public void generateFlatPrefetchNode(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb, FlatPrefetchNode fpn, PrintWriter output) {
- System.out.println("DEBUG -> Inside generateFlatPrefetchNode() " + fm.toString());
short[] arrayfields = null;
Vector fieldoffset = new Vector();
+ Vector endoffset = new Vector();
Vector oids = new Vector();
- short offsetcount = 0;
+ short offsetcount = 0;
int tuplecount = 0;
- int i;
+ int i,j;
if (state.PREFETCH) {
- System.out.println("The Prefetch pairs to be fetched are "+ fpn.hspp);
Iterator it = fpn.hspp.iterator();
output.println("/* prefetch */");
- /* TODO Get rid of this */
+ /* TODO Add support for arrays, Currently handles only field pointers*/
/* The while loop below removes all prefetch tuples with arrays from the set of prefetches */
while(it.hasNext()) {
PrefetchPair pp = (PrefetchPair) it.next();
for(i = 0; i < pp.desc.size(); i++) {
if(pp.getDescAt(i) instanceof IndexDescriptor) {
fpn.hspp.remove((PrefetchPair) pp);
- it = fpn.hspp.iterator(); //May not be the best way ...replace coding in a better fashion
+ it = fpn.hspp.iterator();
- output.println(" int numtuples_" + count + " = " + fpn.getNumPairs() + ";");
- int[] endoffsetarry = new int[fpn.getNumPairs()];
- output.print(" unsigned int oidarray_" + count + "[] = {");
it = fpn.hspp.iterator();
+ String oidlist = new String();
while(it.hasNext()) {
PrefetchPair pp = (PrefetchPair) it.next();
- offsetcount = 0;
- //TODO handle arrays in prefetch tuples, currently only handle fields
Integer statusbase = locality.getNodePreTempInfo(lb,fpn).get(pp.base);
- FieldDescriptor fd = (FieldDescriptor)pp.desc.get(0);
- String oid = new String("(unsigned int) " + generateTemp(fm, pp.base, lb) + "->" + ((FieldDescriptor)fd).getSafeSymbol());
- oids.add(oid);
- for(i = 1; i < pp.desc.size(); i++) {
- Object desc = pp.desc.get(i);
- offsetcount++;
- TypeDescriptor newtd = ((FieldDescriptor)pp.getDescAt(i-1)).getType();
- String newfieldoffset = new String("(short)(&(((struct "+ newtd.getSafeSymbol()+" *)0)->"+
- ((FieldDescriptor)desc).getSafeSymbol()+ "))");
- fieldoffset.add(newfieldoffset);
- }
- if(tuplecount > 0) {
- endoffsetarry[tuplecount] = endoffsetarry[tuplecount-1] + offsetcount;
- }else {
- endoffsetarry[tuplecount] = offsetcount;
- }
- //if(statusbase == LocalityAnalysis.LOCAL) {
+ /* Find prefetches that can generate oid */
if(statusbase == LocalityAnalysis.GLOBAL) {
- System.out.println("DEBUG-> Is Global");
- //Check to see if node is a inside or outside a transaction
- /*
- if(locality.getAtomic(lb).get(fpn).intValue() > 0) {
- //TODO Is this correct ? or generate pointer code in C
- // return;
- } else {
- output.println("/* PP: " + generateTemp(fm, pp.base, lb));
- }
- */
- // Generate oid for base
- } else {
- for(i = 0; i<pp.desc.size(); i++) {
- Object o = pp.desc.get(i);
- if(!(o instanceof IndexDescriptor)) {
- //FieldDescriptor fd = (FieldDescriptor) o;
- Integer statusfd = locality.getNodePreTempInfo(lb,fpn).get(fd);
- //System.out.println("DEBUG-> generateFlatPrefetchNode() fd" + statusfd);
