From: adash <adash>
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 14:57:59 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: added new testcases
X-Git-Tag: preEdgeChange~636

added new testcases
added new files ip.c ip.h for IPaddr translation to unsigned int(for testing)

diff --git a/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/dstmserver.c b/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/dstmserver.c
index e4fb95f9..5b791c35 100644
--- a/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/dstmserver.c
+++ b/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/dstmserver.c
@@ -303,6 +303,7 @@ int readClientReq(int acceptfd, trans_commit_data_t *transinfo) {
 			printf("No response to TRANS_AGREE OR DISAGREE protocol\n");
+			//TODO Use fixed.trans_id  TID since Client may have died
@@ -330,6 +331,8 @@ char handleTransReq(int acceptfd, fixed_data_t *fixed, trans_commit_data_t *tran
 	//Process each object present in the pile 
 	ptr = modptr;
+	printf("DEBUG -> Total objs involved in trans is %d\n",fixed->nummod + fixed->numread);
+	fflush(stdout);
 	//Process each oid in the machine pile/ group
 	for (i = 0; i < fixed->numread + fixed->nummod; i++) {
 		if (i < fixed->numread) {//Object is read
@@ -368,6 +371,7 @@ char handleTransReq(int acceptfd, fixed_data_t *fixed, trans_commit_data_t *tran
 				((objheader_t *)mobj)->status |= LOCK;
 				//Save all object oids that are locked on this machine during this transaction request call
 				oidlocked[objlocked] = ((objheader_t *)mobj)->oid;
+				printf("DEBUG-> Object to be locked is %d\n", ((objheader_t *)mobj)->oid);
 				if (version == ((objheader_t *)mobj)->version) { //If versions match
@@ -473,3 +477,4 @@ int transCommitProcess(trans_commit_data_t *transinfo, int acceptfd) {
 	return 0;
diff --git a/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/ip.c b/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/ip.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf1cee58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/ip.c
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "ip.h"
+unsigned int iptoMid(char *addr) {
+	ip_t i;
+	unsigned int mid;
+	sscanf(addr, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &i.a, &i.b, &i.c, &i.d);
+	mid = (i.a << 24) | (i.b << 16) | (i.c << 8) | i.d;
+	return mid;
+void midtoIP(unsigned int mid, char *ptr) {
+	ip_t i;
+	i.a = (mid & 0xff000000) >> 24;
+	i.b = (mid & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
+	i.c = (mid & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
+	i.d = mid & 0x000000ff;
+	sprintf(ptr, "%d.%d.%d.%d", i.a, i.b, i.c, i.d);
+	return;
+main() {
+	unsigned int mid;
+	ip_t i;
+	char ip[16];
+	memset(ip, 0, 16);
+	mid = iptoMid("");
+	printf("mid = %x\n", mid);
+	midtoIP(mid, ip);
+	ip[15] = '\0';
+	printf("%s\n",ip);
diff --git a/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/ip.h b/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/ip.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d9237b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/ip.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#ifndef _ip_h_
+#define _ip_h_
+typedef struct ip {
+	short a;
+	short b;
+	short c;
+	short d;
+unsigned int iptoMid(char *);
+void midtoIP(unsigned int, char *);
diff --git a/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/testclient.c b/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/testclient.c
index 0df85e25..14c573b5 100644
--- a/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/testclient.c
+++ b/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/testclient.c
@@ -1,15 +1,93 @@
 #include "dstm.h"
 #include "llookup.h"
+#include "ip.h"
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+extern objstr_t *mainobjstore;
+//extern lhashtable_t llookup;		//Global Hash table
+//extern mhashtable_t mlookup;		//Global Hash table
 int classsize[]={sizeof(int),sizeof(char),sizeof(short), sizeof(void *)};	
