2019-04-08 rtrimanaAdding skipped packets analysis.
2019-04-08 rtrimanaChecking in a new script that allows specifying device...
2019-03-28 rtrimanaAdding Javadoc documentation.
2019-03-28 rtrimanaAdding scripts for signature validation.
2019-03-27 rtrimanaCleaning up scripts for negative control experiments.
2019-03-27 rtrimanaMore clean-ups.
2019-03-27 rtrimanaModifying scripts to streamline the process: 1) signatu...
2019-03-27 rtrimanaAdding copyright signature.
2019-03-26 rtrimanaMore clean-ups in SignatureGenerator.
2019-03-26 rtrimanaFixing bug in SignatureGenerator: wrong signature durat...
2019-03-26 rtrimanaPrinting output of signature generation into a log...
2019-03-26 rtrimanaFixing execution script execute_layer2_smarthome_all_de...
2019-03-26 rtrimanaAdding flexibility to detection result analyzer: to...
2019-03-25 rtrimanaCreating a proper command line and script for signature...
2019-03-19 rtrimanaMaking final changes to the bug fix.
2019-03-19 rtrimanaFixing bug in Layer 2 matching.
2019-03-19 rtrimanaOnly do range-based matching when the packet length...
2019-03-15 rtrimanaAdding EPS value back into the range.
2019-03-15 rtrimanaTrying to remove EPS bounds and do strict matching...
2019-03-15 rtrimanaUncommenting runs in the script.
2019-03-15 rtrimanaUncommenting runs in the script.
2019-03-15 rtrimanaTrying to be more strict by applying the signature...
2019-03-15 rtrimanaBringing down time constraint to packet level so that...
2019-03-15 rtrimanaAdding back the debug feature.
2019-03-15 rtrimanaFixing a bug that does not pass in the mInclusionTimeMi...
2019-03-15 rtrimanaDebugging feature (temporary).
2019-03-15 rtrimanaTurning it back to strict matching to test.
2019-03-15 rtrimanaScript for Layer 2 negative control test.
2019-03-15 rtrimanaFixing script for Layer 2 detection.
2019-03-15 rtrimanaTesting script with more arguments for Layer 2.
2019-03-15 rtrimanaFixing input arguments for Layer 2 detection.
2019-03-14 rtrimanaUsing the complete signatures for Arlo.
2019-03-14 rtrimanaCleaning up scripts and making things consistent.
2019-03-14 rtrimanaSimplifying script for UNSW layer 3 experiment: reuse...
2019-03-14 rtrimanaWhen it is range-based and it is more than 2 packets...
2019-03-13 rtrimanaAdding range-based without epsilon for signatures with...
2019-03-13 rtrimanaTesting with tighter bounds (without epsilon) for signa...
2019-03-12 rtrimanaDisabling range-based detection for WiFi sniffing;...
2019-03-12 rtrimanaChanging the Layer 3 detector interface into taking...
2019-03-11 rtrimanaAdding range-based matching for Layer 2 and fusing...
2019-03-08 rtrimanaAdding new entries for Nest Thermostat and Arlo Camera...
2019-03-08 rtrimanaAdding range-based detection (improved the results...
2019-03-06 rtrimanaChanging the name from Main into SignatureGenerator
2019-03-01 rtrimanaAdding checks to determine to do range-based checking.
2019-02-05 rtrimanaAdding PacketLevelSignatureExtractor.
2019-02-05 rtrimanaAdding PacketLevelSignatureExtractor.
2019-02-05 rtrimanaRemoving SmartPlugDetector.
2019-02-05 rtrimanaRenaming root project name.
2019-01-26 Janus VarmarkenStop echoing commands to std out
2019-01-26 Janus Varmarkenadd script for executing layer 2 detection on UNSW...
2019-01-25 rtrimanaAdding time constraints into the scripts.
2019-01-25 rtrimanaAdded time constraintsto detection.
