From f0b01b967f4ae1974eff877aee851db287086f20 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jjenista <jjenista>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 22:23:09 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Updated CallGraph to keep an inverse map (callee->caller set)

 Robust/src/Analysis/CallGraph/  | 135 +++++++++++++++---
 Robust/src/Tests/CallGraph/makefile           |  26 ++++
 Robust/src/Tests/CallGraph/reduceDotFile      |  24 ++++
 Robust/src/Tests/CallGraph/ |  44 ++++++
 4 files changed, 209 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Robust/src/Tests/CallGraph/makefile
 create mode 100755 Robust/src/Tests/CallGraph/reduceDotFile
 create mode 100644 Robust/src/Tests/CallGraph/

diff --git a/Robust/src/Analysis/CallGraph/ b/Robust/src/Analysis/CallGraph/
index 72c0232e..772e8157 100644
--- a/Robust/src/Analysis/CallGraph/
+++ b/Robust/src/Analysis/CallGraph/
@@ -4,25 +4,38 @@ import IR.Flat.FlatMethod;
 import IR.Flat.FlatNode;
 import IR.Flat.FlatCall;
 import IR.Flat.FKind;
-import java.util.*;
+import IR.Descriptor;
 import IR.ClassDescriptor;
 import IR.MethodDescriptor;
+import IR.TaskDescriptor;
 import IR.TypeDescriptor;
+import java.util.*;
 public class CallGraph {
-    State state;
-    Hashtable methods;
-    Hashtable methodmap;
+    private State state;
+    // MethodDescriptor maps to HashSet<MethodDescriptor>
+    private Hashtable mapVirtual2ImplementationSet;
+    // MethodDescriptor or TaskDescriptor maps to HashSet<MethodDescriptor>
+    private Hashtable mapCaller2CalleeSet;
+    // MethodDescriptor maps to HashSet<MethodDescriptor or TaskDescriptor>
+    private Hashtable mapCallee2CallerSet;
     public CallGraph(State state) {
-	methods=new Hashtable();
-	methodmap=new Hashtable();
-	buildMethodTable();
+	mapVirtual2ImplementationSet = new Hashtable();
+	mapCaller2CalleeSet          = new Hashtable();
+	mapCallee2CallerSet          = new Hashtable();
+	buildVirtualMap();
-    private void buildMethodTable() {
+    // build a mapping of virtual methods to all
+    // possible implementations of that method
+    private void buildVirtualMap() {
 	//Iterator through classes
 	Iterator it=state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
 	while(it.hasNext()) {
@@ -40,9 +53,9 @@ public class CallGraph {
 		    for(Iterator matchit=possiblematches.iterator();matchit.hasNext();) {
 			MethodDescriptor matchmd=(MethodDescriptor);
 			if (md.matches(matchmd)) {
-			    if (!methods.containsKey(matchmd))
-				methods.put(matchmd,new HashSet());
-			    ((HashSet)methods.get(matchmd)).add(md);
+			    if (!mapVirtual2ImplementationSet.containsKey(matchmd))
+				mapVirtual2ImplementationSet.put(matchmd,new HashSet());
+			    ((HashSet)mapVirtual2ImplementationSet.get(matchmd)).add(md);
@@ -51,7 +64,6 @@ public class CallGraph {
     public Set getMethods(MethodDescriptor md, TypeDescriptor type) {
 	return getMethods(md);
@@ -61,7 +73,7 @@ public class CallGraph {
     public Set getMethods(MethodDescriptor md) {
 	HashSet ns=new HashSet();
-	Set s=(Set)methods.get(md);
+	Set s=(Set)mapVirtual2ImplementationSet.get(md);
 	if (s!=null)
 	    for(Iterator it=s.iterator();it.hasNext();) {
 		MethodDescriptor md2=(MethodDescriptor);
@@ -75,7 +87,7 @@ public class CallGraph {
     public Set getMethodCalls(MethodDescriptor md) {