 int test1(void);
 int test2(void);
+unsigned int createObjects(transrecord_t *record) {
+	objheader_t *header, *tmp;
+	struct sockaddr_in antelope;
+	unsigned int size, mid;
+	int i = 0;
+	for(i = 20 ; i< 23; i++) {
+		size = sizeof(objheader_t) + classsize[i-20] ;
+		tmp = (objheader_t *)objstrAlloc(record->cache, size);
+		tmp->oid = i;
+		tmp->type = (i-20);
+		tmp->version = 1;
+		tmp->rcount = 0; //? not sure how to handle this yet
+		tmp->status = 0;
+		tmp->status |= NEW;
+		chashInsert(record->lookupTable, tmp->oid, tmp);
+		header = (objheader_t *) objstrAlloc(mainobjstore, size);
+		memcpy(header, tmp, size);
+		mhashInsert(header->oid, header);
+		//inet_aton("", &antelope.sin_addr); // store IP in antelope
+	        //mid = iptoMid(inet_ntoa(antelope.sin_addr));
+		mid = iptoMid("");
+		lhashInsert(header->oid, mid);
+	//	lhashInsert(header->oid, 1);
+	}
+	//      printf("Insert oid = %d at address %x\n",tmp->oid, tmp);
+	size = sizeof(objheader_t) + classsize[0] ;
+	header = (objheader_t *) objstrAlloc(mainobjstore, size);
+	header->oid = 30;
+	header->type = 0;
+	header->version = 1;
+	header->rcount = 0; //? not sure how to handle this yet
+	header->status = 0;
+	header->status |= NEW;
+	mhashInsert(header->oid, header);
+	//inet_aton("", &antelope.sin_addr); // store IP in antelope
+	//mid = iptoMid(inet_ntoa(antelope.sin_addr));
+	mid = iptoMid("");
+	lhashInsert(header->oid, mid);
+	size = sizeof(objheader_t) + classsize[1] ;
+	header = (objheader_t *) objstrAlloc(mainobjstore, size);
+	header->oid = 28;
+	header->type = 1;
+	header->version = 1;
+	header->rcount = 0; //? not sure how to handle this yet
+	header->status = 0;
+	header->status |= LOCK;
+	mhashInsert(header->oid, header);
+	//inet_aton("", &antelope.sin_addr); // store IP in antelope
+	//mid = iptoMid(inet_ntoa(antelope.sin_addr));
+	mid = iptoMid("");
+	lhashInsert(header->oid, mid);
+	size = sizeof(objheader_t) + classsize[2] ;
+	header = (objheader_t *) objstrAlloc(mainobjstore, size);
+	header->oid = 29;
+	header->type = 2;
+	header->version = 1;
+	header->rcount = 0; //? not sure how to handle this yet
+	header->status = 0;
+	header->status |= LOCK;
+	mhashInsert(header->oid, header);
+	//inet_aton("", &antelope.sin_addr); // store IP in antelope
+	//mid = iptoMid(inet_ntoa(antelope.sin_addr));
+	mid = iptoMid("");
+	lhashInsert(header->oid, mid);
+	return 0;
 int main() 
-	test2();
+//	test2();
+//	test3();
+//	test4();
+	test5();
 int test1(void) {
@@ -44,6 +122,13 @@ int test2(void) {
 	record = transStart();
+	lhashInsert(1,1);
+	lhashInsert(2,1);
+	lhashInsert(3,1);
+	lhashInsert(4,1);
+	lhashInsert(5,1);
+	lhashInsert(6,1);
 	printf("DEBUG -> Init done\n");
 	h1 = transRead(record, 1);
 	lhashInsert(h1->oid, 1);
@@ -53,16 +138,105 @@ int test2(void) {
 	lhashInsert(h3->oid, 1);
 	h4 = transRead(record, 4);
 	lhashInsert(h4->oid, 1);
-	h4->status |= DIRTY;
+//	h4->status |= DIRTY;
 	h5 = transRead(record, 5);
 	lhashInsert(h5->oid, 1);
 	h6 = transRead(record, 6);
 	lhashInsert(h6->oid, 1);
-	h6->status |= DIRTY;
+//	h6->status |= DIRTY;
+	transCommit(record);
+	return 0;
+//Test Read objects when objects are not found in  any participant 
+int test3(void){
+	transrecord_t *record;
+	objheader_t *h1,*h2;
+	dstmInit();
+	record = transStart();
+	printf("DEBUG -> Init done\n");
+	//read object 11
+	if((h1 = transRead(record, 11)) == NULL){
+		printf("Object not found\n");
+	}
+	//read object 12
+	if((h2 = transRead(record, 12)) == NULL) {
+		printf("Object not found\n");
+	}
+	return 0;
+//Test Read objects when some objects are found and other objects not found in  any participant 
+int test4(void) {
+	transrecord_t *record;
+	objheader_t *h1,*h2, *h3, *h4;
+	dstmInit();
+	record = transStart();
+	printf("DEBUG -> Init done\n");
+	//read object 1
+	if((h1 = transRead(record, 1)) == NULL){
+		printf("Object not found\n");
+	}
+	//read object 2
+	if((h2 = transRead(record, 2)) == NULL) {
+		printf("Object not found\n");
