// Memorize visited TransitionEvent object while performing backward DFS to avoid getting caught up in a cycle
HashSet<TransitionEvent> visited = new HashSet<>();
// Update backtrack set recursively
- // TODO: The following is the call to the original version of the method
-// updateBacktrackSetRecursive(execution, currentChoice, execution, currentChoice, currRWSet, visited);
- // TODO: The following is the call to the version of the method with pushing up happens-before transitions
updateBacktrackSetRecursive(execution, currentChoice, execution, currentChoice, currRWSet, visited);
-// TODO: This is the original version of the recursive method
-// private void updateBacktrackSetRecursive(Execution execution, int currentChoice,
-// Execution conflictExecution, int conflictChoice,
-// ReadWriteSet currRWSet, HashSet<TransitionEvent> visited) {
-// // Halt when we have found the first read/write conflicts for all memory locations
-// if (currRWSet.isEmpty()) {
-// return;
-// }
-// TransitionEvent confTrans = conflictExecution.getExecutionTrace().get(conflictChoice);
-// // Halt when we have visited this transition (in a cycle)
-// if (visited.contains(confTrans)) {
-// return;
-// }
-// visited.add(confTrans);
-// // Explore all predecessors
-// for (Predecessor predecessor : confTrans.getPredecessors()) {
-// // Get the predecessor (previous conflict choice)
-// conflictChoice = predecessor.getChoice();
-// conflictExecution = predecessor.getExecution();
-// // Check if a conflict is found
-// if (isConflictFound(execution, currentChoice, conflictExecution, conflictChoice, currRWSet)) {
-// createBacktrackingPoint(execution, currentChoice, conflictExecution, conflictChoice);
-// }
-// // Continue performing DFS if conflict is not found
-// updateBacktrackSetRecursive(execution, currentChoice, conflictExecution, conflictChoice, currRWSet, visited);
-// }
-// }
- // TODO: This is the version of the method with pushing up happens-before transitions
private void updateBacktrackSetRecursive(Execution execution, int currentChoice,
Execution conflictExecution, int conflictChoice,
ReadWriteSet currRWSet, HashSet<TransitionEvent> visited) {
updateBacktrackSetRecursive(predecessorExecution, predecessorChoice, newConflictExecution, newConflictChoice,
currRWSet, visited);
- // Remove the transition after being explored
- // TODO: Seems to cause a lot of loops---commented out for now
- //visited.remove(confTrans);
// --- Functions related to the reachability analysis when there is a state match
for(TransitionEvent transition : reachableTransitions) {
transition.recordPredecessor(currentExecution, choiceCounter - 1);
- updateBacktrackSetsFromPreviousExecution(stateId);
+ updateBacktrackSetsFromGraph(stateId);
// Update the backtrack sets from previous executions
- private void updateBacktrackSetsFromPreviousExecution(int stateId) {
+ private void updateBacktrackSetsFromGraph(int stateId) {
// Collect all the reachable transitions from R-Graph
HashSet<TransitionEvent> reachableTransitions = rGraph.getReachableTransitions(stateId);
for(TransitionEvent transition : reachableTransitions) {