 	HashSet ns=new HashSet();
-	Set s=(Set)methodmap.get(md);
+	Set s=(Set)mapCaller2CalleeSet.get(md);
 	if (s!=null)
 	    for(Iterator it=s.iterator();it.hasNext();) {
 		MethodDescriptor md2=(MethodDescriptor);
@@ -92,13 +104,17 @@ public class CallGraph {
 	    //Iterator through methods
 	    while(methodit.hasNext()) {
 		MethodDescriptor md=(MethodDescriptor);
-		analyzeMethod(md);
+		analyzeMethod( (Object)md, state.getMethodFlat(md) );
+	it=state.getTaskSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
+	while(it.hasNext()) {
+	    TaskDescriptor td=(TaskDescriptor);
+	    analyzeMethod( (Object)td, state.getMethodFlat(td) );
+	}
-    private void analyzeMethod(MethodDescriptor md) {
-	FlatMethod fm=state.getMethodFlat(md);
+    private void analyzeMethod(Object caller, FlatMethod fm) {
 	HashSet toexplore=new HashSet();
 	HashSet explored=new HashSet();
@@ -117,10 +133,89 @@ public class CallGraph {
 		MethodDescriptor calledmethod=fc.getMethod();
 		Set methodsthatcouldbecalled=fc.getThis()==null?getMethods(calledmethod):
 		    getMethods(calledmethod, fc.getThis().getType());
-		if (!methodmap.containsKey(md))
-		    methodmap.put(md,new HashSet());
-		((HashSet)methodmap.get(md)).addAll(methodsthatcouldbecalled);
+		// add caller -> callee maps
+		if( !mapCaller2CalleeSet.containsKey( caller ) ) {
+		    mapCaller2CalleeSet.put( caller, new HashSet() );
+		}
+		((HashSet)mapCaller2CalleeSet.get( caller )).addAll( methodsthatcouldbecalled );
+		// add callee -> caller maps
+		Iterator calleeItr = methodsthatcouldbecalled.iterator();
+		while( calleeItr.hasNext() ) {
+		    MethodDescriptor callee = (MethodDescriptor);
+		    if( !mapCallee2CallerSet.containsKey( callee ) ) {
+			mapCallee2CallerSet.put( callee, new HashSet() );
+		    }
+		    ((HashSet)mapCallee2CallerSet.get( callee )).add( caller );
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    public void writeToDot( String graphName )  throws {
+	// each task or method only needs to be labeled once
+	// in a dot file
+	HashSet labeledInDot = new HashSet();
+	// write out the call graph using the callees mapping
+	BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( graphName+"" ) );
+	bw.write( "digraph "+graphName+"byCallees {\n" );
+	Iterator mapItr = mapCallee2CallerSet.entrySet().iterator();
+	while( mapItr.hasNext() ) {
+	    Map.Entry        me        = (Map.Entry);
+	    MethodDescriptor callee    = (MethodDescriptor) me.getKey();
+	    HashSet          callerSet = (HashSet)          me.getValue();
+	    if( !labeledInDot.contains( callee ) ) {
+		labeledInDot.add( callee );
+		bw.write( "  " + callee.getNum() + "[label=\"" + callee + "\"];\n" );
+	    }
+	    Iterator callerItr = callerSet.iterator();
+	    while( callerItr.hasNext() ) {
+		Descriptor caller = (Descriptor);
+		if( !labeledInDot.contains( caller ) ) {
+		    labeledInDot.add( caller );
+		    bw.write( "  " + caller.getNum() + "[label=\"" + caller + "\"];\n" );
+		}
+		bw.write( "  " + callee.getNum() + "->" + caller.getNum() + ";\n" );
+	    }
+	}
+	bw.write( "}\n" );
+	bw.close();
+	// write out the call graph (should be equivalent) by
+	// using the callers mapping
+	labeledInDot = new HashSet();
+	bw = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( graphName+"" ) );
+	bw.write( "digraph "+graphName+"byCallers {\n" );
+	mapItr = mapCaller2CalleeSet.entrySet().iterator();
