#include "mutableset.h"
#include "ops.h"
#include "csolver.h"
+#include "orderencoder.h"
+#include "tunable.h"
+void orderAnalysis(CSolver *This) {
+ uint size = This->allOrders.getSize();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ Order *order = This->allOrders.get(i);
+ bool doDecompose=GETVARTUNABLE(This->tuner, order->type, DECOMPOSEORDER, &onoff);
+ if (!doDecompose)
+ continue;
+ OrderGraph *graph = buildOrderGraph(order);
+ if (order->type == PARTIAL) {
+ //Required to do SCC analysis for partial order graphs. It
+ //makes sure we don't incorrectly optimize graphs with negative
+ //polarity edges
+ completePartialOrderGraph(graph);
+ }
+ bool mustReachGlobal=GETVARTUNABLE(This->tuner, order->type, MUSTREACHGLOBAL, &onoff);
+ if (mustReachGlobal)
+ reachMustAnalysis(This, graph, false);
+ bool mustReachLocal=GETVARTUNABLE(This->tuner, order->type, MUSTREACHLOCAL, &onoff);
+ if (mustReachLocal) {
+ //This pair of analysis is also optional
+ if (order->type == PARTIAL) {
+ localMustAnalysisPartial(This, graph);
+ } else {
+ localMustAnalysisTotal(This, graph);
+ }
+ }
+ bool mustReachPrune=GETVARTUNABLE(This->tuner, order->type, MUSTREACHPRUNE, &onoff);
+ if (mustReachPrune)
+ removeMustBeTrueNodes(This, graph);
+ //This is needed for splitorder
+ computeStronglyConnectedComponentGraph(graph);
+ decomposeOrder(This, order, graph);
+ deleteOrderGraph(graph);
+ }
void decomposeOrder(CSolver *This, Order *order, OrderGraph *graph) {
Vector<Order *> ordervec;