierarchyNode.isCombinationNode()) {
- visited.add(outHierarchyNode);
- expandCombinationNode(desc, lattice, visited, mapIntermediateLoc, locSummary,
- outHierarchyNode);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // add shared locations
- Set<HNode> sharedNodeSet = mapSharedNodeToTripleItem.keySet();
- for (Iterator iterator = sharedNodeSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- HNode sharedNode = (HNode);
- TripleItem item = mapSharedNodeToTripleItem.get(sharedNode);
- String nonSharedLocName = mapIntermediateLoc.get(item);
- // System.out.println("sharedNode=" + sharedNode + " locName=" + nonSharedLocName);
- String newLocName;
- if (locSummary.getHNodeNameSetByLatticeLoationName(nonSharedLocName) != null
- && !lattice.isSharedLoc(nonSharedLocName)) {
- // need to generate a new shared location in the lattice, which is one level lower than the
- // 'locName' location
- newLocName = "ILOC" + (LocationInference.locSeed++);
- // Set<String> aboveElementSet = getAboveElementSet(lattice, locName);
- Set<String> belowElementSet = new HashSet<String>();
- belowElementSet.addAll(lattice.get(nonSharedLocName));
- // System.out.println("nonSharedLocName=" + nonSharedLocName + " belowElementSet="
- // + belowElementSet + " newLocName=" + newLocName);
- lattice.insertNewLocationBetween(nonSharedLocName, belowElementSet, newLocName);
- } else {
- newLocName = nonSharedLocName;
- }
- lattice.addSharedLoc(newLocName);
- HierarchyGraph graph = infer.getSimpleHierarchyGraph(desc);
- Set<Descriptor> descSet = graph.getDescSetOfNode(sharedNode);
- for (Iterator iterator2 = descSet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
- Descriptor d = (Descriptor);
- locSummary.addMapHNodeNameToLocationName(d.getSymbol(), newLocName);
- }
- locSummary.addMapHNodeNameToLocationName(sharedNode.getName(), newLocName);
- }
- return lattice;
- }
- private void recurDFVisitNormalNode(HNode scStartNode, Set<HNode> scEndNodeSet,
- HNode curHierarchyNode, int idx, Descriptor desc, SSJavaLattice<String> lattice,
- Set<HNode> visited, LocationSummary locSummary, Map<TripleItem, String> mapIntermediateLoc) {
- TripleItem item = new TripleItem(scStartNode, scEndNodeSet, idx);
- // System.out.println("item=" + item);
- if (!mapIntermediateLoc.containsKey(item)) {
- // need to create a new intermediate location in the lattice
- String newLocName = "ILOC" + (LocationInference.locSeed++);
- String above;
- if (idx == 1) {
- above = scStartNode.getName();
- } else {
- int prevIdx = idx - 1;
- TripleItem prevItem = new TripleItem(scStartNode, scEndNodeSet, prevIdx);
- above = mapIntermediateLoc.get(prevItem);
- }
- Set<String> belowSet = new HashSet<String>();
- for (Iterator iterator = scEndNodeSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- HNode endNode = (HNode);
- String locName;
- if (locSummary.getMapHNodeNameToLocationName().containsKey(endNode.getName())) {
- locName = locSummary.getLocationName(endNode.getName());
- } else {
- locName = endNode.getName();
- }
- belowSet.add(locName);
- }
- lattice.insertNewLocationBetween(above, belowSet, newLocName);
- mapIntermediateLoc.put(item, newLocName);
- }
- String curLocName = mapIntermediateLoc.get(item);
- HierarchyGraph hierarchyGraph = infer.getSimpleHierarchyGraph(desc);
- if (curHierarchyNode.isSharedNode()) {
- // if the current node is shared location, add a shared location to the lattice later
- mapSharedNodeToTripleItem.put(curHierarchyNode, item);
- } else {
- Set<Descriptor> descSet = hierarchyGraph.getDescSetOfNode(curHierarchyNode);
