2018-04-03 rtrimanaAdjusting the compiler to generate stubs and skeletons...
2018-04-02 rtrimanaCleaning up compiler; Adding import statements and...
2018-03-30 rtrimanaCleaning up the Makefile for compiler related commands...
2018-03-30 rtrimanaAdding Tomoyo feature for C++.
2018-03-29 rtrimanaChanging C++ slave execution into using shell file...
2018-03-29 rtrimanaCleaning up C++ slave.
2018-03-29 rtrimanaCleaning up drivers/Cpp, Cpp/Lifxtest, virtuals, and...
2018-03-22 rtrimanaRemoving printing statements from C++ RMI library ...
2018-03-19 rtrimanaAdjusting object ID on the stub side according to the...
2018-03-19 rtrimanaAdjusting Object IDs to the Java side.
2018-03-15 rtrimanaAdjusting C++ files to compile with gcc 4.9.3
2018-03-07 rtrimanaAdjustments and clean-ups for Makefile for C++ benchmar...
2018-03-06 rtrimanaAdjustment to do initializationof secure cloud later...
2018-03-02 rtrimanaMinor adjustments/cleanups for SpeakerController applic...
2018-03-02 rtrimanaAdding some notes about Java struct issue that can...
2018-03-02 rtrimanaAdjusting back into the original lengthy version of...
2018-03-01 rtrimanaAdjusting phone apps with the latest Android studio...
2018-02-28 rtrimanaCleaning up code for runtime, installer, RMI, compiler...
2018-02-27 rtrimanaAdjusting and cleaning up ZigbeeTest to install Vigilia...
2018-02-23 rtrimanaChanging LifxLightBulb config to default to running...
2018-02-23 rtrimanaAdjusting cleanrun.bash with new script naming for...
2018-02-21 rtrimanaCompleting run.bash; completing the documentation of...
2018-02-21 rtrimanaAdding copy function for JAR files; cleaning cleanrun...
2018-02-20 rtrimanaAdding clear Tomoyo option
2018-02-20 rtrimanaAdding iotcloud as a JAR file (Java library)
2018-02-20 rtrimanaAdjusting Makefiles and config files for a master Raspb...
2018-02-19 rtrimanaAdding file cleanup in the drivers Makefile
2018-02-19 rtrimanaAdding class file deletion in Makefile for controllers
2018-02-16 rtrimanaAdding bin directory creation in Makefile
2018-02-16 rtrimanaRemoving SSL keys
2018-02-01 rtrimanaReverting local HTTP gateway back from HTTPS to HTTP...
2018-02-01 rtrimanaAdjusting runtime system back after paper evaluation...
2018-02-01 rtrimanaMore adjustments to files after paper evaluation
2018-02-01 rtrimanaCommitting changes in driver files for paper evaluation
2018-02-01 rtrimanaRe-checking in controller Java files after adjustments...
2018-01-22 rtrimanaHacked firmware for Amcrest Camera to enable the firmwa...
2018-01-19 rtrimanaAdding JamWifi, a Mac app that is useful to do deauthen...
2018-01-16 rtrimanaUpdating gradle for SpeakerLocator app
2018-01-16 rtrimanaUpdating gradle for Irrigation app
2018-01-16 rtrimanaExchanging cameras between benchmarks; updating database
2018-01-15 rtrimanaRe-testing Blossom driver and enabling driver with...
2018-01-15 rtrimanaFixing path to the jlayer library in the Makefile
2018-01-04 rtrimanaAdding options to disable/enable firewall policy and...
2017-12-21 rtrimanaPerfecting brute-force attack for D-Link alarm/siren...
2017-12-21 rtrimanaChecking in a working version of IoTSec after ported...
2017-12-21 rtrimanaRemoving forward rules on router for SSH traffic entire...
2017-12-19 rtrimanaChecking in working pysniffer on a RaspberryPi3 (part...
2017-12-19 rtrimanaChanging the alarm/siren driver - make it always authen...
2017-12-01 rtrimanaAdding a new feature that makes process jailing rules...
2017-11-30 rtrimanaAdjustments to firewall rules generation/initialization...
