char * readuntilend(const char * token);
BooleanEdge parseConstraint(CSolver * solver, char * constraint, int & offset);
void processEquality(char * constraint, int &offset);
-void dumpSMTproblem(char * sat, char * assert);
+void dumpSMTproblem(string &smtProblem, long long id);
+void renameDumpFile(const char *path, long long id);
+void addASSERTConstraintToSMTProblem(string & smtProblem, char * assert);
+void addSATConstraintToSMTProblem(string &smtProblem, char * sat);
+void createSATtuneDumps (char *assert, char *sat, long long &smtID);
std::ifstream * file;
Order * order;
file = new std::ifstream(argv[1]);
char * assert = NULL;
char * sat = NULL;
+ string smtProblem = "";
+ long long smtID=0L;
Vector<OrderRec*> orderRecs;
orderRecVector = &orderRecs;
while(true) {
if (assert != NULL){
assert = NULL;
+ dumpSMTproblem(smtProblem, smtID);
+ smtProblem = "";
+ intSet->reset();
+ boolSet->reset();
assert = readuntilend(assertend);
+ addASSERTConstraintToSMTProblem(smtProblem, assert);
+ //cout << "INFO: SMTProblem After adding ASSERT Constraints\n" << smtProblem << "\n&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&\n";
printf("[%s]\n", assert);
} else if (retval == 2) {
if (sat != NULL) {
ordertable = new HashtableIW();
sat = readuntilend(satend);
- CSolver *solver = new CSolver();
- solver->turnoffOptimizations();
- set = solver->createMutableSet(1);
- order = solver->createOrder(SATC_TOTAL, (Set *) set);
- int offset = 0;
- processEquality(sat, offset);
- offset = 0;
- processEquality(assert, offset);
- offset = 0;
- solver->addConstraint(parseConstraint(solver, sat, offset));
- offset = 0;
- solver->addConstraint(parseConstraint(solver, assert, offset));
- printf("[%s]\n", sat);
- solver->finalizeMutableSet(set);
- solver->serialize();
- solver->printConstraints();
- dumpSMTproblem(sat, assert);
- delete solver;
+ createSATtuneDumps(assert, sat, smtID);
+ addSATConstraintToSMTProblem(smtProblem, sat);
+ //cout << "INFO: SMTProblem After adding SAT Constraints\n" << smtProblem << "\n&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&\n";
+ if(smtID == 0L){
+ char trueString [] = "true";
+ ordertable = new HashtableIW();
+ createSATtuneDumps(assert, trueString, smtID);
+ addSATConstraintToSMTProblem(smtProblem, trueString);
+ }
+ dumpSMTproblem(smtProblem, smtID);
if(ordertable != NULL){
delete ordertable;
delete file;
+void createSATtuneDumps (char *assert, char *sat, long long &smtID){
+ CSolver *solver = new CSolver();
+ solver->turnoffOptimizations();
+ set = solver->createMutableSet(1);
+ order = solver->createOrder(SATC_TOTAL, (Set *) set);
+ int offset = 0;
+ processEquality(sat, offset);
+ offset = 0;
+ processEquality(assert, offset);
+ offset = 0;
+ solver->addConstraint(parseConstraint(solver, sat, offset));
+ offset = 0;
+ solver->addConstraint(parseConstraint(solver, assert, offset));
+ printf("[%s]\n", sat);
+ solver->finalizeMutableSet(set);
+ solver->serialize();
+ solver->printConstraints();
+ smtID= getTimeNano();
+ renameDumpFile("./", smtID);
+ delete solver;
void doExit(const char * message){
printf("%s", message);
void dumpDeclarations(std::ofstream& smtfile){
HashsetIWIterator* iterator = intSet->iterator();
+ smtfile << "(set-logic QF_LRA)" << endl;
intwrapper * iw = iterator->next();
- string declare = "(declare-const O!"+ to_string<uint32_t>(iw->value) + " Int)\n";
+ string declare = "(declare-const O!"+ to_string<uint32_t>(iw->value) + " Real)\n";
smtfile << declare;
delete iterator;
delete iterator;
-void dumpFooter(std::ofstream& smtfile){
- smtfile << "(check-sat)" << endl;
+void addASSERTConstraintToSMTProblem(string & smtProblem, char * assert){
+ string ssat(assert);
+ string assertStatement = "(assert "+ ssat + "\n)\n";
+ smtProblem += assertStatement;
+void addSATConstraintToSMTProblem(string &smtProblem, char * sat){
+ string ssat(sat);
+ string satStatement = "(push)\n(assert "+ ssat + "\n)\n(check-sat)\n(get-model)\n(pop)\n";
+ smtProblem += satStatement;
-void dumpSMTproblem(char * sat, char * assert){
- long long id = getTimeNano();
- cout << "Here's the ID= " << id << endl;
- cout <<"************here is the SMT file*********" << endl << sat << endl << assert <<endl << "****************************" << endl;;
- renameDumpFile("./", id);
- string smtfilename = to_string<long long>(id) + ".smt";
+void dumpSMTproblem(string &smtProblem, long long id){
std::ofstream smtfile;
- (smtfilename.c_str());
- if(!smtfile.is_open())
- {
- doExit("Unable to create file.\n");
- }
+ string smtfilename = to_string<long long>(id) + ".smt";
+ (smtfilename.c_str());
+ if(!smtfile.is_open())
+ {
+ doExit("Unable to create file.\n");
+ }
- string ssat(sat);
- string satStatement = "(assert "+ ssat + "\n)\n";
- smtfile << satStatement;
- string sassert(assert);
- string assertStatement = "(assert " + sassert + "\n)\n";
- smtfile << assertStatement;
- dumpFooter(smtfile);
+ smtfile << smtProblem;
+ cout <<"************here is the SMT file*********" << endl << smtProblem <<endl << "****************************" << endl;;
void skipwhitespace(char * constraint, int & offset) {
//skip whitespace
while (constraint[offset] == ' ' || constraint[offset] == '\n')