- for (Iterator iterator = descSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- Descriptor d = (Descriptor);
- locSummary.addMapHNodeNameToLocationName(d.getSymbol(), curLocName);
- }
- locSummary.addMapHNodeNameToLocationName(curHierarchyNode.getName(), curLocName);
- }
- System.out.println("-TripleItem normal=" + item);
- System.out.println("-curNode=" + curHierarchyNode.getName() + " S="
- + curHierarchyNode.isSharedNode() + " locName=" + curLocName + " isC="
- + curHierarchyNode.isCombinationNode());
- Set<HNode> outSet = hierarchyGraph.getOutgoingNodeSet(curHierarchyNode);
- for (Iterator iterator2 = outSet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
- HNode outHierarchyNodeFromCurNode = (HNode);
- // Set<HNode> incomingHNodeSetToOutNode = simpleHierarchyGraph.getIncomingNodeSet(outNode);
- System.out.println("outHierarchyNodeFromCurNode=" + outHierarchyNodeFromCurNode);
- // System.out.println("---incomingHNodeSetToOutNode=" + incomingHNodeSetToOutNode);
- if (outHierarchyNodeFromCurNode.isSkeleton()
- || outHierarchyNodeFromCurNode.isCombinationNode()) {
- String lowerLocName = locSummary.getLocationName(outHierarchyNodeFromCurNode.getName());
- lattice.addRelationHigherToLower(curLocName, lowerLocName);
- } else {
- if (visited.containsAll(hierarchyGraph.getIncomingNodeSet(outHierarchyNodeFromCurNode))) {
- visited.add(outHierarchyNodeFromCurNode);
- int newidx = getCurrentHighestIndex(outHierarchyNodeFromCurNode, idx + 1);
- recurDFVisitNormalNode(scStartNode, scEndNodeSet, outHierarchyNodeFromCurNode, newidx,
- desc, lattice, visited, locSummary, mapIntermediateLoc);
- } else {
- System.out.println("NOT RECUR");
- updateHighestIndex(outHierarchyNodeFromCurNode, idx + 1);
- }
- }
- // if (!outNode.isSkeleton() && !outNode.isCombinationNode() && !visited.contains(outNode)) {
- // if (visited.containsAll(simpleHierarchyGraph.getIncomingNodeSet(outNode))) {
- // visited.add(outNode);
- // int newidx = getCurrentHighestIndex(outNode, idx + 1);
- // recurDFSNormalNode(desc, lattice, startNode, endNodeSet, visited, mapIntermediateLoc,
- // newidx, locSummary, outNode);
- // // recurDFSNormalNode(desc, lattice, startNode, endNodeSet, visited, mapIntermediateLoc,
- // // idx + 1, locSummary, outNode);
- // } else {
- // updateHighestIndex(outNode, idx + 1);
- // System.out.println("NOT RECUR");
- // }
- // } else if (!outNode.isSkeleton() && outNode.isCombinationNode() &&
- // !visited.contains(outNode)) {
- // if (needToExpandCombinationNode(desc, outNode)) {
- // System.out.println("NEED TO");
- // expandCombinationNode(desc, lattice, visited, mapIntermediateLoc, locSummary, outNode);
- // } else {
- // System.out.println("NOT NEED TO");
- // }
- // }
- }
- }
- private void recurDFVisitCombinationNode(HNode scCombNode, Set<HNode> scEndNodeSet,
- HNode curHierarchyCombNode, int idx, Descriptor desc, SSJavaLattice<String> lattice,
- Set<HNode> visited, LocationSummary locSummary, Map<TripleItem, String> mapIntermediateLoc) {
- // Descriptor desc, SSJavaLattice<String> lattice,
- // HNode combinationNodeInSCGraph, Set<HNode> endNodeSet, Set<HNode> visited,
- // Map<TripleItem, String> mapIntermediateLoc, int idx, LocationSummary locSummary, HNode
- // curNode) {
- TripleItem item = new TripleItem(scCombNode, scEndNodeSet, idx);
- if (!mapIntermediateLoc.containsKey(item)) {
- // need to create a new intermediate location in the lattice
- String above;
- if (idx == 1) {
- String newLocName = scCombNode.getName();
- mapIntermediateLoc.put(item, newLocName);
