From af438dfdfbb57c13203b8ed196241a5c95aa6215 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bdemsky <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2017 20:26:20 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] more edits

 src/Backend/cnfexpr.c    |  81 +++++++++
 src/Backend/cnfexpr.h    |  32 ++++
 src/Backend/constraint.h |   3 +
 src/Backend/inc_solver.c |   9 +
 src/Backend/inc_solver.h |   1 +
 src/Backend/nodeedge.c   | 346 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/Backend/nodeedge.h   |  26 +++
 7 files changed, 498 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/Backend/cnfexpr.c
 create mode 100644 src/Backend/cnfexpr.h

diff --git a/src/Backend/cnfexpr.c b/src/Backend/cnfexpr.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02fdeb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Backend/cnfexpr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#include "cnfexpr.h"
+#define LITCAPACITY 4
+#define MERGESIZE 5
+static inline uint boundedSize(uint x) { return (x > MERGESIZE)?MERGESIZE:x; }
+LitVector * allocLitVector() {
+	LitVector *This=ourmalloc(sizeofLitVector);
+	initLitVector(This);
+	return This;
+void initLitVector(LitVector *This) {
+	This->size=0;
+	This->capacity=LITCAPACITY;
+	This->literals=ourmalloc(This->capacity * sizeof(Literal));
+void freeLitVector(LitVector *This) {
+	ourfree(This->literals);
+void deleteLitVector(LitVector *This) {
+	freeLitVector(This);
+	ourfree(This);
+void addLiteralLitVector(LitVector *This, Literal l) {
+	Literal labs = abs(l);
+	uint vec_size=This->size;
+	uint searchsize=boundedSize(vec_size);
+	uint i=0;
+	for (; i < searchsize; i++) {
+		Literal curr = This->literals[i];
+		Literals currabs = abs(curr);
+		if (currabs > labs)
+			break;
+		if (currabs == labs) {
+			if (curr == -l)
+				size = 0; //either true or false now depending on whether this is a conj or disj
+			return;
+		}
+		if ((++This->size) >= This->capacity) {
+			This->capacity << = 1;
+			This->literals=ourrealloc(This->capacity * sizeof(Literal));
+		}
+		if (vec_size < MERGESIZE) {
+			memmove(&This->literals[i+1], &This->literals[i], (vec_size-i) * sizeof(Literal));
+			This->literals[i]=l;
+		} else {
+			This->literals[vec_size]=l;
+		}
+	}
+CNFExpr * allocCNFExprBool(bool isTrue) {
+	CNFExpr *This=ourmalloc(sizeof(CNFExpr));
+	this->litSize=0;
+	this->isTrue=isTrue;
+	allocInlineVectorLitVector(&This->clauses);
+	initLitVector(&This->singletons);
+	return This;
+CNFExpr * allocCNFExprLiteral(Literal l) {
+	CNFExpr *This=ourmalloc(sizeof(CNFExpr));
+	this->litSize=1;
+	this->isTrue=false;
+	allocInlineVectorLitVector(&This->clauses);
+	initLitVector(&This->singletons);
+	addLiteralLitVector(This, l);
+	return This;
+void deleteCNFExpr(CNFExpr *This) {
+	deleteVectorArray(&This->clauses);
+	freeLitVector(&This->singletons);
+	ourfree(This);
diff --git a/src/Backend/cnfexpr.h b/src/Backend/cnfexpr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcb75bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Backend/cnfexpr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#ifndef CNFEXPR_H
+#define CNFEXPR_H
+#include "classlist.h"
+#include "vector.h"
+typedef int Literal;
+struct LitVector {
+	uint size;
+	uint capacity;
+	Literal *literals;
+typedef CNFClause CNFClause;
+VectorDef(LitVector, LitVector *)
+struct CNFExpr {
+	uint litSize;
+	bool isTrue;
+	VectorLitVector clauses;
+	LitVector singletons;
+typedef CNFExpr CNFExpr;
+bool alwaysTrueCNF(CNFExpr * This);
+bool alwaysFalseCNF(CNFExpr * This);
+uint getLitSizeCNF(CNFExpr * This);
+void clearCNF(CNFExpr *This, bool isTrue);
+uint getClauseSizeCNF(CNFExpr * This);
diff --git a/src/Backend/constraint.h b/src/Backend/constraint.h
