outmethod.println(" ((void **)(((char *)& stringarray->___length___)+sizeof(int)))[i-1]=newstring;");
outmethod.println(" }");
+ if (state.MLP) {
+ outmethod.println(" mlpInit();");
+ }
MethodDescriptor md=typeutil.getMain();
ClassDescriptor cd=typeutil.getMainClass();
/* This method outputs code for each task. */
PrintWriter outmethod
) {
- outmethodheader.println("void invokeSESEmethod( int classID, struct SESErecord* record );");
- outmethod.println( "void invokeSESEmethod( int classID, struct SESErecord* record ) {");
+ outmethodheader.println("void invokeSESEmethod( int classID, struct SESErecord* invokee, struct SESErecord* parent );");
+ outmethod.println( "void invokeSESEmethod( int classID, struct SESErecord* invokee, struct SESErecord* parent ) {");
+ // use this info in the invocation cases to decide whether
+ // to gather SESE variables from a parent SESE record, or
+ // if parent is root, from noraml temps
+ outmethod.println( " char parentIsRoot = (parent == NULL);");
+ // generate a case for each SESE class that can be invoked
outmethod.println( " switch( classID ) {");
outmethod.println( " ");
for(Iterator<FlatSESEEnterNode> seseit=mlpa.getAllSESEs().iterator();seseit.hasNext();) {
outmethod.println( " break;");
outmethod.println( "");
+ // default case should never be taken, error out
outmethod.println( " default:");
outmethod.println( " printf(\"Error: unknown SESE class ID in invoke method.\\n\");");
outmethod.println( " exit(-30);");
ParamsObject objectparams = (ParamsObject)paramstable.get(bogusmd);
// first copy SESE record into param structure
+ output.println(" if( parentIsRoot ) {");
+ output.println(" ");
+ output.println(" ");
+ output.println(" } else {");
+ output.println(" ");
+ output.println(" }");
// then invoke the sese's method
output.print(" "+cn.getSafeSymbol()+bogusmd.getSafeSymbol()+"_"+bogusmd.getSafeMethodDescriptor());
// why doesn't this work?
- output.print("(struct "+cn.getSafeSymbol()+bogusmd.getSafeSymbol()+"__params*)");
- output.print("&(record->paramStruct)");
+ // first argument is parameter structure
+ output.print("(struct "+cn.getSafeSymbol()+bogusmd.getSafeSymbol()+"__params*)");
+ output.print("&(invokee->paramStruct)");
+ // other arguments are primitive parameters
for(int i=0; i<objectparams.numPrimitives(); i++) {
TempDescriptor td=objectparams.getPrimitive(i);
TypeDescriptor type=td.getType();
assert type.isPrimitive();
- output.print(", record->vars["+i+"].sesetype_"+type.toString());
+ output.print(", invokee->vars["+i+"].sesetype_"+type.toString());
// a statically or dynamically known SESE
// to gather the variable's value from
+ // if source==NULL it indicates the root
+ // SESE, which has no record, just normal
+ // temp names
struct SESErecord* source;
unsigned int index;
void mlpInit();
+struct SESErecord* mlpGetCurrent();
void mlpIssue ( struct SESErecord* sese );
void mlpStall ( struct SESErecord* sese );
void mlpNotifyExit( struct SESErecord* sese );