- } else {
- String newLocName = "ILOC" + (LocationInference.locSeed++);
- int prevIdx = idx - 1;
- TripleItem prevItem = new TripleItem(scCombNode, scEndNodeSet, prevIdx);
- above = mapIntermediateLoc.get(prevItem);
- Set<String> belowSet = new HashSet<String>();
- for (Iterator iterator = scEndNodeSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- HNode endNode = (HNode);
- belowSet.add(endNode.getName());
- }
- lattice.insertNewLocationBetween(above, belowSet, newLocName);
- mapIntermediateLoc.put(item, newLocName);
- }
- }
- HierarchyGraph hierarchyNode = infer.getSimpleHierarchyGraph(desc);
- String locName = mapIntermediateLoc.get(item);
- if (curHierarchyCombNode.isSharedNode()) {
- // if the current node is shared location, add a shared location to the lattice later
- mapSharedNodeToTripleItem.put(curHierarchyCombNode, item);
- } else {
- Set<Descriptor> descSet = hierarchyNode.getDescSetOfNode(curHierarchyCombNode);
- for (Iterator iterator = descSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- Descriptor d = (Descriptor);
- locSummary.addMapHNodeNameToLocationName(d.getSymbol(), locName);
- }
- locSummary.addMapHNodeNameToLocationName(curHierarchyCombNode.getName(), locName);
- }
- System.out.println("-TripleItem=" + item);
- System.out.println("-curNode=" + curHierarchyCombNode.getName() + " S="
- + curHierarchyCombNode.isSharedNode() + " locName=" + locName);
- Set<HNode> outSet = hierarchyNode.getOutgoingNodeSet(curHierarchyCombNode);
- for (Iterator iterator2 = outSet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
- HNode outHierarchyNode = (HNode);
- System.out.println("---recurDFS outNode=" + outHierarchyNode);
- System.out.println("---outNode combinationNodeInSCGraph="
- + getCombinationNodeInSCGraph(desc, outHierarchyNode));
- if (outHierarchyNode.isCombinationNode()) {
- HNode outCombinationNodeInSCGraph = getCombinationNodeInSCGraph(desc, outHierarchyNode);
- if (outCombinationNodeInSCGraph.equals(scCombNode)) {
- Set<HNode> combineSkeletonNodeSet =
- hierarchyNode.getCombineSetByCombinationNode(outHierarchyNode);
- Set<HNode> incomingHNodeSetToOutNode = hierarchyNode.getIncomingNodeSet(outHierarchyNode);
- // extract nodes belong to the same combine node
- Set<HNode> incomingCombinedHNodeSet = new HashSet<HNode>();
- for (Iterator iterator = incomingHNodeSetToOutNode.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- HNode inNode = (HNode);
- if (combineSkeletonNodeSet.contains(inNode)) {
- incomingCombinedHNodeSet.add(inNode);
- }
- }
- System.out.println("incomingCombinedHNodeSet=" + incomingCombinedHNodeSet);
- if (visited.containsAll(incomingCombinedHNodeSet)) {
- visited.add(outHierarchyNode);
- System.out.println("-------curIdx=" + (idx + 1));
- int newIdx = getCurrentHighestIndex(outHierarchyNode, idx + 1);
- System.out.println("-------newIdx=" + newIdx);
- recurDFVisitCombinationNode(scCombNode, scEndNodeSet, outHierarchyNode, newIdx, desc,
- lattice, visited, locSummary, mapIntermediateLoc);
- } else {
- updateHighestIndex(outHierarchyNode, idx + 1);
- System.out.println("-----NOT RECUR!");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private void expandCombinationNode(Descriptor desc, SSJavaLattice<String> lattice,
- Set<HNode> visited, Map<TripleItem, String> mapIntermediateLoc, LocationSummary locSummary,
- HNode cnode) {
- // expand the combination node 'outNode'
- // here we need to expand the corresponding combination location in the lattice
- HNode combinationNodeInSCGraph = getCombinationNodeInSCGraph(desc, cnode);
