public static boolean GENERATEPRECISEGC=false;
public static String PREFIX="";
public static String arraytype="ArrayObject";
+ public static int count = 0;
Virtual virtualcalls;
TypeUtil typeutil;
private int maxtaskparams=0;
public void generateFlatPrefetchNode(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb, FlatPrefetchNode fpn, PrintWriter output) {
- System.out.println("Inside generateFlatPrefetchNode()");
- if (state.PREFETCH) {
- System.out.println("The Prefetch pairs to be fetched are "+ fpn.hspp);
- Iterator it = fpn.hspp.iterator();
- for(;it.hasNext();) {
- PrefetchPair pp = (PrefetchPair);
- //TODO handle arrays in prefetch tuples, currently only handle fields
- Integer statusbase = locality.getNodePreTempInfo(lb,fpn).get(pp.base);
- System.out.println("DEBUG-> generateFlatPrefetchNode()" + statusbase);
- if(statusbase == LocalityAnalysis.GLOBAL) {
- // Generate oid for base
- } else {
- for(int i = 0; i<pp.desc.size(); i++) {
- Object o = pp.desc.get(i);
- if(!(o instanceof IndexDescriptor)) {
- FieldDescriptor fd = (FieldDescriptor) o;
- Integer statusfd = locality.getNodePreTempInfo(lb,fpn).get(fd);
- System.out.println("DEBUG-> generateFlatPrefetchNode() fd" + statusfd);
- //find out the locality of the fieldDescriptor
- if(statusfd == LocalityAnalysis.GLOBAL) {
- //generate oid for it
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //Each temp descriptor can be an oid
- //Find locality of each prefetch tuple in the FLatPrefetchNode
- //Separate them as Local or Global
- //generate oids and offset value for prefetch tuple
- }
+ System.out.println("DEBUG -> Inside generateFlatPrefetchNode() " + fm.toString());
+ short[] arrayfields = null;
+ Vector fieldoffset = new Vector();
+ Vector oids = new Vector();
+ short offsetcount = 0;
+ int tuplecount = 0;
+ int i;
+ if (state.PREFETCH) {
+ System.out.println("The Prefetch pairs to be fetched are "+ fpn.hspp);
+ Iterator it = fpn.hspp.iterator();
+ output.println("/* prefetch */");
+ /* TODO Get rid of this */
+ /* The while loop below removes all prefetch tuples with arrays from the set of prefetches */
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ PrefetchPair pp = (PrefetchPair);
+ for(i = 0; i < pp.desc.size(); i++) {
+ if(pp.getDescAt(i) instanceof IndexDescriptor) {
+ fpn.hspp.remove((PrefetchPair) pp);
+ it = fpn.hspp.iterator(); //May not be the best way ...replace coding in a better fashion
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ output.println(" int numtuples_" + count + " = " + fpn.getNumPairs() + ";");
+ int[] endoffsetarry = new int[fpn.getNumPairs()];
+ output.print(" unsigned int oidarray_" + count + "[] = {");
+ it = fpn.hspp.iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ PrefetchPair pp = (PrefetchPair);
+ offsetcount = 0;
+ //TODO handle arrays in prefetch tuples, currently only handle fields
+ Integer statusbase = locality.getNodePreTempInfo(lb,fpn).get(pp.base);
+ FieldDescriptor fd = (FieldDescriptor)pp.desc.get(0);
+ String oid = new String("(unsigned int) " + generateTemp(fm, pp.base, lb) + "->" + ((FieldDescriptor)fd).getSafeSymbol());
+ oids.add(oid);
+ for(i = 1; i < pp.desc.size(); i++) {
+ Object desc = pp.desc.get(i);
+ offsetcount++;
+ TypeDescriptor newtd = ((FieldDescriptor)pp.getDescAt(i-1)).getType();
