From 8c24abefd5f4c7528a245ec786309f96601b5c58 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Brian Demsky <>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2012 11:21:20 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] fix this stuff...

--- | 230 ++++++++++++++----------------------------
 snapshot-interface.h  |  72 ++++---------
 2 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 202 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index b702e44..2ee01a4 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -12,169 +12,95 @@
 #include <sstream>
 #include <cstring>
 #include <cassert>
+/*This looks like it might leak memory...  Subramanian should fix this. */
 typedef std::basic_stringstream< char, std::char_traits< char >, MyAlloc< char > > MyStringStream;
 std::vector< MyString, MyAlloc< MyString> > splitString( MyString input, char delim ){
-	std::vector< MyString, MyAlloc< MyString > > splits;
-	MyStringStream ss( input );	
-	MyString item;
-	while( std::getline( ss, item, delim ) ){
-		splits.push_back( item );	
-	}
-	return splits;
+  std::vector< MyString, MyAlloc< MyString > > splits;
+  MyStringStream ss( input );	
+  MyString item;
+  while( std::getline( ss, item, delim ) ){
+    splits.push_back( item );	
+  }
+  return splits;
 bool checkPermissions( MyString permStr ){
-	return permStr.find("w") != MyString::npos;
+  return permStr.find("w") != MyString::npos;
 static void takeSegmentSnapshot( const MyString & lineText ){
-    std::vector< MyString, MyAlloc< MyString > > firstSplit = splitString( lineText, ' ' );
-    if( checkPermissions( firstSplit[ 1 ] ) ){
-        std::vector< MyString, MyAlloc< MyString > > secondSplit = splitString( firstSplit[ 0 ], '-' );    
-        size_t val1 = 0, val2 = 0;
-		sscanf( secondSplit[ 0 ].c_str(), "%zx", &val1 );
-		sscanf( secondSplit[ 1 ].c_str(), "%zx", &val2 );
-		size_t len = ( val2 - val1 ) / PAGESIZE;    
-        if( 0 != len ){
-            addMemoryRegionToSnapShot( ( void * )val1, len );        
-        }
+  std::vector< MyString, MyAlloc< MyString > > firstSplit = splitString( lineText, ' ' );
+  if( checkPermissions( firstSplit[ 1 ] ) ){
+    std::vector< MyString, MyAlloc< MyString > > secondSplit = splitString( firstSplit[ 0 ], '-' );    
+    size_t val1 = 0, val2 = 0;
+    sscanf( secondSplit[ 0 ].c_str(), "%zx", &val1 );
+    sscanf( secondSplit[ 1 ].c_str(), "%zx", &val2 );
+    size_t len = ( val2 - val1 ) / PAGESIZE;    
+    if( 0 != len ){
+      addMemoryRegionToSnapShot( ( void * )val1, len );        
+  }
-void snapshot_utils::SnapshotGlobalSegments(){
-	MyString fn = PROCNAME;
-	static char sProcessSize[ 12 ] = { 0 };
-	std::pair< const char *, bool > dataSect[ 3 ];
-	dataSect[ 0 ] = std::make_pair( MYBINARYNAME, false );
-	dataSect[ 1 ] = std::make_pair( MYLIBRARYNAME, false );
-	dataSect[ 2 ] = std::make_pair( MYALLOCNAME, false );
-	static pid_t sProcID = 0;
-	if( 0 == sProcID ) {
-		sProcID = getpid();	
-		sprintf( sProcessSize, "%d", sProcID );
-	}
-	fn.replace( REPLACEPOS, 1, sProcessSize );
-	std::ifstream procName( fn.c_str() );
-	if( procName.is_open() ){
-		MyString line;
-		while( procName.good() ){
-			getline( procName, line );
-			int i  = 0;
-			for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i ){
-				if( MyString::npos != line.find( dataSect[ i ].first ) ) break;			
-			}
-			if( i >= 3 || dataSect[ i ].second == true ) continue;
-			dataSect[ i ].second = true;
-			if( !procName.good() )return;
-			getline( procName, line );
-			takeSegmentSnapshot( line );    
-		}	
-	}
+void SnapshotGlobalSegments(){
+  MyString fn = PROCNAME;
+  static char sProcessSize[ 12 ] = { 0 };
+  std::pair< const char *, bool > dataSect[ 3 ];
+  dataSect[ 0 ] = std::make_pair( MYBINARYNAME, false );
+  dataSect[ 1 ] = std::make_pair( MYLIBRARYNAME, false );
+  dataSect[ 2 ] = std::make_pair( MYALLOCNAME, false );
+  static pid_t sProcID = 0;
+  if( 0 == sProcID ) {
+    sProcID = getpid();	
+    sprintf( sProcessSize, "%d", sProcID );
+  }
+  fn.replace( REPLACEPOS, 1, sProcessSize );
+  std::ifstream procName( fn.c_str() );
+  if( procName.is_open() ){
+    MyString line;
+    while( procName.good() ){
+      getline( procName, line );
+      int i  = 0;
+      for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i ){
+	if( MyString::npos != line.find( dataSect[ i ].first ) ) break;			
+      }
+      if( i >= 3 || dataSect[ i ].second == true ) continue;
+      dataSect[ i ].second = true;
+      if( !procName.good() )return;
+      getline( procName, line );
+      takeSegmentSnapshot( line );    
+    }	
+  }
-//class definition of snapshotTree.....