- Set<HNode> endNodeSet =
- infer.getSkeletonCombinationHierarchyGraph(desc).getOutgoingNodeSet(
- combinationNodeInSCGraph);
- System.out.println("expandCombinationNode=" + cnode + " cnode in scgraph="
- + combinationNodeInSCGraph);
- System.out.println("endnodeset=" + endNodeSet);
- if (combinationNodeInSCGraph == null) {
- return;
- }
- // HierarchyGraph hierarchyGraph = infer.getSimpleHierarchyGraph(desc);
- //
- // Set<HNode> combineSkeletonNodeSet = hierarchyGraph.getCombineSetByCombinationNode(cnode);
- //
- // // System.out.println("combineSkeletonNodeSet=" + combineSkeletonNodeSet);
- //
- // Set<HNode> combinationNodeSet =
- // hierarchyGraph.getCombinationNodeSetByCombineNodeSet(combineSkeletonNodeSet);
- //
- // // System.out.println("combinationNodeSet=" + combinationNodeSet);
- //
- // Set<HNode> endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph =
- // hierarchyGraph.getDirectlyReachableSkeletonCombinationNodeFrom(cnode, combinationNodeSet);
- // // System.out.println("-endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph=" + endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph);
- // Set<HNode> endCombNodeSet = new HashSet<HNode>();
- // for (Iterator iterator3 = endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph.iterator(); iterator3.hasNext();) {
- // HNode endNode = (HNode);
- // endCombNodeSet.add(getCombinationNodeInSCGraph(desc, endNode));
- // }
- visited.add(cnode);
- // follows the straight line up to another skeleton/combination node
- if (endNodeSet.size() > 0) {
- // System.out.println("---endCombNodeSet=" + endCombNodeSet);
- endNodeSet = removeTransitivelyReachToNode(desc, combinationNodeInSCGraph, endNodeSet);
- recurDFVisitCombinationNode(combinationNodeInSCGraph, endNodeSet, cnode, 1, desc, lattice,
- visited, locSummary, mapIntermediateLoc);
- } else {
- endNodeSet.add(LocationInference.BOTTOMHNODE);
- // System.out.println("---endCombNodeSet is zero");
- // System.out.println("---endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph=" + endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph);
- // System.out.println("---incoming=" + simpleGraph.getIncomingNodeSet(cnode));
- recurDFVisitCombinationNode(combinationNodeInSCGraph, endNodeSet, cnode, 1, desc, lattice,
- visited, locSummary, mapIntermediateLoc);
- }
- }
- public SSJavaLattice<String> insertIntermediateNodesToStraightLine2(Descriptor desc,
- SSJavaLattice<String> skeletonLattice) {
// perform DFS that starts from each skeleton/combination node and ends by another
// skeleton/combination node
if (outNode.isCombinationNode()) {
if (visited.containsAll(simpleGraph.getIncomingNodeSet(outNode))) {
// if (needToExpandCombinationNode(desc, outNode)) {
- expandCombinationNode3(desc, lattice, visited, mapIntermediateLoc, locSummary,
+ expandCombinationNode(desc, lattice, visited, mapIntermediateLoc, locSummary,
// }
// startNode = node;
// }
- Set<HNode> endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph =
- simpleGraph.getDirectlyReachableSkeletonCombinationNodeFrom(outNode, null);
+ // TODO
+ // Set<HNode> endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph =
+ // simpleGraph.getDirectlyReachableSkeletonCombinationNodeFrom(outNode, null);
+ // Set<HNode> endCombNodeSet = new HashSet<HNode>();
+ // for (Iterator iterator3 = endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph.iterator();
+ // iterator3.hasNext();) {
+ // HNode endNode = (HNode);
+ // endCombNodeSet.add(getCombinationNodeInSCGraph(desc, endNode));
+ // }