- //find out the locality of the fieldDescriptor
- if(statusfd == LocalityAnalysis.GLOBAL) {
- //generate oid for it
- }
- }
- }
- }
- tuplecount++;
+ if(locality.getAtomic(lb).get(fpn).intValue()>0) { /* Inside transaction */
+ generateInsideTransCode(fm,lb,output, pp,oids,fieldoffset,endoffset,tuplecount);
+ } else {/* Outside Transaction */
+ generateOutsideTransCode(fm,lb,pp,oids,fieldoffset,endoffset,tuplecount);
+ }
+ tuplecount++;
+ } else if(statusbase == LocalityAnalysis.LOCAL) {
+ generateLocalTransCode(fm,lb,pp,oids,fieldoffset,endoffset,tuplecount);
+ } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*Create C code for numtuples */
+ output.println(" int numtuples_" + count + " = " + tuplecount + ";");
/*Create C code for oid array */
+ output.print(" unsigned int oidarray_" + count + "[] = {");
boolean needcomma=false;
it = oids.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
/*Create C code for endoffset values */
output.print(" unsigned short endoffsetarry_" + count +"[] = {");
- for(i = 0; i<endoffsetarry.length; i++){
+ it = endoffset.iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
if (needcomma)
output.print(", ");
- output.print(endoffsetarry[i]);
+ output.print(it.next());
/*Create C code for Field Offset Values */
- it = fieldoffset.iterator();
output.print(" short fieldarry_" + count +"[] = {");
+ it = fieldoffset.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
if (needcomma)
output.print(", ");
/* make the prefetch call to Runtime */
- output.println(" prefetch(&numtuples_"+count+ ", oidarray_"+count+ ", endoffsetarry_"+
+ output.println(" prefetch((int) numtuples_"+count+ ", oidarray_"+count+ ", endoffsetarry_"+
count+", fieldarry_"+count+");");
- //Each temp descriptor can be an oid
- //Find locality of each prefetch tuple in the FLatPrefetchNode
- //Separate them as Local or Global
- //generate oids and offset value for prefetch tuple
+ public void generateInsideTransCode(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb,PrintWriter output,PrefetchPair pp,Vector oids, Vector fieldoffset,Vector endoffset, int tuplecount){
+ int i;
+ short offsetcount = 0;
+ Object newdesc = pp.desc.get(0);
+ if(newdesc instanceof FieldDescriptor) {
+ FieldDescriptor fd = (FieldDescriptor)newdesc;
+ String oid = new String("(unsigned int) (" +
+ generateTemp(fm, pp.base, lb) + " != NULL ? " +
+ generateTemp(fm, pp.base, lb) + "->" + ((FieldDescriptor)fd).getSafeSymbol() +
+ " : NULL)");
+ oids.add(oid);
+ } else {
+ IndexDescriptor id = (IndexDescriptor)newdesc;
+ String tstlbl = new String();
+ for(i=0; i<id.tddesc.size(); i++) {
+ tstlbl += generateTemp(fm, id.getTempDescAt(i), lb) + "+";
+ }
+ tstlbl += id.offset.toString();
+ output.println("if ("+tstlbl+"< 0 || "+tstlbl+" > "+
+ generateTemp(fm, pp.base, lb) + "->___length___) {");
+ output.println(" failedboundschk();");
+ output.println("}");
+ String oid = new String("(unsigned int) (" +
+ generateTemp(fm, pp.base, lb) + " != NULL ? " +
+ generateTemp(fm, pp.base, lb) + "[" + tstlbl + "] : NULL)");
+ oids.add(oid);
+ }
