// So now make a set of possible source heaps in the caller graph
// and a set of destination heaps in the caller graph, and make
// a reference edge in the caller for every possible (src,dst) pair
- HashSet<HeapRegionNode> possibleCallerSrcs = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
- HashSet<HeapRegionNode> possibleCallerDsts = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
- // first figure out the set of possible sources in the caller
- if( ogCallee.id2paramIndex.containsKey( idCallee ) ) {
- // the heap region that is the source of this
- // reference edge won't have a matching ID in the
- // caller graph because it is specifically allocated
- // for a particular parameter. Use that information
- // to find the corresponding argument label in the
- // caller in order to create the proper reference edge
- // or edges.
- assert !id2hrn.containsKey( idCallee );
- Integer paramIndex = ogCallee.id2paramIndex.get( idCallee );
- TempDescriptor argTemp;
- // now depending on whether the callee is static or not
- // we need to account for a "this" argument in order to
- // find the matching argument in the caller context
- if( isStatic ) {
- argTemp = fc.getArg( paramIndex );
- } else {
- if( paramIndex == 0 ) {
- argTemp = fc.getThis();
- } else {
- argTemp = fc.getArg( paramIndex - 1 );
- }
+ HashSet<HeapRegionNode> possibleCallerSrcs =
+ getHRNSetThatPossiblyMapToCalleeHRN( ogCallee,
+ idCallee,
+ fc,
+ isStatic );
+ HashSet<HeapRegionNode> possibleCallerDsts =
+ getHRNSetThatPossiblyMapToCalleeHRN( ogCallee,
+ idChildCallee,
+ fc,
+ isStatic );
+ // make every possible pair of {srcSet} -> {dstSet} edges in the caller
+ Iterator srcItr = possibleCallerSrcs.iterator();
+ while( srcItr.hasNext() ) {
+ HeapRegionNode src = (HeapRegionNode) srcItr.next();
+ Iterator dstItr = possibleCallerDsts.iterator();
+ while( dstItr.hasNext() ) {
+ HeapRegionNode dst = (HeapRegionNode) dstItr.next();
+ ReferenceEdgeProperties rep = new ReferenceEdgeProperties();
+ addReferenceEdge( src, dst, rep );
- LabelNode argLabel = getLabelNodeFromTemp( argTemp );
- Iterator argHeapRegionsItr = argLabel.setIteratorToReferencedRegions();
- while( argHeapRegionsItr.hasNext() ) {
- Map.Entry meArg = (Map.Entry) argHeapRegionsItr.next();
- HeapRegionNode argHeapRegion = (HeapRegionNode) meArg.getKey();
- ReferenceEdgeProperties repArg = (ReferenceEdgeProperties) meArg.getValue();
- possibleCallerSrcs.add( (HeapRegionNode) argHeapRegion );
- }
- } else {
- // this heap region is not a parameter, so it should
- // have a matching heap region in the caller graph
- /*
- try {
- ogCallee.writeGraph( "TheCallee" );
- writeGraph( "TheCaller" );
- } catch( Exception e ) {}
- */
- assert id2hrn.containsKey( idCallee );
- possibleCallerSrcs.add( id2hrn.get( idCallee ) );
- // second find the set of possible destinations in the caller
+ private HashSet<HeapRegionNode> getHRNSetThatPossiblyMapToCalleeHRN( OwnershipGraph ogCallee,
+ Integer idCallee,
+ FlatCall fc,
+ boolean isStatic ) {
+ HashSet<HeapRegionNode> possibleCallerHRNs = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
+ if( ogCallee.id2paramIndex.containsKey( idCallee ) ) {
+ // the heap region that is part of this
+ // reference edge won't have a matching ID in the
+ // caller graph because it is specifically allocated
+ // for a particular parameter. Use that information
+ // to find the corresponding argument label in the
+ // caller in order to create the proper reference edge
+ // or edges.
+ assert !id2hrn.containsKey( idCallee );
+ Integer paramIndex = ogCallee.id2paramIndex.get( idCallee );
+ TempDescriptor argTemp;
+ // now depending on whether the callee is static or not
+ // we need to account for a "this" argument in order to
+ // find the matching argument in the caller context
+ if( isStatic ) {
+ argTemp = fc.getArg( paramIndex );
+ } else {
+ if( paramIndex == 0 ) {
+ argTemp = fc.getThis();
+ } else {
+ argTemp = fc.getArg( paramIndex - 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ LabelNode argLabel = getLabelNodeFromTemp( argTemp );
+ Iterator argHeapRegionsItr = argLabel.setIteratorToReferencedRegions();
+ while( argHeapRegionsItr.hasNext() ) {
+ Map.Entry meArg = (Map.Entry) argHeapRegionsItr.next();
+ HeapRegionNode argHeapRegion = (HeapRegionNode) meArg.getKey();
+ ReferenceEdgeProperties repArg = (ReferenceEdgeProperties) meArg.getValue();
+ possibleCallerHRNs.add( (HeapRegionNode) argHeapRegion );
+ }
+ } else {
+ // this heap region is not a parameter, so it should
+ // have a matching heap region in the caller graph
+ /*
+ try {
+ ogCallee.writeGraph( "TheCallee" );
+ writeGraph( "TheCaller" );
+ } catch( Exception e ) {}
+ */
+ assert id2hrn.containsKey( idCallee );
+ possibleCallerHRNs.add( id2hrn.get( idCallee ) );
+ }
+ return possibleCallerHRNs;
+ }