+ Set<HNode> endCombNodeSet = scGraph.getOutgoingNodeSet(startNode);
- // System.out.println("endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph=" + endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph
- // + " from=" + outNode);
- Set<HNode> endCombNodeSet = new HashSet<HNode>();
- for (Iterator iterator3 = endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph.iterator(); iterator3.hasNext();) {
- HNode endNode = (HNode);
- endCombNodeSet.add(getCombinationNodeInSCGraph(desc, endNode));
- }
// System.out.println("endCombNodeSet=" + endCombNodeSet);
if (endCombNodeSet.size() > 0) {
HNode sharedNode = (HNode);
TripleItem item = mapSharedNodeToTripleItem.get(sharedNode);
String nonSharedLocName = mapIntermediateLoc.get(item);
- // System.out.println("sharedNode=" + sharedNode + " locName=" + nonSharedLocName);
+ System.out.println("sharedNode=" + sharedNode + " locName=" + nonSharedLocName);
String newLocName;
if (locSummary.getHNodeNameSetByLatticeLoationName(nonSharedLocName) != null
Set<String> belowElementSet = new HashSet<String>();
- // System.out.println("nonSharedLocName=" + nonSharedLocName + " belowElementSet="
- // + belowElementSet + " newLocName=" + newLocName);
+ System.out.println("nonSharedLocName=" + nonSharedLocName + " belowElementSet="
+ + belowElementSet + " newLocName=" + newLocName);
lattice.insertNewLocationBetween(nonSharedLocName, belowElementSet, newLocName);
} else {
return true;
+ private void expandCombinationNode(Descriptor desc, SSJavaLattice<String> lattice,
+ Set<HNode> visited, Map<TripleItem, String> mapIntermediateLoc, LocationSummary locSummary,
+ HNode cnode) {
+ // expand the combination node 'outNode'
+ // here we need to expand the corresponding combination location in the lattice
+ HNode combinationNodeInSCGraph = getCombinationNodeInSCGraph(desc, cnode);
+ System.out.println("expandCombinationNode=" + cnode + " cnode in scgraph="
+ + combinationNodeInSCGraph);
+ if (combinationNodeInSCGraph == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ HierarchyGraph simpleGraph = infer.getSimpleHierarchyGraph(desc);
+ HierarchyGraph scGraph = infer.getSkeletonCombinationHierarchyGraph(desc);
+ Set<HNode> combineSkeletonNodeSet = simpleGraph.getCombineSetByCombinationNode(cnode);
+ // System.out.println("combineSkeletonNodeSet=" + combineSkeletonNodeSet);
+ Set<HNode> combinationNodeSet =
+ simpleGraph.getCombinationNodeSetByCombineNodeSet(combineSkeletonNodeSet);
+ // System.out.println("combinationNodeSet=" + combinationNodeSet);
+ // TODO
+ // Set<HNode> endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph =
+ // simpleGraph.getDirectlyReachableSkeletonCombinationNodeFrom(cnode, combinationNodeSet);
+ // System.out.println("-endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph=" + endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph);
+ // Set<HNode> endCombNodeSet = new HashSet<HNode>();
+ // for (Iterator iterator3 = endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph.iterator(); iterator3.hasNext();) {
+ // HNode endNode = (HNode);
+ // endCombNodeSet.add(getCombinationNodeInSCGraph(desc, endNode));
+ // }
+ Set<HNode> endCombNodeSet = scGraph.getOutgoingNodeSet(combinationNodeInSCGraph);
+ visited.add(cnode);
+ // follows the straight line up to another skeleton/combination node
+ if (endCombNodeSet.size() > 0) {
+ // System.out.println("---endCombNodeSet=" + endCombNodeSet);
+ endCombNodeSet =
+ removeTransitivelyReachToNode(desc, combinationNodeInSCGraph, endCombNodeSet);
+ recurDFS(desc, lattice, combinationNodeInSCGraph, endCombNodeSet, visited,