index e1b21d3..0d254c8 100644
--- a/src/Backend/constraint.h
+++ b/src/Backend/constraint.h
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ Constraint * cloneConstraint(Constraint * c);
 static inline void setNegConstraint(Constraint * This, Constraint *c) {This->neg=c;}
 Constraint *negateConstraint(Constraint * c);
 extern Constraint ctrue;
 extern Constraint cfalse;
@@ -51,4 +52,6 @@ Constraint * generateBinaryConstraint(uint numvars, Constraint ** vars, uint val
 Constraint * generateLTConstraint(uint numvars, Constraint ** vars, uint value);
 Constraint * generateEquivNVConstraint(uint numvars, Constraint **var1, Constraint **var2);
 Constraint * generateEquivConstraint(Constraint *var1, Constraint *var2);
diff --git a/src/Backend/inc_solver.c b/src/Backend/inc_solver.c
index 5e1ed54..b9cc549 100644
--- a/src/Backend/inc_solver.c
+++ b/src/Backend/inc_solver.c
@@ -42,6 +42,15 @@ void addClauseLiteral(IncrementalSolver * This, int literal) {
+void addArrayClauseLiteral(IncrementalSolver * This, uint numliterals, int * literals) {
+	for(uint i=0;i<numliterals; i++) {
+		This->buffer[This->offset++]=literals[i];
+		if (This->offset==IS_BUFFERSIZE) {
+			flushBufferSolver(This);
+		}
+	}
 void finishedClauses(IncrementalSolver * This) {
 	addClauseLiteral(This, 0);
diff --git a/src/Backend/inc_solver.h b/src/Backend/inc_solver.h
index 15e5def..9b3e2ab 100644
--- a/src/Backend/inc_solver.h
+++ b/src/Backend/inc_solver.h
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ struct IncrementalSolver {
 IncrementalSolver * allocIncrementalSolver();
 void deleteIncrementalSolver(IncrementalSolver * This);
 void addClauseLiteral(IncrementalSolver * This, int literal);
+void addArrayClauseLiteral(IncrementalSolver * This, uint numliterals, int * literals);
 void finishedClauses(IncrementalSolver * This);
 void freeze(IncrementalSolver * This, int variable);
 int solve(IncrementalSolver * This);
diff --git a/src/Backend/nodeedge.c b/src/Backend/nodeedge.c
index c244754..4a3719b 100644
--- a/src/Backend/nodeedge.c
+++ b/src/Backend/nodeedge.c
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 #include "nodeedge.h"
 #include <string.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
+#include "inc_solver.h"
+/** Code ported from C++ BAT implementation of NICE-SAT */
 VectorImpl(Edge, Edge, 16)
@@ -56,6 +59,8 @@ Node * allocNode(NodeType type, uint numEdges, Edge * edges, uint hashcode) {
 	memcpy(n->edges, edges, sizeof(Edge)*numEdges);
+	n->flags.cnfVisitedDown=0;
+	n->flags.cnfVisitedUp=0;
@@ -339,3 +344,344 @@ void countConstraint(CNF *cnf, VectorEdge *stack, Edge e) {
+void convertPass(CNF *cnf, bool backtrackLit) {
+	uint numConstraints=getSizeVectorEdge(&cnf->constraints);
+	VectorEdge *ve=allocDefVectorEdge();
+	for(uint i=0; i<numConstraints;i++) {
+		convertConstraint(cnf, ve, getVectorEdge(&cnf->constraints, i), backtrackLit);
+	}
+	deleteVectorEdge(ve);
+void convertConstraint(CNF *cnf, VectorEdge *stack, Edge root, bool backtrackLit) {
+	Node *nroot=getNodePtrFromEdge(root);
+	if (isNodeEdge(root) && (nroot->flags.type == NodeType_ITE || nroot->flags.type == NodeType_IFF)) {
+		root = (Edge) { (Node *) nroot->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(root)]};
+	}
+	if (edgeIsConst(root)) {
+		if (isNegEdge(root)) {
+			//trivally unsat
+			Edge newvar=constraintNewVar(cnf);
+			Literal var=getEdgeVar(newvar);
+			Literal clause[] = {var, -var, 0};
+			addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 3, clause);
+			return;
+		} else {
+			//trivially true
+			return;
+		}
+	} else if (edgeIsVarConst(root)) {
+		Literal clause[] = { getEdgeVar(root), 0};
+		addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 2, clause);
+		return;
+	}