-//static definitions
-namespace snapshot_utils{
-	snapshotTree * snapshotTree::msCurrentScope = 0;
-	BackTrackingParents_t snapshotTree::msRecordedParents;
-	SnapshotToStateMap_t snapshotTree::msSnapshottedStates;
-	SnapshotEdgeMap_t  snapshotTree::msSnapshotEdgesMap;
-	unsigned int snapshotTree::msTimeCounter = 0;
-    void snapshotTree::EnsureRelevantRegionsSnapshotted(){
-        SnapshotGlobalSegments();
-        AddUserHeapToSnapshot();
-    }
-	//declaration of constructor....
-	snapshotTree::snapshotTree(){
-        EnsureRelevantRegionsSnapshotted();
-	}
+//class definition of snapshotStack.....
+//declaration of constructor....
+  SnapshotGlobalSegments();
+  AddUserHeapToSnapshot();
+  stack=NULL;
-	snapshotTree::~snapshotTree(){
-		if( this == msCurrentScope ){
-			msCurrentScope = 0;			
-		}	
-	}
-	//static function definition
-	snapshotTree * snapshotTree::ReturnCurrentScope(){
-		return msCurrentScope;	
-	}
-	MyString SerializeThreadSteps( const ThreadStepMap_t & theMap ){
-		MyString newStr;
-		char tempArray[ 2048 ] = { 0 };
-		char * ptr = tempArray;
-		for( ThreadStepMap_t::const_iterator myIter = theMap.begin(); myIter != theMap.end(); ++myIter ){
-			sprintf( ptr, "%d:%d#", myIter->first, myIter->second );
-			newStr += ptr;
-			ptr += strlen( ptr );	
-		}
-		return newStr;
-	}
-	//public function definiton
-	/*
-		@funct: TakeStep( thrd_t current, thrd_t whoseNext ) 
-		@return: bool
-		@Desc: this function takes a series of steps creating
-						new tree elements and setting the current scope. This function returns true if the step just taken leads to the parent of
-						an unexplored back tracking point...
-	*/
-	void snapshotTree::AddThreadStep( ThreadStepMap_t & theMap, thrd_t which ){
-			if( theMap.find( which ) != theMap.end() ){
-				++theMap[ which ];
-				return;			
-			}
-			theMap[ which ] = 1; //implicit thread creation....
-	}
-	bool snapshotTree::operator<( const snapshotTree & rhs ) const{
-			return this->mTimeStamp < rhs.mTimeStamp;
-	}
-	bool snapshotTreeComp::operator()( const std::pair< const snapshotTree*, snapshot_id > & lhs, const std::pair< const snapshotTree*, snapshot_id > & rhs ){
-		return *(lhs.first) < *(rhs.first);	
-	}
-	std::pair< MyString, bool > snapshotTree::TakeStep( thrd_t which, thrd_t whoseNext ){
-			assert( msCurrentScope == this );
-			std::pair< MyString, bool > retVal;
-			ThreadStepMap_t temp = mThreadStepsTaken;
-			AddThreadStep( temp, which );
-			MyString serialized = SerializeThreadSteps( mThreadStepsTaken ); //is it necessary to cache this with the class....?
-			retVal.first = serialized;
-			if( msSnapshotEdgesMap.find( serialized ) != msSnapshotEdgesMap.end() ){
-				msCurrentScope = msSnapshotEdgesMap[ serialized ];	
-			}
-			snapshotTree * newNode = new snapshotTree();
-			newNode->mThreadStepsTaken = temp;
-			newNode->mpParent = this;
-			this->mChildren.push_back( newNode );
-			newNode->mNextStepTaker = whoseNext; //dont know if this will be used yet....
-			newNode->mTimeStamp = msTimeCounter++;
-			msCurrentScope = newNode;
-			//is it an actual backtracking parent....
-			retVal.second = msRecordedParents.find( msCurrentScope ) != msRecordedParents.end();
-			return retVal;
-	}
-	/*
-		@funct: BacktrackingPointSet()
-		@Return: NONE
-		@DESC: This sets up the internal states necessary in future should we take a snapshot or something...