+ mapIntermediateLoc, 1, locSummary, cnode);
+ } else {
+ endCombNodeSet.add(LocationInference.BOTTOMHNODE);
+ // System.out.println("---endCombNodeSet is zero");
+ // System.out.println("---endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph=" + endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph);
+ // System.out.println("---incoming=" + simpleGraph.getIncomingNodeSet(cnode));
+ recurDFS(desc, lattice, combinationNodeInSCGraph, endCombNodeSet, visited,
+ mapIntermediateLoc, 1, locSummary, cnode);
+ }
+ }
private Set<HNode> removeTransitivelyReachToNode(Descriptor desc, HNode startNode,
Set<HNode> endNodeSet) {
return connected.iterator().next();
- private void expandCombinationNode3(Descriptor desc, SSJavaLattice<String> lattice,
- Set<HNode> visited, Map<TripleItem, String> mapIntermediateLoc, LocationSummary locSummary,
- HNode cnode) {
- // expand the combination node 'outNode'
- // here we need to expand the corresponding combination location in the lattice
- HNode combinationNodeInSCGraph = getCombinationNodeInSCGraph(desc, cnode);
- System.out.println("expandCombinationNode=" + cnode + " cnode in scgraph="
- + combinationNodeInSCGraph);
- if (combinationNodeInSCGraph == null) {
- return;
- }
- HierarchyGraph simpleGraph = infer.getSimpleHierarchyGraph(desc);
- Set<HNode> combineSkeletonNodeSet = simpleGraph.getCombineSetByCombinationNode(cnode);
- // System.out.println("combineSkeletonNodeSet=" + combineSkeletonNodeSet);
- Set<HNode> combinationNodeSet =
- simpleGraph.getCombinationNodeSetByCombineNodeSet(combineSkeletonNodeSet);
- // System.out.println("combinationNodeSet=" + combinationNodeSet);
- Set<HNode> endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph =
- simpleGraph.getDirectlyReachableSkeletonCombinationNodeFrom(cnode, combinationNodeSet);
- // System.out.println("-endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph=" + endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph);
- Set<HNode> endCombNodeSet = new HashSet<HNode>();
- for (Iterator iterator3 = endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph.iterator(); iterator3.hasNext();) {
- HNode endNode = (HNode);
- endCombNodeSet.add(getCombinationNodeInSCGraph(desc, endNode));
- }
- visited.add(cnode);
- // follows the straight line up to another skeleton/combination node
- if (endCombNodeSet.size() > 0) {
- // System.out.println("---endCombNodeSet=" + endCombNodeSet);
- endCombNodeSet =
- removeTransitivelyReachToNode(desc, combinationNodeInSCGraph, endCombNodeSet);
- recurDFS(desc, lattice, combinationNodeInSCGraph, endCombNodeSet, visited,
- mapIntermediateLoc, 1, locSummary, cnode);
- } else {
- endCombNodeSet.add(LocationInference.BOTTOMHNODE);
- // System.out.println("---endCombNodeSet is zero");
- // System.out.println("---endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph=" + endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph);
- // System.out.println("---incoming=" + simpleGraph.getIncomingNodeSet(cnode));
- recurDFS(desc, lattice, combinationNodeInSCGraph, endCombNodeSet, visited,
- mapIntermediateLoc, 1, locSummary, cnode);
- }
- }
private void recurDirectlyReachableNodeFromStartNodeReachToEndNode(HierarchyGraph scGraph,
HNode startNode, HNode curNode, Set<HNode> connected) {
int idx, LocationSummary locSummary, HNode curNode) {
TripleItem item = new TripleItem(startNode, endNodeSet, idx);
- // System.out.println("item=" + item);
if (!mapIntermediateLoc.containsKey(item)) {
// need to create a new intermediate location in the lattice