+	clearVectorEdge(stack);pushVectorEdge(stack, root);
+	while(getSizeVectorEdge(stack)!=0) {
+		Edge e=lastVectorEdge(stack);
+		Node *n=getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
+		if (edgeIsVarConst(e)) {
+			popVectorEdge(stack);
+			continue;
+		} else if (n->flags.type==NodeType_ITE ||
+							 n->flags.type==NodeType_IFF) {
+			popVectorEdge(stack);
+			pushVectorEdge(stack, (Edge) {(Node *)n->ptrAnnot[0]});
+			pushVectorEdge(stack, (Edge) {(Node *)n->ptrAnnot[1]});
+			continue;
+		}
+		bool needPos = (n->intAnnot[0] > 0);
+		bool needNeg = (n->intAnnot[1] > 0);
+		if ((!needPos || n->flags.cnfVisitedUp & 1) ||
+				(!needNeg || n->flags.cnfVisitedUp & 2)) {
+			popVectorEdge(stack);
+		} else if ((needPos && !n->flags.cnfVisitedDown & 1) ||
+							 (needNeg && !n->flags.cnfVisitedDown & 2)) {
+			if (needPos)
+				n->flags.cnfVisitedDown|=1;
+			if (needNeg)
+				n->flags.cnfVisitedDown|=2;
+			for(uint i=0; i<n->numEdges; i++) {
+				Edge arg=n->edges[i];
+				arg=constraintNegateIf(arg, isNegEdge(e));
+				pushVectorEdge(stack, arg); //WARNING, THIS LOOKS LIKE A BUG IN THE ORIGINAL CODE
+			}
+		} else {
+			popVectorEdge(stack);
+			produceCNF(cnf, e);
+		}
+	}
+	CNFExpr * cnfExp = (CNFExpr *) nroot->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(root)];
+	if (isProxy(cnfExp)) {
+		//solver.add(getProxy(cnfExp))
+	} else if (backtrackLit) {
+		//solver.add(introProxy(solver, root, cnfExp, isNegEdge(root)));
+	} else {
+		//solver.add(*cnfExp);
+	}
+	if (!((intptr_t) cnfExp & 1)) {
+		//free rootExp
+		nroot->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(root)] = NULL;
+	}
+Literal introProxy(CNF * cnf, Edge e, CNFExpr* exp, bool isNeg) {
+	Literal l = 0;
+	Node * n = getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
+	if (n->flags.cnfVisitedUp & (1<<!isNeg)) {
+		CNFExpr* otherExp = (CNFExpr*) n->ptrAnnot[!isNeg];
+		if (isProxy(otherExp))
+			l = -getProxy(otherExp);
+	} else {
+		Edge semNeg={(Node *) n->ptrAnnot[isNeg]};
+		Node * nsemNeg=getNodePtrFromEdge(semNeg);
+		if (nsemNeg != NULL) {
+			if (nsemNeg->flags.cnfVisitedUp & (1 << isNeg)) {
+				CNFExpr* otherExp = (CNFExpr*) nsemNeg->ptrAnnot[isNeg];
+				if (isProxy(otherExp))
+					l = -getProxy(otherExp);
+			} else if (nsemNeg->flags.cnfVisitedUp & (1<< !isNeg)) {
+				CNFExpr* otherExp = (CNFExpr*) nsemNeg->ptrAnnot[!isNeg];
+				if (isProxy(otherExp))
+					l = getProxy(otherExp);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (l == 0) {
+		Edge newvar = constraintNewVar(cnf);
+		l = getEdgeVar(newvar);
+	}
+	// Output the constraints on the auxiliary variable
+	constrainCNF(cnf, l, exp);
+	//delete exp; //FIXME
+	n->ptrAnnot[isNeg] = (void*) ((intptr_t) (l << 1) | 1);
+	return l;
+void produceCNF(CNF * cnf, Edge e) {
+	CNFExpr* expPos = NULL;
+	CNFExpr* expNeg = NULL;
+	Node *n = getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
+	if (n->intAnnot[0] > 0) {
+		expPos = produceConjunction(cnf, e);
+	}
+	if (n->intAnnot[1]  > 0) {
+		expNeg = produceDisjunction(cnf, e);
+	}
+	/// @todo Propagate constants across semantic negations (this can
+	/// be done similarly to the calls to propagate shown below).  The
+	/// trick here is that we need to figure out how to get the
+	/// semantic negation pointers, and ensure that they can have CNF
+	/// produced for them at the right point
+	///
+	/// propagate(solver, expPos, snPos, false) || propagate(solver, expNeg, snNeg, false)
+	// propagate from positive to negative, negative to positive
+	propagate(cnf, expPos, expNeg, true) || propagate(cnf, expNeg, expPos, true);
+	// The polarity heuristic entails visiting the discovery polarity first
+	if (isPosEdge(e)) {
+		saveCNF(cnf, expPos, e, false);