-	*/
-	void snapshotTree::BacktrackingPointSet(){
-		assert( msCurrentScope == this );
-		msRecordedParents.insert( msCurrentScope->mpParent );
-	} 
+int snapshotStack::backTrackBeforeStep(int seqindex) {
+  while(true) {
+    if (stack->index<=seqindex) {
+      //have right entry
+      rollBack(stack->snapshotid);
+      return stack->index;
+    }
+    struct stackEntry *tmp=stack;
+    free(tmp);
+    stack=stack->next;
+  }
-	/*
-		@funct: ReturnEarliestSnapshotID( MyString key )
-		@DESC: For any key, return the snapshot id which is the latest but earlier than the transition defined by the current key....
-	*/
-	snapshot_id snapshotTree::ReturnEarliestSnapshotID( MyString key ){
-		//first return a snapshotTree *
-		if( msSnapshotEdgesMap.find( key ) == msSnapshotEdgesMap.end() )return -1;
-		//snapshotTree * theNode = msSnapshotEdgesMap[ key ];
-		//do we have a greatest snapshot id that is lesser than the current id...
-		return -1;
-	}
+void snapshotStack::snapshotStep(int seqindex) {
+  struct stackEntry *tmp=(struct stackEntry *)malloc(sizeof(struct stackEntry));
+  tmp->next=stack;
+  tmp->index=seqindex;
+  tmp->snapshotid=takeSnapshot();
+  stack=tmp;
diff --git a/snapshot-interface.h b/snapshot-interface.h
index 6c5a8cf..5f5f4ea 100644
--- a/snapshot-interface.h
+++ b/snapshot-interface.h
@@ -9,55 +9,27 @@
 #include <set>
 #include "snapshot.h"
 #include "libthreads.h"
-typedef std::basic_string< char, std::char_traits< char >, MyAlloc< char > > MyString;
-namespace snapshot_utils{
-SnapshotTree defines the interfaces and ideal points that require snapshotting.
-The algorithm is: When a step happens we create a new Tree node and define that node as the current scope.
-when it is time to set a backtracking point, for each backtracking point we record its parent
-finally when set current scope is called, we see if this state is a parent 
-where possible the goal is speed so we use an integer comparison to make all comparison operations required for 
-finding a given node O 1
-	typedef std::map< thrd_t, int, std::less< thrd_t >, MyAlloc< std::pair< const thrd_t, int > > > ThreadStepMap_t;
-	MyString SerializeThreadSteps( const ThreadStepMap_t & theMap );
-	class snapshotTree;
-	struct snapshotTreeComp{
-		public:
-			bool operator()( const std::pair< const snapshotTree*, snapshot_id > & lhs, const std::pair< const snapshotTree*, snapshot_id > & rhs );	
-	};
-	typedef std::map< snapshotTree *, snapshot_id, snapshotTreeComp, MyAlloc< std::pair< const snapshotTree *, snapshot_id > > > SnapshotToStateMap_t;
-	typedef std::set< snapshotTree*, std::less< snapshotTree * >, MyAlloc< snapshotTree > > BackTrackingParents_t; 
-	typedef std::vector< snapshotTree *, MyAlloc< snapshotTree * > > SnapshotChildren_t;
-	typedef std::map< MyString, snapshotTree *, std::less<  MyString >, MyAlloc< std::pair< const MyString, snapshotTree * > > > SnapshotEdgeMap_t;
-    void SnapshotGlobalSegments();
-    class snapshotTree{
-		friend struct snapshotTreeComp;
-	public:
-		explicit snapshotTree( );
-		~snapshotTree();
-		static snapshotTree * ReturnCurrentScope();
-		std::pair< MyString, bool > TakeStep( thrd_t which, thrd_t whoseNext );
-	private: 
-		unsigned int mTimeStamp;
-		ThreadStepMap_t mThreadStepsTaken;
-		thrd_t mNextStepTaker;
-		snapshotTree * mpParent;
-		SnapshotChildren_t mChildren;
-		void AddThreadStep( ThreadStepMap_t & theMap, thrd_t theThread );
-		static snapshotTree * msCurrentScope;
-		static BackTrackingParents_t msRecordedParents;
-		static SnapshotToStateMap_t msSnapshottedStates;
-		static SnapshotEdgeMap_t msSnapshotEdgesMap; //this might not actually needed, if this is blowing up memory we have to traverse and find as opposed to looking up....
-		static unsigned int msTimeCounter;
-        void EnsureRelevantRegionsSnapshotted();
-	public:
-		void BacktrackingPointSet();
-		bool operator<( const snapshotTree & rhs ) const;
-		snapshot_id ReturnEarliestSnapshotID( MyString key );
-		snapshot_id SnapshotNow();
-	};
+class snapshotStack;
+typedef std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, MyAlloc<char> > MyString;
+void SnapshotGlobalSegments();
+struct stackEntry {
+  struct stackEntry *next;
+  snapshot_id snapshotid;
+  int index;
+class snapshotStack {
+ public:
+  snapshotStack( );
+  ~snapshotStack();
+  int backTrackBeforeStep(int seq_index);
+  void snapshotStep(int seq_index);
+ private: 
+  struct stackEntry * stack;