+ for(i = 1; i < pp.desc.size(); i++) {
+ TypeDescriptor newtd;
+ String newfieldoffset;
+ Object desc = pp.getDescAt(i);
+ offsetcount++;
+ if(desc instanceof FieldDescriptor) {
+ Object prevdesc = pp.getDescAt(i-1);
+ if(prevdesc instanceof IndexDescriptor){
+ if((i-1) == 0)
+ newtd = pp.base.getType();
+ //FIXME currently handles one dimensional arrays
+ newtd = ((FieldDescriptor)pp.getDescAt(i-2)).getType();
+ } else {
+ newtd = ((FieldDescriptor)pp.getDescAt(i-1)).getType();
+ }
+ newfieldoffset = new String("(short)(&(((struct "+ newtd.getSafeSymbol()+" *)0)->"+
+ ((FieldDescriptor)desc).getSafeSymbol()+ "))");
+ fieldoffset.add(newfieldoffset);
+ } else {
+ String tstlbl = new String();
+ for(i=0; i<((IndexDescriptor)desc).tddesc.size(); i++) {
+ tstlbl += generateTemp(fm, ((IndexDescriptor)desc).getTempDescAt(i), lb) + "+";
+ }
+ tstlbl += ((IndexDescriptor)desc).offset.toString();
+ newfieldoffset = new String("(short)("+tstlbl+")");
+ fieldoffset.add(newfieldoffset);
+ }
+ }
+ if(tuplecount > 0) {
+ int tmp = (int) ((Short)(endoffset.get(tuplecount-1))).shortValue() + (int) offsetcount;
+ short endoffsetval = (short) tmp;
+ endoffset.add(endoffsetval);
+ }else {
+ endoffset.add(offsetcount);
+ }
+ }
+ public void generateOutsideTransCode(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb,PrefetchPair pp, Vector oids, Vector fieldoffset, Vector endoffset, int tuplecount) {
+ int i;
+ short offsetcount = 0;
+ String oid = new String(" (unsigned int) (" + generateTemp(fm, pp.base, lb)+ ")");
+ oids.add(oid);
+ for(i = 0; i < pp.desc.size(); i++) {
+ TypeDescriptor newtd;
+ String newfieldoffset;
+ Object desc = pp.getDescAt(i);
+ offsetcount++;
+ if(desc instanceof FieldDescriptor) {
+ if(i == 0){
+ newtd = pp.base.getType();
+ } else {
+ Object prevdesc = pp.getDescAt(i-1);
+ if(prevdesc instanceof IndexDescriptor){
+ //FIXME currently handles one dimensional arrays
+ newtd = ((FieldDescriptor)pp.getDescAt(i-2)).getType();
+ } else {
+ newtd = ((FieldDescriptor)pp.getDescAt(i-1)).getType();
+ }
+ }
+ newfieldoffset = new String("(short)(&(((struct "+ newtd.getSafeSymbol()+" *)0)->"+
+ ((FieldDescriptor)desc).getSafeSymbol()+ "))");
+ } else {
+ String tstlbl = new String();
+ for(i=0; i<((IndexDescriptor)desc).tddesc.size(); i++) {
+ tstlbl += generateTemp(fm, ((IndexDescriptor)desc).getTempDescAt(i), lb) + "+";
+ }
+ tstlbl += ((IndexDescriptor)desc).offset.toString();
+ newfieldoffset = new String("(short)("+tstlbl+")");
+ }
+ fieldoffset.add(newfieldoffset);
+ }
+ if(tuplecount > 0) {
+ int tmp = (int) ((Short)(endoffset.get(tuplecount-1))).shortValue() + (int) offsetcount;
+ short endoffsetval = (short) tmp;
+ endoffset.add(endoffsetval);
+ }else {
+ endoffset.add(offsetcount);
+ }
+ tuplecount++;
+ }
+ public void generateLocalTransCode(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb,PrefetchPair pp,Vector oids, Vector fieldoffset,Vector endoffset, int tuplecount) {
+ int i, j;
+ short offsetcount = 0;
+ Vector prefix = new Vector();
+ prefix.add(generateTemp(fm,pp.base,lb));