+	}
+	//read object 11
+	if((h3 = transRead(record, 11)) == NULL) {
+		printf("Object not found\n");
+	}
+	//read object 13
+	if((h4 = transRead(record, 13)) == NULL) {
+		printf("Object not found\n");
+	}
+	if((h1 != NULL) && (h2 != NULL) && (h3 != NULL) && h4 !=NULL) { 
+		transCommit(record);
+	}else {
+		printf("Cannot complete this transaction\n");
+	}
+	return 0;
+//Test for transaction objects when the objs are part of the Coordinator machine starting the 
+//trans commit 
+int test5(void) {
+	transrecord_t *record;
+	unsigned int mid;
+	objheader_t *h1,*h2, *h3, *h4;
+	dstmInit();
+	record = transStart();
+	printf("DEBUG -> Init done\n");
+	mid = iptoMid("");	
+	lhashInsert(1,mid);
+	lhashInsert(2,mid);
+	lhashInsert(3,mid);
+	lhashInsert(4,mid);
+	lhashInsert(5,mid);
+	lhashInsert(6,mid);
+	createObjects(record);
+	//read object 1
+	if((h1 = transRead(record, 1)) == NULL){
+		printf("Object not found\n");
+	}
+	//read object 5
+	if((h2 = transRead(record, 5)) == NULL) {
+		printf("Object not found\n");
+	}
+	//read object 20(present in local machine)
+	if((h3 = transRead(record, 20)) == NULL) {
+		printf("Object not found\n");
+	}
+	//read object 21(present in local machine)
+	if((h4 = transRead(record, 21)) == NULL) {
+		printf("Object not found\n");
+	}
+	transCommit(record);
diff --git a/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/testserver.c b/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/testserver.c
index f7bf58cc..bf1d57f5 100644
--- a/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/testserver.c
+++ b/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/testserver.c
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 #include <pthread.h>
 #include "dstm.h"
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
 extern objstr_t *mainobjstore;
 int classsize[]={sizeof(int),sizeof(char),sizeof(short), sizeof(void *)};
@@ -9,14 +12,15 @@ int test2(void);
 unsigned int createObjects(transrecord_t *record, unsigned short type) {
 	objheader_t *header, *tmp;
-	unsigned int size;
+	struct sockaddr_in antelope;
+	unsigned int size, mid;
 	size = sizeof(objheader_t) + classsize[type] ;
 	header = transCreateObj(record, type);
 	tmp = (objheader_t *) objstrAlloc(mainobjstore, size);
 	memcpy(tmp, header, size);
-//	printf("Insert oid = %d at address %x\n",tmp->oid, tmp);
 	mhashInsert(tmp->oid, tmp);
-	lhashInsert(tmp->oid, 1);
+	mid = iptoMid("");
+	lhashInsert(tmp->oid, mid);
 	//Lock oid 3 object
 //	if(tmp->oid == 3)
 //		tmp->status |= LOCK;
@@ -70,11 +74,19 @@ int test1()
 int test2() {
-	unsigned int val;
+	unsigned int val, mid;
 	transrecord_t *myTrans;
 	pthread_t thread_Listen;
+	mid = iptoMid("");
+	lhashInsert(20, mid);
+	lhashInsert(21, mid);
+	lhashInsert(22, mid);
+	lhashInsert(23, mid);
+	lhashInsert(30, mid);
+	lhashInsert(28, mid);
+	lhashInsert(29, mid);
 	pthread_create(&thread_Listen, NULL, dstmListen, NULL);
 	// Start Transaction	
 	myTrans = transStart();
diff --git a/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/trans.c b/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/trans.c
index cdb7fbd1..d4d9bb17 100644
--- a/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/trans.c
+++ b/Robust/src/Runtime/DSTM/interface/trans.c
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 #include "dstm.h"
+#include "ip.h"
 #include "clookup.h"
 #include "mlookup.h"
 #include "llookup.h"
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ transrecord_t *transStart()
 objheader_t *transRead(transrecord_t *record, unsigned int oid)
+	printf("Enter TRANS_READ\n");
 	unsigned int machinenumber;
 	objheader_t *tmp, *objheader;
 	void *objcopy;
@@ -32,6 +34,7 @@ objheader_t *transRead(transrecord_t *record, unsigned int oid)
 	void *buf;
 		//check cache
 	if((objheader =(objheader_t *)chashSearch(record->lookupTable, oid)) != NULL){
+		printf("DEBUG -> transRead oid %d found local\n", oid);
 	} else if ((objheader = (objheader_t *) mhashSearch(oid)) != NULL) {