2019-01-23 rtrimanaMerge branch 'master' of
2019-01-23 rtrimanaAdding new experiments for sensitivity analysis.
2019-01-23 Janus fix typo in declar...
2019-01-23 Janus VarmarkenAdd script for running layer 2 detection on UNB trace...
2019-01-23 Janus Varmarkenadd MAC filters to detection script for tplink bulb...
2019-01-23 Janus VarmarkenAdd capability to filter flows when performing layer...
2019-01-21 Janus VarmarkenBUGFIX: Make sure to always spawn a new sequence matche...
2019-01-21 Janus VarmarkenFix typo in output from Layer2SignatureDetector
2019-01-21 Janus VarmarkenRemove dlink-siren device side from layer 2 detection...
2019-01-21 Janus VarmarkenLayer 2 detection script: fix mistake in output path...
2019-01-21 Janus VarmarkenUpdate layer 2 detection script to refer correct main...
2019-01-21 Janus VarmarkenAdd remaining 10 devices with signatures to layer 2...
2019-01-19 Janus VarmarkenAdd script that analyzes results of smarthome detection...
2019-01-19 Janus VarmarkenUpdate DetectionResultsAnalyzer to also print results...
2019-01-19 Janus VarmarkenAdd utility for printing to a file and to std out simul...
2019-01-19 Janus VarmarkenTo enable easy changes to the application main entry...
2019-01-19 Janus VarmarkenRename script that performs detection on all smarthome...
2019-01-19 Janus VarmarkenAdd script that executes layer2 detection on all smarth...
2019-01-19 rtrimanaMerge branch 'master' of
2019-01-19 rtrimanaAdding sensitivity experiment.
2019-01-18 Janus VarmarkenUpdate Layer2 detection to only allow one sequence...
2019-01-18 Janus VarmarkenBacking up first working version of layer 2 signature...
2019-01-17 rtrimanaMerge branch 'master' of
2019-01-17 rtrimanaChecking in the latest experiments.
2019-01-17 Janus VarmarkenAdd utility for analyzing the success of a detection run
2019-01-15 rtrimanaMerge branch 'master' of
2019-01-15 rtrimanaAdding features to process Blossom sprinkler's data...
2019-01-14 Janus VarmarkenExtract ClusterMatcherObserver interface to separate...
2019-01-14 rtrimanaMerge branch 'master' of
2019-01-14 rtrimanaMerging small changes.
2019-01-13 Janus VarmarkenLayer2SequenceMatcher: check packet directions when...
2019-01-13 Janus VarmarkenMake original ClusterMatcher inherit from AbstractClust...
2019-01-13 Janus VarmarkenReorganize code by creating a package for code that...
2019-01-13 Janus VarmarkenCleanup of layer 2 sequence detection: get rid of some...
2019-01-13 Janus VarmarkenFirst work on layer 2 sequence matching. Basic function...
2019-01-11 rtrimanaChecking in new files and new entries for Blossom sprin...
2018-11-28 rtrimanaClearing up conflicts.
2018-11-28 rtrimanaMerging changes.
2018-11-28 Janus VarmarkenSignatureDetector: get filenames from program arguments...
2018-11-28 Janus Varmarkenadded a hacky solution for extracting a sanity-check...
2018-11-28 Janus VarmarkenIMPORTANT BUGFIX: consider FULL range of local IPs...
2018-11-28 Janus VarmarkenPoint Zeus to ST plug signatures
2018-11-28 Janus VarmarkenAdd output that displays what files are in use; point...
2018-11-28 Janus VarmarkenPrepare code for execution on Zeus (including upping...
2018-11-28 Janus VarmarkenRevert back to full MondayWorkhours file; increase...
2018-11-27 Janus VarmarkenPrepare code for execution on Hera (networking group...
2018-11-23 rtrimanaAdding WeMo Inisght paths for experimental setup.
2018-11-22 rtrimanaAdding WeMo plugs' paths for experimental results.