+ String newfieldoffset = new String("(short)(&(((struct "+ newtd.getSafeSymbol()+" *)0)->"+
+ ((FieldDescriptor)desc).getSafeSymbol()+ "))");
+ fieldoffset.add(newfieldoffset);
+ }
+ if(tuplecount > 0) {
+ endoffsetarry[tuplecount] = endoffsetarry[tuplecount-1] + offsetcount;
+ }else {
+ endoffsetarry[tuplecount] = offsetcount;
+ }
+ //if(statusbase == LocalityAnalysis.LOCAL) {
+ if(statusbase == LocalityAnalysis.GLOBAL) {
+ System.out.println("DEBUG-> Is Global");
+ //Check to see if node is a inside or outside a transaction
+ /*
+ if(locality.getAtomic(lb).get(fpn).intValue() > 0) {
+ //TODO Is this correct ? or generate pointer code in C
+ // return;
+ } else {
+ output.println("/* PP: " + generateTemp(fm, pp.base, lb));
+ }
+ */
+ // Generate oid for base
+ } else {
+ for(i = 0; i<pp.desc.size(); i++) {
+ Object o = pp.desc.get(i);
+ if(!(o instanceof IndexDescriptor)) {
+ //FieldDescriptor fd = (FieldDescriptor) o;
+ Integer statusfd = locality.getNodePreTempInfo(lb,fpn).get(fd);
+ //System.out.println("DEBUG-> generateFlatPrefetchNode() fd" + statusfd);
+ //find out the locality of the fieldDescriptor
+ if(statusfd == LocalityAnalysis.GLOBAL) {
+ //generate oid for it
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tuplecount++;
+ }
+ /*Create C code for oid array */
+ boolean needcomma=false;
+ it = oids.iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ if (needcomma)
+ output.print(", ");
+ output.print(;
+ needcomma=true;
+ }
+ output.println("};");
+ /*Create C code for endoffset values */
+ output.print(" unsigned short endoffsetarry_" + count +"[] = {");
+ needcomma=false;
+ for(i = 0; i<endoffsetarry.length; i++){
+ if (needcomma)
+ output.print(", ");
+ output.print(endoffsetarry[i]);
+ needcomma=true;
+ }
+ output.println("};");
+ /*Create C code for Field Offset Values */
+ it = fieldoffset.iterator();
+ output.print(" short fieldarry_" + count +"[] = {");
+ needcomma=false;
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ if (needcomma)
+ output.print(", ");
+ output.print(;
+ needcomma=true;
+ }
+ output.println("};");
+ /* make the prefetch call to Runtime */
+ output.println(" prefetch(&numtuples_"+count+ ", oidarray_"+count+ ", endoffsetarry_"+
+ count+", fieldarry_"+count+");");
+ //Each temp descriptor can be an oid
+ //Find locality of each prefetch tuple in the FLatPrefetchNode
+ //Separate them as Local or Global
+ //generate oids and offset value for prefetch tuple
+ count++;
+ }
public void generateFlatGlobalConvNode(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb, FlatGlobalConvNode fgcn, PrintWriter output) {
} else if (status==LocalityAnalysis.EITHER) {
//Code is reading from a null pointer
output.println("if ("+generateTemp(fm, ffn.getSrc(),lb)+") {");
- output.println("printf(\"BIG ERROR\n\");exit(-1);}");
+ output.println("printf(\"BIG ERROR\\n\");exit(-1);}");
//This should throw a suitable null pointer error
output.println(generateTemp(fm, ffn.getDst(),lb)+"="+ generateTemp(fm,ffn.getSrc(),lb)+"->"+ ffn.getField().getSafeSymbol()+";");
} else
} else if (statusdst.equals(LocalityAnalysis.EITHER)) {
//writing to a null...bad
output.println("if ("+dst+") {");
- output.println("printf(\"BIG ERROR 2\n\");exit(-1);}");
+ output.println("printf(\"BIG ERROR 2\\n\");exit(-1);}");
if (srcglobal)
output.println(dst+"->"+ fsfn.getField().getSafeSymbol()+"=srcoid;");