+	while( mapItr.hasNext() ) {
+	    Map.Entry  me        = (Map.Entry);
+	    Descriptor caller    = (Descriptor) me.getKey();
+	    HashSet    calleeSet = (HashSet)    me.getValue();
+	    if( !labeledInDot.contains( caller ) ) {
+		labeledInDot.add( caller );
+		bw.write( "  " + caller.getNum() + "[label=\"" + caller + "\"];\n" );
+	    }
+	    Iterator calleeItr = calleeSet.iterator();
+	    while( calleeItr.hasNext() ) {
+		MethodDescriptor callee = (MethodDescriptor);
+		if( !labeledInDot.contains( callee ) ) {
+		    labeledInDot.add( callee );
+		    bw.write( "  " + callee.getNum() + "[label=\"" + callee + "\"];\n" );
+		}
+		bw.write( "  " + callee.getNum() + "->" + caller.getNum() + ";\n" );
+	bw.write( "}\n" );
+	bw.close();
diff --git a/Robust/src/Tests/CallGraph/makefile b/Robust/src/Tests/CallGraph/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c6a6fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Robust/src/Tests/CallGraph/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+BSFLAGS= -recover -taskstate -webinterface -ownership
+all: $(PROGRAM).bin
+view: PNGs
+	eog *.png &
+	d2p *.dot
+DOTs: $(PROGRAM).bin
+	rm -f  $(PROGRAM).bin
+	rm -fr tmpbuilddirectory
+	rm -f  *~
+	rm -f  *.dot
+	rm -f  *.png
diff --git a/Robust/src/Tests/CallGraph/reduceDotFile b/Robust/src/Tests/CallGraph/reduceDotFile
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..14dfdb97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Robust/src/Tests/CallGraph/reduceDotFile
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+echo 'Removing all entries in call graph dot files without'
+echo 'the prefix CGTest...'
+for dfile in `ls *.dot`
+# we definitely want the first line of
+# the dot file, so just send it to the
+# temporary file
+sed -n '1,1 p' <$dfile >$dfile.temp
+# now take only the directed edge statements
+# from the dot file that have the pattern CGtest
+sed -n '/CGTest/ p' <$dfile >>$dfile.temp
+# then throw the closing bracket at the end
+echo '}' >>$dfile.temp
+# and then clobber the old file
+mv $dfile.temp $dfile
diff --git a/Robust/src/Tests/CallGraph/ b/Robust/src/Tests/CallGraph/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe8c632e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Robust/src/Tests/CallGraph/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+public class CGTestParam {
+    flag w;
+    int a, b;
+    public CGTestParam() { a = 0; b = 0; }
+    public void CGTestFoo() {}
+    public void CGTestBar() {}
+public class CGTestParamChild1 extends CGTestParam {
+    flag x;
+    public CGTestParamChild1() {}
+    public void CGTestBar() {}
+public class CGTestParamChild2 extends CGTestParam {
+    flag y;
+    public CGTestParamChild2() {}
+    public void CGTestFoo() {}
+    public void CGTestBar() {}
+task Startup( StartupObject s{ initialstate } ) {
+    CGTestParam p = new CGTestParam(){!w};
+    taskexit( s{ !initialstate } );
+task CGTestTask1( CGTestParam p{!w} ) {
+    p.CGTestFoo();
+    CGTestParamChild1 p1 = new CGTestParamChild1(){!x};
+    CGTestParamChild2 p2 = new CGTestParamChild2(){!y};
+    taskexit( p{w} );
+task CGTestTask2( CGTestParamChild1 p{!x} ) {
+    p.CGTestFoo();
+    p.CGTestBar();
+    taskexit( p{x} );
+task CGTestTask3( CGTestParamChild2 p{!y} ) {
+    p.CGTestFoo();
+    p.CGTestBar();
+    taskexit( p{y} );