+ String tstlbl = new String("(" + prefix.get(0) + " != NULL ");
+ for (i = 0; i < pp.desc.size(); i++) {
+ Object newdesc = pp.desc.get(i);
+ if(newdesc instanceof FieldDescriptor) {
+ FieldDescriptor fd = (FieldDescriptor) newdesc;
+ if(fd.isGlobal()){
+ /* Field descriptor is global */
+ String oid = new String(" (unsigned int) (");
+ tstlbl += ") ? ";
+ for(j = 0; j < prefix.size(); j++) {
+ tstlbl += prefix.get(j) + "->";
+ }
+ tstlbl += fd.getSafeSymbol() + ": NULL";
+ oid += tstlbl+ " )";
+ oids.add(oid);
+ for(j=i+1; j < pp.desc.size(); j++) {
+ TypeDescriptor newtd;
+ String newfieldoffset;
+ Object desc = pp.getDescAt(j);
+ offsetcount++;
+ if(desc instanceof FieldDescriptor) {
+ Object prevdesc = pp.getDescAt(j-1);
+ if(prevdesc instanceof IndexDescriptor){
+ //FIXME currently handles one dimensional arrays
+ newtd = ((FieldDescriptor)pp.getDescAt(j-2)).getType();
+ } else {
+ newtd = ((FieldDescriptor) pp.getDescAt(j-1)).getType();
+ }
+ newfieldoffset = new String("(short)(&(((struct "+ newtd.getSafeSymbol()+" *)0)->"+
+ ((FieldDescriptor)desc).getSafeSymbol()+ "))");
+ } else {
+ String indexlbl = new String();
+ for(i=0; i<((IndexDescriptor)desc).tddesc.size(); i++) {
+ indexlbl += generateTemp(fm, ((IndexDescriptor)desc).getTempDescAt(i), lb) + "+";
+ }
+ indexlbl += ((IndexDescriptor)desc).offset.toString();
+ newfieldoffset = new String("(short)("+indexlbl+")");
+ }
+ fieldoffset.add(newfieldoffset);
+ }
+ if(tuplecount > 0) {
+ int tmp = (int) ((Short)(endoffset.get(tuplecount-1))).shortValue() + (int) offsetcount;
+ short endoffsetval = (short) tmp;
+ endoffset.add(endoffsetval);
+ }else {
+ endoffset.add(offsetcount);
+ }
+ tuplecount++;
+ break; //break from outer for loop
+ } else {
+ tstlbl += "&& ";
+ for(j = 0; j < prefix.size(); j++) {
+ tstlbl += prefix.get(j) + "->";
+ }
+ prefix.add(fd.getSafeSymbol());
+ tstlbl += fd.getSafeSymbol() + " != NULL";
+ }
+ } else { /* if Index descriptor */
+ String indexstring = new String();
+ IndexDescriptor id = (IndexDescriptor) newdesc;
+ if(i == 0) {
+ indexstring = generateTemp(fm, pp.base, lb);
+ } else {
+ indexstring = ((FieldDescriptor)pp.getDescAt(i-1)).getSafeSymbol();
+ }
+ tstlbl += "&& ";
+ for(j = 0; j < prefix.size(); j++) {
+ tstlbl += prefix.get(j) + "[";
+ }
+ indexstring += "[";
+ for(j=0; j<id.tddesc.size(); j++) {
+ tstlbl += generateTemp(fm, id.getTempDescAt(j), lb) + "+";
+ indexstring += generateTemp(fm,id.getTempDescAt(j), lb) + "+";
+ }
+ tstlbl += id.offset.toString()+ "]";
+ indexstring += id.offset.toString()+ "]";
+ prefix. removeElementAt(prefix.size() -1);
+ prefix.add(indexstring);
+ tstlbl += " != NULL";
+ }
+ }
+ }
public void generateFlatGlobalConvNode(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb, FlatGlobalConvNode fgcn, PrintWriter output) {
- if (lb!=fgcn.getLocality())
- return;
- /* Have to generate flat globalconv */
- if (fgcn.getMakePtr()) {
- output.println(generateTemp(fm, fgcn.getSrc(),lb)+"=(void *)transRead(trans, (unsigned int) "+generateTemp(fm, fgcn.getSrc(),lb)+");");
- } else {
- /* Need to convert to OID */