String newLocName = "ILOC" + (LocationInference.locSeed++);
System.out.println("---incomingHNodeSetToOutNode=" + incomingHNodeSetToOutNode);
if (!outNode.isSkeleton() && !outNode.isCombinationNode() && !visited.contains(outNode)) {
+ Pair<HNode, HNode> pair = new Pair(startNode, outNode);
if (visited.containsAll(simpleHierarchyGraph.getIncomingNodeSet(outNode))) {
- int newidx = getCurrentHighestIndex(outNode, idx + 1);
+ int newidx = getCurrentHighestIndex(pair, idx + 1);
+ // int newidx = getCurrentHighestIndex(outNode, idx + 1);
recurDFSNormalNode(desc, lattice, startNode, endNodeSet, visited, mapIntermediateLoc,
newidx, locSummary, outNode);
// recurDFSNormalNode(desc, lattice, startNode, endNodeSet, visited, mapIntermediateLoc,
// idx + 1, locSummary, outNode);
} else {
- updateHighestIndex(outNode, idx + 1);
+ updateHighestIndex(pair, idx + 1);
+ // updateHighestIndex(outNode, idx + 1);
System.out.println("NOT RECUR");
} else if (!outNode.isSkeleton() && outNode.isCombinationNode() && !visited.contains(outNode)) {
if (needToExpandCombinationNode(desc, outNode)) {
System.out.println("NEED TO");
- expandCombinationNode3(desc, lattice, visited, mapIntermediateLoc, locSummary, outNode);
+ expandCombinationNode(desc, lattice, visited, mapIntermediateLoc, locSummary, outNode);
} else {
System.out.println("NOT NEED TO");
// check whether the next combination node is different from the current node
if (combinationNodeInSCGraph.equals(getCombinationNodeInSCGraph(desc, outNode))) {
+ Pair<HNode, HNode> pair = new Pair(combinationNodeInSCGraph, outNode);
if (visited.containsAll(incomingCombinedHNodeSet)) {
System.out.println("-------curIdx=" + (idx + 1));
- int newIdx = getCurrentHighestIndex(outNode, idx + 1);
+ int newIdx = getCurrentHighestIndex(pair, idx + 1);
+ // int newIdx = getCurrentHighestIndex(outNode, idx + 1);
System.out.println("-------newIdx=" + newIdx);
recurDFS(desc, lattice, combinationNodeInSCGraph, endNodeSet, visited,
mapIntermediateLoc, newIdx, locSummary, outNode);
// recurDFS(desc, lattice, combinationNodeInSCGraph, endNodeSet, visited,
// mapIntermediateLoc, idx + 1, locSummary, outNode);
} else {
- updateHighestIndex(outNode, idx + 1);
+ updateHighestIndex(pair, idx + 1);
+ // updateHighestIndex(outNode, idx + 1);
System.out.println("-----NOT RECUR!");
} else {
if (needToExpandCombinationNode(desc, outNode)) {
System.out.println("NEED TO");
- expandCombinationNode3(desc, lattice, visited, mapIntermediateLoc, locSummary,
- outNode);
+ expandCombinationNode(desc, lattice, visited, mapIntermediateLoc, locSummary, outNode);
} else {
System.out.println("NOT NEED TO");
+ private int getCurrentHighestIndex(Pair<HNode, HNode> pair, int curIdx) {
+ int recordedIdx = getCurrentHighestIndex(pair);
+ if (recordedIdx > curIdx) {
+ return recordedIdx;
+ } else {
+ return curIdx;
+ }
+ }
private int getCurrentHighestIndex(HNode node, int curIdx) {
int recordedIdx = getCurrentHighestIndex(node);
if (recordedIdx > curIdx) {
+ private int getCurrentHighestIndex(Pair<HNode, HNode> pair) {
+ if (!mapItemToHighestIndex.containsKey(pair)) {
+ mapItemToHighestIndex.put(pair, new Integer(-1));
+ }
+ return mapItemToHighestIndex.get(pair).intValue();
+ }
+ private void updateHighestIndex(Pair<HNode, HNode> pair, int idx) {
+ if (idx > getCurrentHighestIndex(pair)) {
+ mapItemToHighestIndex.put(pair, new Integer(idx));
+ }
+ }
private int getCurrentHighestIndex(HNode node) {
if (!mapHNodeToHighestIndex.containsKey(node)) {
mapHNodeToHighestIndex.put(node, new Integer(-1));