import java.util.*;
+import java.lang.Throwable;
public class BuildIR {
State state;
private boolean isRunningRecursiveInnerClass;
return cn;
+//called recursively with the parent class whose reference is to be passed
+private void addOuterClassParam( ClassDescriptor cn, int depth )
+ Iterator nullCheckItr = cn.getInnerClasses();
+ if( false == nullCheckItr.hasNext() )
+ return;
+ //create a typedescriptor of type cn
+ TypeDescriptor theTypeDesc = new TypeDescriptor( cn );
+ for(Iterator it=cn.getInnerClasses(); it.hasNext(); ) {
+ ClassDescriptor icd=(ClassDescriptor);
+ //iterate over all ctors of I.Cs and add a new param
+ for(Iterator method_it=icd.getMethods(); method_it.hasNext(); ) {
+ MethodDescriptor md=(MethodDescriptor);
+ if( md.isConstructor() ){
+ md.addParameter( theTypeDesc, "surrounding$" + String.valueOf(depth) );
+ }
+ }
+ addOuterClassParam( icd, depth + 1 );
+ }
private void addOuterClassReferences( ClassDescriptor cn, Vector< String > runningClassNames )
//SYMBOLTABLE does not have a length or empty method, hence could not define a hasInnerClasses method in classDescriptor
return icn;
+private void AddSurroundingClassParamToCtor( ClassDescriptor icn, ParseNode pn )
private TypeDescriptor parseTypeDescriptor(ParseNode pn) {
ParseNode tn=pn.getChild("type");
String type_st=tn.getTerminal();
//we do not want to apply our resolveName function (i.e. deal with imports)
//otherwise, if base == null, we do just want to resolve name.
private NameDescriptor parseClassName(ParseNode nn) {
ParseNode base=nn.getChild("base");
ParseNode id=nn.getChild("identifier");
String classname = id.getTerminal();
ParseNode epn=vardecl.getChild("initializer");
ExpressionNode en=null;
if (epn!=null) {
private ExpressionNode parseExpression(ParseNode pn) {
if (isNode(pn,"assignment"))
+ {
+ System.out.println( "parsing a field decl in my class that has assignment in initialization " + pn.PPrint( 0, true ) + "\n");
return parseAssignmentExpression(pn);
+ }
else if (isNode(pn,"logical_or")||isNode(pn,"logical_and")||