- output.println(generateTemp(fm, fgcn.getSrc(),lb)+"=(void *)COMPOID("+generateTemp(fm, fgcn.getSrc(),lb)+");");
- }
+ if (lb!=fgcn.getLocality())
+ return;
+ /* Have to generate flat globalconv */
+ if (fgcn.getMakePtr()) {
+ output.println(generateTemp(fm, fgcn.getSrc(),lb)+"=(void *)transRead(trans, (unsigned int) "+generateTemp(fm, fgcn.getSrc(),lb)+");");
+ } else {
+ /* Need to convert to OID */
+ output.println(generateTemp(fm, fgcn.getSrc(),lb)+"=(void *)COMPOID("+generateTemp(fm, fgcn.getSrc(),lb)+");");
+ }
public void generateFlatAtomicEnterNode(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb, FlatAtomicEnterNode faen, PrintWriter output) {
- /* Check to see if we need to generate code for this atomic */
- if (locality.getAtomic(lb).get(faen.getPrev(0)).intValue()>0)
- return;
- /* Backup the temps. */
- for(Iterator<TempDescriptor> tmpit=locality.getTemps(lb).get(faen).iterator();tmpit.hasNext();) {
- TempDescriptor tmp=tmpit.next();
- output.println(generateTemp(fm, backuptable.get(tmp),lb)+"="+generateTemp(fm,tmp,lb)+";");
- }
- output.println("goto transstart"+faen.getIdentifier()+";");
+ /* Check to see if we need to generate code for this atomic */
+ if (locality.getAtomic(lb).get(faen.getPrev(0)).intValue()>0)
+ return;
+ /* Backup the temps. */
+ for(Iterator<TempDescriptor> tmpit=locality.getTemps(lb).get(faen).iterator();tmpit.hasNext();) {
+ TempDescriptor tmp=tmpit.next();
+ output.println(generateTemp(fm, backuptable.get(tmp),lb)+"="+generateTemp(fm,tmp,lb)+";");
+ }
+ output.println("goto transstart"+faen.getIdentifier()+";");
- /******* Print code to retry aborted transaction *******/
- output.println("transretry"+faen.getIdentifier()+":");
+ /******* Print code to retry aborted transaction *******/
+ output.println("transretry"+faen.getIdentifier()+":");
- /* Restore temps */
- for(Iterator<TempDescriptor> tmpit=locality.getTemps(lb).get(faen).iterator();tmpit.hasNext();) {
- TempDescriptor tmp=tmpit.next();
- output.println(generateTemp(fm, tmp,lb)+"="+generateTemp(fm,backuptable.get(tmp),lb)+";");
- }
+ /* Restore temps */
+ for(Iterator<TempDescriptor> tmpit=locality.getTemps(lb).get(faen).iterator();tmpit.hasNext();) {
+ TempDescriptor tmp=tmpit.next();
+ output.println(generateTemp(fm, tmp,lb)+"="+generateTemp(fm,backuptable.get(tmp),lb)+";");
+ }
+ /********* Need to revert local object store ********/
+ String revertptr=generateTemp(fm, reverttable.get(lb),lb);
- /********* Need to revert local object store ********/
- String revertptr=generateTemp(fm, reverttable.get(lb),lb);
output.println("while ("+revertptr+") {");
output.println("struct ___Object___ * tmpptr;");
/* Allocate for the queue node*/
char *node;
- qnodesize = sizeof(prefetchqelem_t) + sizeof(int) + ntuples * (sizeof(short) + sizeof(unsigned int)) + endoffsets[ntuples - 1] * sizeof(short);
- if((node = calloc(1, qnodesize)) == NULL) {
- printf("Calloc Error %s, %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return;
+ if(ntuples > 0) {