2017-11-29 rtrimanaIntegrating D-Link alarm into Home Security benchmark
2017-11-29 rtrimanaAdding DlinkAlarm as a driver for D-Link alarm/siren...
2017-11-22 rtrimanaAdding backup for AmcrestCamera firmware; porting Bloss...
2017-10-16 rtrimanaMinor adjustments for Tomoyo for the fourth benchmark
2017-10-10 rtrimanaChanging encryption in the phone app of the fourth...
2017-10-02 rtrimanaCompleting the addition of iotcloud into the 4th benchm...
2017-10-02 rtrimanaAdding delete relation/communication feature
2017-09-29 rtrimanaUsing a button instead of a switch for the app (avoidin...
2017-09-29 rtrimanaPhone app and iotcloud addition into the fourth benchma...
2017-09-29 rtrimanaPhone app (based on Ali's Control for iotcloud benchmar...
2017-09-27 rtrimanaAdding doorlock to the fourth benchmark
2017-09-26 rtrimanaAdding database information insertion features in the...
2017-09-26 rtrimanaMinor changes to tables for device registration phone...
2017-09-21 rtrimanaChecking in LEDE GUI for device registration; this...
2017-06-23 rtrimanaCompleting with door lock subroutines
2017-06-21 rtrimanaAdding changes and files for doorlock driver
2017-06-21 rtrimanaAdditional files and methods for doorlock functionalities
2017-06-21 rtrimanaCompleting ZigbeeTest with doorlock test
2017-06-16 rtrimanaMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2017-06-16 rtrimanaAdding ESP8266 code; modified for the latest password...
2017-06-14 rtrimanaExcluding MotionDetection*.class from the JAR file...
2017-05-01 rtrimanaAdding a flag to activate/deactivate process sandboxing
2017-05-01 rtrimanaMaking sure that C++ RMI test works
2017-04-25 rtrimanaMaking C++ classes final
2017-04-25 rtrimanaMaking classes final to make inheritance impossible
2017-04-25 rtrimanaUpdating IoTMain mysql database
2017-04-24 rtrimanaChanges and additional files for RMI profiling
2017-04-24 rtrimanaCompleting Tomoyo policies for all 4 benchmarks
2017-04-24 rtrimanaCompleting Tomoyo policies for irrigation benchmark
2017-04-18 rtrimanaDoorlock and outlet drivers made by Yuting and Jiawei...
2017-04-11 rtrimanawpad+hostapd package for OpenWrt that has disable_dgaf...
2017-04-10 rtrimanaSentinel with process jailing using Tomoyo - works...
2017-04-07 rtrimanaIn progress of refining the Tomoyo policies for process...
2017-04-07 rtrimanaModifying master for Tomoyo process jailing; Adding...
2017-04-05 rtrimanaAdding a simple script to register a new device (MAC...
2017-02-24 rtrimanaUpdating database
2017-02-23 rtrimanaUpdating the fourth benchmark with new stubs/skeletons...
2017-02-23 rtrimanaUpdating the third benchmark with new stubs and skeletons
2017-02-23 rtrimanaUpdating stubs and skeletons for the second benchmark...
2017-02-22 rtrimanaRemoving callback port feature from master and slave
2017-02-22 rtrimanaNew .so file for LifxLightBulb
2017-02-22 rtrimanaAdding object ID tracking for simultaneous generation...
2017-02-22 rtrimanaReverting back the first benchmark (now works with...
2017-02-21 rtrimanaUpdating the first benchmark with new stubs/skeletons...
2017-02-21 rtrimanaMigrating PhoneInterface (Irrigation and SpeakerLocator...
2017-02-21 rtrimanaUpdating skeletons and stubs for C++; Fixing one bug...
2017-02-20 rtrimanaUpdating stub and skeleton for Lifxtest
2017-02-17 rtrimanaUpdating database once more; Zigbee gateway address...
2017-02-17 rtrimanaMerging multiple versions of Xbee python driver
2017-02-17 rtrimanaRenewing MySQL database backup; Moving Zigbee gateway...