--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _HASHTABLE_H_
+#define _HASHTABLE_H_
+#define LOADFACTOR 0.75
+#define HASH_SIZE 100
+typedef struct hashlistnode {
+ unsigned int key;
+ void *val; //this can be cast to another type or used to point to a larger structure
+ struct hashlistnode *next;
+} hashlistnode_t;
+typedef struct hashtable {
+ hashlistnode_t *table; // points to beginning of hash table
+ unsigned int size;
+ unsigned int numelements;
+ float loadfactor;
+} hashtable_t;
+/* Prototypes for hash*/
+hashtable_t *hashCreate(unsigned int size, float loadfactor);
+unsigned int hashFunction(hashtable_t *table, unsigned int key);
+void hashInsert(hashtable_t *table, unsigned int key, void *val);
+void *hashSearch(hashtable_t *table, unsigned int key); //returns val, NULL if not found
+int hashRemove(hashtable_t *table, unsigned int key); //returns -1 if not found
+void hashResize(hashtable_t *table, unsigned int newsize);
+/* end hash */