+		saveCNF(cnf, expNeg, e, true);
+	} else {
+		saveCNF(cnf, expNeg, e, true);
+		saveCNF(cnf, expPos, e, false);
+	}
+bool propagate(CNF *cnf, CNFExpr * dest, CNFExpr * src, bool negate) {
+	if (src != NULL && !isProxy(src) && getLitSizeCNF(src) == 0) {
+		if (dest == NULL) {
+			dest = allocCNFExprBool(negate ? alwaysFalseCNF(src) : alwaysTrueCNF(src));
+		} else if (isProxy(dest)) {
+			bool alwaysTrue = (negate ? alwaysFalseCNF(src) : alwaysTrueCNF(src));
+			if (alwaysTrue) {
+				Literal clause[] = {getProxy(dest), 0};
+				addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 2, clause);
+			} else {
+				Literal clause[] = {-getProxy(dest), 0};
+				addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 2, clause);
+			}
+			dest = allocCNFExprBool(negate ? alwaysFalseCNF(src) : alwaysTrueCNF(src));
+		} else {
+			clearCNF(dest, negate ? alwaysFalseCNF(src) : alwaysTrueCNF(src));
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+void saveCNF(CNF *cnf, CNFExpr* exp, Edge e, bool sign) {
+	Node *n=getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
+	n->flags.cnfVisitedUp & (1 << sign);
+	if (exp == NULL || isProxy(exp)) return;
+	if (exp->litSize == 1) {
+		Literal l = exp->singletons()[0];
+		delete exp;
+		n->ptrAnnot[sign] = (void*) ((intptr_t) (l << 1) | 1);
+	} else if (exp->litSize != 0 && (n->intAnnot[sign] > 1 || e->isVarForced())) {
+		introProxy(solver, e, exp, sign);
+	} else {
+		n->ptrAnnot[sign] = exp;
+	}
+void constrainCNF(CNF * cnf, Literal l, CNFExpr *exp) {
+	if (alwaysTrueCNF(exp)) {
+		return;
+	} else if (alwaysFalseCNF(expr)) {
+		Literal clause[] = {-l, 0};
+		addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 2, clause);
+		return;
+	}
+void outputCNF(CNF *cnf, CNFExpr *exp) {
+CNFExpr* fillArgs(CNF *cnf, Edge e, bool isNeg, Edge * largestEdge, VectorEdge * args) {
+	args.clear();
+	*largestEdge = (void*) NULL;
+	CnfExp* largest = NULL;
+	int i = e->size();
+	while (i != 0) {
+		Edge arg = (*e)[--i]; arg.negateIf(isNeg);
+		if (arg.isVar()) {
+			args.push(arg);
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (arg->op() == NodeOp_Ite || arg->op() == NodeOp_Iff) {
+			arg = arg->ptrAnnot(arg.isNeg());
+		}
+		if (arg->intAnnot(arg.isNeg()) == 1) {
+			CnfExp* argExp = (CnfExp*) arg->ptrAnnot(arg.isNeg());
+			if (!isProxy(argExp)) {
+				if (largest == NULL) {
+					largest = argExp;
+					largestEdge = arg;
+					continue;
+				} else if (argExp->litSize > largest->litSize) {
+					args.push(largestEdge);
+					largest = argExp;
+					largestEdge = arg;
+					continue;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		args.push(arg);
+	}
+	if (largest != NULL) {
+		largestEdge->ptrAnnot(largestEdge.isNeg()) = NULL;
+	}
+	return largest;
+CNFExpr * produceConjunction(CNF * cnf, Edge e) {
+	Edge largestEdge;
+	CnfExp* accum = fillArgs(e, false, largestEdge);
+	if (accum == NULL) accum = new CnfExp(true);
+	int i = _args.size();
+	while (i != 0) {
+		Edge arg(_args[--i]);
+		if (arg.isVar()) {
+			accum->conjoin(atomLit(arg));
+		} else {
+			CnfExp* argExp = (CnfExp*) arg->ptrAnnot(arg.isNeg());
+			bool destroy = (--arg->intAnnot(arg.isNeg()) == 0);
+			if (isProxy(argExp)) { // variable has been introduced
+				accum->conjoin(getProxy(argExp));
+			} else {
+				accum->conjoin(argExp, destroy);
+				if (destroy) arg->ptrAnnot(arg.isNeg()) = NULL;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return accum;
+#define CLAUSE_MAX 3
+CNFExpr* produceDisjunction(CNF *cnf, Edge e) {
+	Edge largestEdge;
+	CNFExpr* accum = fillArgs(e, true, largestEdge);
+	if (accum == NULL)
+		accum = new CNFExpr(false);
+	// This is necessary to check to make sure that we don't start out
+	// with an accumulator that is "too large".
