2020-12-11 UCI Networking... Fixing a potential bug: if statement that contains...
2020-12-07 UCI Networking... Moving updateBacktrackSetsFromGraph into choiceGenerato...
2020-12-07 UCI Networking... Cleaning up
2020-09-24 rtrimanaRefresh the cached conflict transitions when performing...
2020-09-23 rtrimanaRemoving dead/commented code.
2020-09-22 rtrimanaFixing a bug: summary of conflict transitions is to...
2020-09-22 rtrimanaFixing a bug: should use equals() to compare the values...
2020-09-22 rtrimanaFixing bug: 1) pushed transition should have been the...
2020-09-21 rtrimanaFixing a bug: summary of conflict transition and ReadWr...
2020-09-18 rtrimanaMinor changes to input arguments of some methods/functions.
2020-09-17 rtrimanaAdding checks to ensure that a predecessor is only...
2020-09-11 rtrimanaTesting the implementation; fixing a bug.
2020-09-10 rtrimanaSmall edits in method updateBacktrackSetsFromPreviousEx...
2020-09-09 rtrimanaCleaning up the code; still need to test everything.
2020-09-08 rtrimanaMaking the implementation of updateBacktrackSetDFS...
2020-09-04 rtrimanaInitial implementation of more efficient traversal...
2020-09-03 rtrimanaAdding a new file for a more efficient implementation...
2020-07-10 rtrimanaAdding missing 'add' into HashSet. aug2020
2020-07-10 rtrimanaMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2020-07-10 rtrimanaChanging StringBuilder into HashMap and HashSet.
2020-07-09 rtrimanaGenerate a new RestorableVMState object only when it...
2020-07-07 rtrimanaAdding notes in the latest changes for the serializer...
2020-07-04 rtrimanaMore filtering: never define a method call 'call' since...
2020-07-03 rtrimanaIntegrating bug fix for CFSerializer.
2020-07-02 rtrimanaFixing a bug: in the second round of boolean CG, we...
2020-06-26 rtrimanaAdding debug mode guards for all main methods.
2020-06-22 rtrimanaMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2020-06-22 rtrimanaAdding a way for JPF to be informed that this is DPOR...
2020-06-22 rtrimanaCommenting out a line that causes a lot of loops; let...
2020-06-19 rtrimanaBug fix: when state is not found in rGraph, that means...
2020-06-19 rtrimanaA few hacks to make the list circular: this lets the...
2020-06-17 rtrimanaExplored trace needs to be constructed and modified...
2020-06-17 rtrimanaRenaming a variable.
2020-06-17 rtrimanaFixing a bug in isConflict method.
2020-06-13 rtrimanaMaking field exclusion checks more efficient.
2020-06-10 rtrimanaCommitting main.jpf.
2020-06-10 rtrimanaFurther cleaning up (naming, comments, etc.).
2020-06-09 rtrimanaAdding happens-before push back.
2020-06-09 rtrimanaCleaning up.
2020-06-05 rtrimanaNew algorithm implementation; without pushing forward...
2020-05-21 rtrimanaAdding different main.jpf files for different detections.
2020-05-21 rtrimanaEditing main.jpf
2020-05-21 rtrimanaAdding a script to set the environment variables for...
2020-05-19 rtrimanaFixing a bug: need to get the right choice/event number...
2020-05-15 rtrimanaTested updating backtrack sets in the reachability...
2020-05-15 rtrimanaTested backtrack in a cycle (local).
2020-05-14 rtrimanaAdjusting support methods for reachability analysis...
2020-05-14 rtrimanaModifying the algorithm: 1) Find the first conflict...
2020-05-07 rtrimanaFixing a bug: completing reachability graph with missin...
2020-05-02 rtrimanaFixing bugs: state to reachability graph map has to...
2020-05-01 rtrimanaAdding reachability graph for past executions.
2020-04-20 rtrimanaAdditional logging feature.
2020-04-16 rtrimanaFixing a bug: mapping state to event has to be done...
2020-04-15 rtrimanaFixing more bugs with the reachability analysis.
2020-04-15 rtrimanaFixing more potential bugs for the reachability analysis.
2020-04-15 rtrimanaFixing a bug: separating the state tracking for cycle...
2020-04-14 rtrimanaAdding reachability analysis when state matching occurs.
2020-04-13 rtrimanaModifying main.jpf
2020-04-12 rtrimanaAdding a counter for number of conflicts.
2020-04-11 rtrimanaPrinting out the number of transitions.
2020-04-10 rtrimanaFixing a bug: misunderstood how the VOD graph is suppos...
2020-04-09 rtrimanaTesting DPORStateReducer and ConflictTracker: JPF seems...
2020-04-09 rtrimanaFixing a bug: java LinkedList needs removeFirst(),...
2020-04-09 rtrimanaFixing a bug: VOD graph traversal should continue with...
2020-04-09 rtrimanaMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2020-04-09 rtrimanaFixing a bug: restorable state has to be saved when...
2020-04-09 rtrimanaOptimization: Compare just the state and the fist event...
2020-04-09 rtrimanaChanging approach: Using vm.restoreState() method to...
2020-04-08 rtrimanaCommitting a version that almost works: bug to fix...
2020-04-07 rtrimanaFirst part of boolean flip seems to be clean; need...
2020-04-07 rtrimanaFixing a potential bug: we now store the event number...
2020-04-06 rtrimanaCleaning up and fixing bugs; new DPOR implementation...
2020-04-04 rtrimanaFixing a bug: we need to start choiceCounter from 1...
2020-04-03 rtrimanaReimplementing DPOR Phase 3: Architecting the subsequen...
2020-04-02 rtrimanaReimplementing DPOR Phase 2: VOD graph building and...
2020-04-01 rtrimanaReimplementing DPOR Phase 1: First trace execution...
2020-04-01 rtrimanaStarting a new DPOR implementation.
2020-04-01 rtrimanaCleaning up and refactoring.
2020-03-31 rtrimanaFixing bugs: capturing object accesses (read/write...
2020-03-27 rtrimanaFixing a bug: off-by-one error in the executed trace...
2020-03-27 rtrimanaRe-checking and cleaning up the code: most likely still...
2020-03-26 rtrimanaAdding the old tracker variable for debugging/testing...
2020-03-26 rtrimanaFixing bugs and cleaning up: Continuing sub-graph execu...
2020-03-25 rtrimanaMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2020-03-25 rtrimanaFixing bugs and cleaning up: making sure that the execu...
2020-03-24 Seyed Amir... Making analysis compatible with infra
2020-03-24 Seyed Amir... Making analysis compatible with new infrastructure
2020-03-23 rtrimanaCleaning up: Removing the full-blown graph traversal.
2020-03-23 rtrimanaCleaning up, fixing bugs---commented out full-blown...
2020-03-21 rtrimanaRefactoring; Finding cycles without traversing the...
2020-03-20 rtrimanaFixing bugs: moving VOD-graph building into the CGAdvan...
2020-03-19 rtrimanaAdding graph traversal to find cycles; adding debug...
2020-03-16 rtrimanaSome fixes for the DPOR state-reducer.
2020-03-02 rtrimanaFixing a bug: merging the analysis part for locationMod...
2020-02-28 rtrimanaFix for a bug in finding the right integer values in...
2020-02-28 rtrimanaAdding attributes for dimmers.
2020-02-26 Brian DemskyCode to print graph to output so that dot can be used...
2020-02-19 Seyed Amir... Adding manual transactions to the conflict tracker
2020-02-15 rtrimanaSlight changes for safeguard.
2020-02-14 rtrimanaFixing an out of bound bug.