 		//Look up in Machine lookup table and found
@@ -47,11 +50,16 @@ objheader_t *transRead(transrecord_t *record, unsigned int oid)
 	} else {
 		//Get the object from the remote location
 		//printf("oid not found in local machine lookup\n");
+		printf("machinenumber = %d\n",machinenumber);
+		printf("oid = %d\n",oid);
 		machinenumber = lhashSearch(oid);
+		printf("machinenumber = %d\n",machinenumber);
 		objcopy = getRemoteObj(record, machinenumber, oid);
-		if(objcopy == NULL)
+		if(objcopy == NULL) {
 			//If object is not found in Remote location
 			printf("Object not found in Machine %d\n", machinenumber);
+			return NULL;
+		}
@@ -189,6 +197,7 @@ void *transRequest(void *threadarg) {
 	objheader_t *headeraddr;
 	//unsigned int *oidnotfound;
 	char buffer[RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE], control, recvcontrol;
+	char machineip[16];
 	tdata = (thread_data_array_t *) threadarg;
 	printf("DEBUG -> New thread id %d\n", tdata->thread_id);
@@ -200,7 +209,10 @@ void *transRequest(void *threadarg) {
 	bzero((char*) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));
 	serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
 	serv_addr.sin_port = htons(LISTEN_PORT);
-	serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(MACHINE_IP);
+	//serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(MACHINE_IP);
+	midtoIP(tdata->mid,machineip);
+	machineip[15] = '\0';
+	serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(machineip);
 	//serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(tdata->mid);
 	if (connect(sd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) < 0) {
@@ -294,14 +306,14 @@ int transCommit(transrecord_t *record) {
 			next = curr->next;
 			//Get machine location for object id
-			/*
 			if ((machinenum = lhashSearch(curr->key)) == 0) {
 			       printf("Error: No such machine\n");
 			       return 1;
-			}		
-			*/
+			}
 			//TODO only for debug
-			machinenum = 1;
+			//machinenum = 1;
 			if ((headeraddr = chashSearch(record->lookupTable, curr->key)) == NULL) {
 				printf("Error: No such oid\n");
 				return 1;
@@ -407,6 +419,7 @@ void *getRemoteObj(transrecord_t *record, unsigned int mnum, unsigned int oid) {
 	struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
 	struct hostent *server;
 	char control;
+	char machineip[16];
 	objheader_t *h;
 	void *objcopy;
@@ -417,19 +430,18 @@ void *getRemoteObj(transrecord_t *record, unsigned int mnum, unsigned int oid) {
 	bzero((char*) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));
 	serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
 	serv_addr.sin_port = htons(LISTEN_PORT);
-	serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(MACHINE_IP);
+	//serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(MACHINE_IP);
+	midtoIP(mnum,machineip);
+	machineip[15] = '\0';
+	serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(machineip);
 	if (connect(sd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) < 0) {
 		perror("Error in connect");
 		return NULL;
-//	bzero((char *)buffer,sizeof(buffer));
 	char readrequest[sizeof(char)+sizeof(unsigned int)];
 	readrequest[0] = READ_REQUEST;
 	*((unsigned int *)(&readrequest[1])) = oid;
-	//buffer[0] = READ_REQUEST;
-	//memcpy(buffer+1, &oid, sizeof(int));
-	//if (write(sd, buffer, sizeof(int) + sizeof(char)) < 0) {
 	if (write(sd, &readrequest, sizeof(readrequest)) < 0) {
 		perror("Error sending message");
 		return NULL;
@@ -448,12 +460,12 @@ void *getRemoteObj(transrecord_t *record, unsigned int mnum, unsigned int oid) {
 			read(sd, &size, sizeof(int));
 			objcopy = objstrAlloc(record->cache, size);
 			read(sd, objcopy, size);		
+			//Insert into cache's lookup table
+			chashInsert(record->lookupTable, oid, objcopy); 
 			printf("Error in recv request from participant on a READ_REQUEST\n");
 			return NULL;
-	//Insert into cache's lookup table
-	chashInsert(record->lookupTable, oid, objcopy); 
 	return objcopy;