- * Checks whether a thread has read from the same write for too many times.
- * @todo This may be more subtle than this code segment addresses at this
- * point... Potential problems to ponder and fix:
- * (1) What if the reads_from set keeps changing such that there is no common
- * write?
- * (2) What if the problem is that the other writes would break modification
- * order.
+ * Checks whether a thread has read from the same write for too many times
+ * without seeing the effects of a later write.
+ *
+ * Basic idea:
+ * 1) there must a different write that we could read from that would satisfy the modification order,
+ * 2) we must have read from the same value in excess of maxreads times, and
+ * 3) that other write must have been in the reads_from set for maxreads times.
+ *
+ * If so, we decide that the execution is no longer feasible.
void ModelChecker::check_recency(ModelAction *curr, bool already_added) {
if (params.maxreads != 0) {
if (curr->get_node()->get_read_from_size() <= 1)
+ //Must make sure that execution is currently feasible... We could
+ //accidentally clear by rolling back
+ if (!isfeasible())
+ return;
std::vector<action_list_t> *thrd_lists = obj_thrd_map->get_safe_ptr(curr->get_location());
int tid = id_to_int(curr->get_tid());
+ action_list_t::reverse_iterator ritcopy=rit;
+ //See if we have enough reads from the same value
int count=0;
- for (; rit != list->rend(); rit++) {
+ for (; count < params.maxreads; rit++,count++) {
+ if (rit==list->rend())
+ return;
ModelAction *act = *rit;
if (!act->is_read())
if (act->get_node()->get_read_from_size() <= 1)
- count++;
- if (count >= params.maxreads) {
- /* We've read from the same write for too many times */
+ }
+ for (int i=0;i<curr->get_node()->get_read_from_size();i++) {
+ //Get write
+ const ModelAction * write=curr->get_node()->get_read_from_at(i);
+ //Need a different write
+ if (write==curr->get_reads_from())
+ continue;
+ /* Test to see whether this is a feasible write to read from*/
+ r_modification_order(curr, write);
+ bool feasiblereadfrom=isfeasible();
+ mo_graph->rollbackChanges();
+ if (!feasiblereadfrom)
+ continue;
+ rit=ritcopy;
+ bool feasiblewrite=true;
+ //new we need to see if this write works for everyone
+ for (int loop=count;loop>0;loop--,rit++) {
+ ModelAction *act=*rit;
+ bool foundvalue=false;
+ for(int j=0;j<act->get_node()->get_read_from_size();j++) {
+ if (act->get_node()->get_read_from_at(i)==write) {
+ foundvalue=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!foundvalue) {
+ feasiblewrite=false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (feasiblewrite) {
too_many_reads = true;
+ return;