+	/// @todo Strictly speaking, introProxy doesn't *need* to free
+	/// memory, then this wouldn't have to reallocate CNFExpr
+	/// @todo When this call to introProxy is made, the semantic
+	/// negation pointer will have been destroyed.  Thus, it will not
+	/// be possible to use the correct proxy.  That should be fixed.
+	// at this point, we will either have NULL, or a destructible expression
+	if (accum->clauseSize() > CLAUSE_MAX)
+		accum = new CNFExpr(introProxy(solver, largestEdge, accum, largestEdge.isNeg()));
+	int i = _args.size();
+	while (i != 0) {
+		Edge arg(_args[--i]);
+		if (arg.isVar()) {
+			accum->disjoin(atomLit(arg));
+		} else {
+			CNFExpr* argExp = (CNFExpr*) arg->ptrAnnot(arg.isNeg());
+			bool destroy = (--arg->intAnnot(arg.isNeg()) == 0);
+			if (isProxy(argExp)) { // variable has been introduced
+				accum->disjoin(getProxy(argExp));
+			} else if (argExp->litSize == 0) {
+				accum->disjoin(argExp, destroy);
+			} else {
+				// check to see if we should introduce a proxy
+				int aL = accum->litSize;      // lits in accum
+				int eL = argExp->litSize;     // lits in argument
+				int aC = getClauseSizeCNF(accum);   // clauses in accum
+				int eC = getClauseSizeCNF(argExp);  // clauses in argument
+				if (eC > CLAUSE_MAX || (eL * aC + aL * eC > eL + aC + aL + aC)) {
+					accum->disjoin(introProxy(solver, arg, argExp, arg.isNeg()));
+				} else {
+					accum->disjoin(argExp, destroy);
+					if (destroy) arg->ptrAnnot(arg.isNeg()) = NULL;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return accum;
diff --git a/src/Backend/nodeedge.h b/src/Backend/nodeedge.h
index e17bba6..e515640 100644
--- a/src/Backend/nodeedge.h
+++ b/src/Backend/nodeedge.h
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ typedef enum NodeType NodeType;
 struct NodeFlags {
 	NodeType type:2;
 	int wasExpanded:2;
+	int cnfVisitedDown:2;
+	int cnfVisitedUp:2;
 typedef struct NodeFlags NodeFlags;
@@ -55,11 +57,15 @@ struct CNF {
 	uint maxsize;
 	bool enableMatching;
 	Node ** node_array;
+	IncrementalSolver * solver;
 	VectorEdge constraints;
 typedef struct CNF CNF;
+struct CNFExpr;
+typedef struct CNFExpr CNFExpr;
 static inline bool getExpanded(Node *n, int isNegated) {
 	return n->flags.wasExpanded & (1<<isNegated);
@@ -89,6 +95,10 @@ static inline bool isNegEdge(Edge e) {
 	return ((uintptr_t)e.node_ptr) & NEGATE_EDGE;
+static inline bool isPosEdge(Edge e) {
+	return !(((uintptr_t)e.node_ptr) & NEGATE_EDGE);
 static inline bool isNodeEdge(Edge e) {
 	return !(((uintptr_t)e.node_ptr) & EDGE_IS_VAR_CONSTANT);
@@ -142,6 +152,18 @@ static inline Edge constraintNegateIf(Edge e, bool negate) {
 	return eret;
+static inline Literal getEdgeVar(Edge e) {
+	int val = (int) (((uintptr_t) e.node_ptr) >> VAR_SHIFT);
+	return isNegEdge(e) ? -val : val;
+static inline bool isProxy(CNFExpr *expr) {
+	return (bool) (((intptr_t) expr) & 1);
+static inline Literal getProxy(CNFExpr *expr) {
+	return (Literal) (((intptr_t) expr) >> 1);
 uint hashNode(NodeType type, uint numEdges, Edge * edges);
 Node * allocNode(NodeType type, uint numEdges, Edge * edges, uint hashCode);
@@ -157,6 +179,10 @@ Edge constraintITE(CNF * cnf, Edge cond, Edge thenedge, Edge elseedge);
 Edge constraintNewVar(CNF *cnf);
 void countPass(CNF *cnf);
 void countConstraint(CNF *cnf, VectorEdge * stack, Edge e);
+void convertPass(CNF *cnf, bool backtrackLit);
+void convertConstraint(CNF *cnf, VectorEdge *stack, Edge e, bool backtrackLit);
+void constrain(CNF * cnf, Literal l, CNFExpr *exp);
+void produceCNF(CNF * cnf, Edge e);
 Edge E_True={(Node *)(uintptr_t) EDGE_IS_VAR_CONSTANT};