2010-10-01 stepheyAdded C files from oooJava folder + minor modifications...
2010-10-01 jjenistafor timing disjoint reachability in oooJava benchmarks
2010-09-29 bdemskyvarious hacks...
2010-09-29 bdemskyget rid of truncate macro...just stick it into the...
2010-09-29 jzhouClean up the code
2010-09-28 jzhouClean up the code: clean up debug msgs
2010-09-28 jjenistanames
2010-09-27 jjenistabuildscript options to enable exaclty which coreprof...
2010-09-27 jjenistabug fix, new events
2010-09-26 stepheyTested and Debugged versions of waitingQueue for the...
2010-09-26 stepheyChanges
2010-09-26 stepheyremoved locking for waitingQueue add since it's not...
2010-09-26 stepheyWaitingQueue Correctness tests for RCR. FAKE mlp_lock...
2010-09-24 jjenistafound a bug, wasn't returning pointer at end of poolcre...
2010-09-24 jzhouClean up the code: remove commented code
2010-09-24 jjenistathere is definitely an uninitialized mem bug, temp...
2010-09-24 jjenistasome outstanding mods to coreprof parsing
2010-09-23 jjenistaworking on task mem pool, there is a crash bug, use...
2010-09-23 jjenistawhile working on memory pool for task records, fixed...
2010-09-23 jjenistause buildscript option to give benchmarks enough heap...
2010-09-23 jjenistasupport for optimizations later, leaf tasks need less...
2010-09-23 jzhoubug fix in gc cache adaption
2010-09-22 jzhoubug fix
2010-09-22 stepheyAdded getter method to get all effects (needed for...
2010-09-22 stepheyThis version prints out correct C code in terms of...
2010-09-22 bdemskyfix bugs
2010-09-22 bdemskyoptimiz
2010-09-21 jjenistaturn off coreprof by default
2010-09-21 jzhoufix performance bug
2010-09-21 jzhoumy changes
2010-09-21 jjenistaan appropriate test to simulate SOR for new pool allocation
2010-09-21 jjenistadisable coreprof by default
2010-09-21 jjenistahelp user by showing human-readable task identifier
2010-09-21 bdemskychanges
2010-09-21 jzhouBug fix in gc cache adaption version
2010-09-20 jzhouRemove the boundary of cache access sampling. Add outpu...
2010-09-18 jzhouInitial version of cache adaption for mutator
2010-09-16 jjenistamodularize core prof correctly, starting mem pool strat...
2010-09-16 jjenistamini test to mimic SOR for mem pool testing
2010-09-16 jjenistatemporarily disabling this coreprof event, it appears...
2010-09-16 jzhouMake the statistic data for cache adaption irrelavent...
2010-09-15 jzhouAdd code for change the cache policy for the mutator...
2010-09-15 jjenistathis micro benchmark does not accurately imitate OOOjav...
2010-09-12 jjenistaa self-contained test of the mempool strategy, doesnt...
2010-09-11 stepheyWork In Progress Commit.
2010-09-10 jjenistachange parser to match runtime changes, still some...
2010-09-10 jjenistatask execute, dispatch, reture and work grabbing events...
2010-09-10 stepheyWork In Progress Commit.
2010-09-09 stepheyAdded logic for determining weakly connected groups...
2010-09-08 jjenistaChanged parsing of coreprof data to keep parent/child...
2010-09-08 stepheyJim told me to change the int hashCodeSpecific() functi...
2010-09-07 jjenistaChanged coreprof macros to match coreprof.h, altered...
2010-09-07 jjenistaSeveral changes:
2010-09-07 jjenistaa test case for shutting down ooojava work threads...
2010-09-03 stepheyAdded some extra logic for rehashing all effects by...
2010-09-02 jzhouremove unnecessary dtlb flush
2010-09-02 jzhouFix the 'markbit' bug of cache-adapt multicoregc versio...
2010-09-02 jzhouClean multicore version code
2010-09-02 stepheyQuick Change: Moved some misplaced comments.
2010-09-02 stepheyContains first sketch of waiting queue logic. The Waiti...
2010-09-02 jzhouAdd code for GC_CACHE_ADAPT version. Now the 61-1gc...
2010-09-01 stepheyVery, very rough draft of the hash structure to be...
2010-08-26 jjenistaconvenient run script
2010-08-26 jjenistaa makefile if desired
2010-08-21 jzhouFix a performance bug in the multicore gc version....
2010-08-18 stepheySplit debug flag for Java/C sides. Added logic to preve...
2010-08-18 stepheyAdded StallSite RuntimeConflictResolver invocations...
2010-08-18 stepheyChanged variable type to make more compatible with RCR
2010-08-17 yeomfix wrong condition.
2010-08-17 stepheyChanged the way conflict flags are propagated (fixed...
2010-08-17 stepheyFixed bug of ignoring multiple effects for same alloc...
2010-08-16 jzhouRecent code changes: remove redundant code/comment...
2010-08-16 jjenistaback out change to separate event type and timestamp...
2010-08-16 jjenistachecking bug fix for memory queue, the jury is still...
2010-08-16 jjenistachange garbage.c initial heap size to a macro, configur...
2010-08-14 stepheyChanges. Contains bug where not all effects are saved...
2010-08-13 yeomchanges. add coarse case into our previous changes...
2010-08-13 stepheyTemporarily integrates Runtime Conflict Resolution...
2010-08-12 stepheyfixed some include bugs
2010-08-12 stepheyAdded Changes requested by Jim. Fixed problem of infini...
2010-08-11 stepheyGenerates syntatically correct code but appears to...
2010-08-11 jjenistafix sese garbage collection bug calculating offsets...
2010-08-10 jjenistaSome tests that are helping with SESE garbage collectio...
2010-08-10 stepheyMostly works, but has bug of not checking primative...
2010-08-09 jjenistadid something I shouldnt have, mixed changes for two...
2010-08-09 yeomfix to handle stall site properly for generating confli...
2010-08-06 yeominterface to grab the conflict effect set for Stephen,
2010-08-06 yeomchanges to have proper path of coreprof.h
2010-08-06 yeomintroduces new flag for runtime conflict resolver.
2010-08-05 stepheyCompleted version before tying in with system and debug
2010-08-05 yeomfixes on FlatWriteDynamicVarNode to handle properly...
2010-08-05 yeomfixes on tracking benchmark.
2010-08-05 jzhouFix bug in multicore gc: the master core should send...
2010-08-05 jzhoufix some bug found by Yonghun
2010-08-05 stepheyChanges.
2010-08-04 jjenistadocument OOOJava and Disjoint options
2010-08-03 yeompolish source code + last changes.
2010-08-03 yeompolish source code and add test data
2010-08-03 yeomlast changes to power benchmark
2010-08-03 bdemskydo subtraction