+ qnodesize = sizeof(prefetchqelem_t) + sizeof(int) + ntuples * (sizeof(short) + sizeof(unsigned int)) + endoffsets[ntuples - 1] * sizeof(short);
+ if((node = calloc(1, qnodesize)) == NULL) {
+ printf("Calloc Error %s, %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Set queue node values */
+ len = sizeof(prefetchqelem_t);
+ memcpy(node + len, &ntuples, sizeof(int));
+ len += sizeof(int);
+ memcpy(node + len, oids, ntuples*sizeof(unsigned int));
+ len += ntuples * sizeof(unsigned int);
+ memcpy(node + len, endoffsets, ntuples*sizeof(short));
+ len += ntuples * sizeof(short);
+ memcpy(node + len, arrayfields, endoffsets[ntuples-1]*sizeof(short));
+ /* Lock and insert into primary prefetch queue */
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&pqueue.qlock);
+ pre_enqueue((prefetchqelem_t *)node);
+ pthread_cond_signal(&pqueue.qcond);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&pqueue.qlock);
- /* Set queue node values */
- len = sizeof(prefetchqelem_t);
- memcpy(node + len, &ntuples, sizeof(int));
- len += sizeof(int);
- memcpy(node + len, oids, ntuples*sizeof(unsigned int));
- len += ntuples * sizeof(unsigned int);
- memcpy(node + len, endoffsets, ntuples*sizeof(short));
- len += ntuples * sizeof(short);
- memcpy(node + len, arrayfields, endoffsets[ntuples-1]*sizeof(short));
- /* Lock and insert into primary prefetch queue */
- pthread_mutex_lock(&pqueue.qlock);
- pre_enqueue((prefetchqelem_t *)node);
- pthread_cond_signal(&pqueue.qcond);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&pqueue.qlock);
/* This function starts up the transaction runtime. */
/* Check for redundant tuples by comparing oids of each tuple */
for(i = 0; i < ntuples; i++) {
- if(oid[i] == -1)
+ if(oid[i] == 0)
for(j = i+1 ; j < ntuples; j++) {
- if(oid[j] == -1)
+ if(oid[j] == 0)
/*If oids of tuples match */
if (oid[i] == oid[j]) {
if(slength == count) {
- oid[sindex] = -1;
+ oid[sindex] = 0;
if(flag == 0) {
- oid[iter] = -1;
+ oid[iter] = 0;
numoffset[iter] = 0;
/* Check for redundant tuples by comparing oids of each tuple */
for(i = 0; i < ntuples; i++) {
- if(oid[i] == -1)
+ if(oid[i] == 0)
/* For each tuple make piles */
if ((machinenum = lhashSearch(oid[i])) == 0) {
numoffset[i] = endoffsets[i] - endoffsets[i-1];
for(i = 0; i < ntuples; i++) {
- if(oid[i] == -1)
+ if(oid[i] == 0)
/* If object found locally */
if((objheader = (objheader_t*) mhashSearch(oid[i])) != NULL) {
/*If all offset oids are found locally,make the prefetch tuple invalid */
if(flag == 0) {
- oid[i] = -1;
+ oid[i] = 0;
numoffset[i] = 0;
} else {
prehashInsert(oid, modptr);
/* Lock the Prefetch Cache look up table*/
- //pthread_mutex_lock(&pflookup.lock);
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&pflookup.lock);
/* Broadcast signal on prefetch cache condition variable */
/* Unlock the Prefetch Cache look up table*/
- //pthread_mutex_unlock(&pflookup.lock);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&pflookup.lock);
} else if(buffer[index] == OBJECT_NOT_FOUND) {
/* Increment it to get the object */
/* TODO: For each object not found query DHT for new location and retrieve the object */