2013-10-19 hhbfiq debugger: fix bug debug uart interrupt might be...
2013-10-16 zyccamera: add ov8825,ov2720 dirver for icatch7002.
2013-10-16 linjhandroidcomputer: adjust vga display ouput
2013-10-16 wlqAndroidComputer: add for usb camera support
2013-10-15 hwgbluetooth: add ap6210 24m support
2013-10-15 wdcAndroidComputer: config use mmc0 for wifi
2013-10-15 wdcsdmmc: support use sdmmc0 for wifi
2013-10-15 chenxingrk3026: fixed gpu parent
2013-10-15 chenxingrk3026: ft_test: update parameter of pwm
2013-10-15 chenxingrk2928: fix i2s frac div do not effect
2013-10-15 张晴rk31:pmu:rt5025:modify rt5025 fg init priority
2013-10-14 zhangjunAndroidComputer Codec:add TINY ALSA support
2013-10-14 yjheadset: mod log error && mic mistake
2013-10-12 wdcethernet: add rmii clkin support and support rmii data...
2013-10-12 wlqandroidComputer: add androidComputer lcd file
2013-10-12 wlqandroidComputer: add androidComputer_lcd config]
2013-10-12 wlqandroidComputer: changed for display
2013-10-11 wlqac: add for display key control
2013-10-11 wdcAndroidComputer: config uart0 for bt
2013-10-11 linjhandroidcomputer: commit scaler code
2013-10-10 yj3026 codec: add debug interface
2013-10-10 hjcrk fb: move fb unrigister from shutdown to driver remove
2013-10-09 luoweiadd full duplex interface support
2013-10-09 hjcrk fb: fix fb_info free too early when shutdown
2013-10-08 chenxingrk: add pwm scale arm voltage support && update rk3026...
2013-10-08 cymddrfreq:fix bug and add check vzalloc
2013-10-08 ZHWrk616: rgb screen no invert d_clk
2013-10-07 张晴rk31:pmu:rt5025:updata drivers,modify charger & fg...
2013-09-30 hjcrk3026_86v: set ddr 300 default voltage
2013-09-30 hjcrk3026_86v: update dvfs_gpu_table
2013-09-30 linjhRevert "init scaler core"
2013-09-30 linjhinit scaler core
2013-09-30 hjcrk3066b lcdc: fix line flag intr init error
2013-09-29 wdcAndroidComputer: fix vmac build fail
2013-09-29 wdcrk31_vmac: sync with box
2013-09-27 yxjrk3066 lcdc:check parameter for in winx_set_par
2013-09-27 yxjrk fb:check fmt for ipp
2013-09-27 yxjrk fb:fix get_layer_id,lcdc0 and lcdc1 layer id are...
2013-09-27 yxjrk30、rk3066b、rk3188 lcdc:only resume the lcdc that...
2013-09-26 lyzrk3026: usb-debug : reset uart controller when usb_uart...
2013-09-26 hwgmodify GRF_IO_CON3 to enhence vmac rmii io strength
2013-09-26 xuhuicongit66121 hdmi: some modify to pass hdcp authentication
2013-09-26 hhbdma pl330: fix bug of dma chan list operation
2013-09-26 wdcAndroidComputer: wifi,bt,ethernet board config
2013-09-26 hjcrk3026_86v: fix fps=60hz
2013-09-26 chenxingrk3026: cpufreq: limit cpu max frequency
2013-09-26 chenxingrk3026: 86v: auto select dvfs table according to SOC...
2013-09-26 chenxingrk3026: add efuse support
2013-09-26 ZHWlvds: reduced lvds resume time.
2013-09-25 zyccamera: modify defines of some V4L2 macros
2013-09-25 zyccamera : add icatch 7002 isp driver
2013-09-25 hzfac:add charge current set
2013-09-25 chenxingrk: pm_test: fix test string err, update test frequenci...
2013-09-25 yzqit66121: make 1080p display more stable
2013-09-24 chenxingrk: pm_test: add reset dvfs table ko library support
2013-09-24 chenxingrk3188: -t: limit arm freq within 1.4GHz, and delete...
2013-09-24 许盛飞battery: the bug time-to-full
2013-09-24 陈金泉rk616 codec:add voice volume setting support, add voip...
2013-09-23 赵子初bp id: change m50 to m51
2013-09-22 邱建斌i2s: set mclk/bclk/lrck input in suspend_no_irq
2013-09-22 ddlcamera: rk_cam_io:v0.1.5
2013-09-22 hcy fix cpu pause bug, when ddr change freq
2013-09-22 zhangjunCodec:add CX20701 support in rk3188 android computer...
2013-09-22 hzfac:build rk3188 android computer board and config
2013-09-18 Albuersupport bluetooth: BK3515A
2013-09-18 hjcrk3028:defconfig add rk610
2013-09-17 zhangjunCX20701 USB Codec: add CX20701 support in RK3188_tb_sdk
2013-09-17 cymRK31/RK30:add vfree(buf); to fix memory leaks in video_...
2013-09-17 邱建斌i2s: early initialization spin_lock for regiter read...
2013-09-17 黄涛Revert "i2s: early initialization spin_lock for regiter...
2013-09-17 chenxingrk3026: support rk3026 ft kernel
2013-09-17 邱建斌i2s: early initialization spin_lock for regiter read...
2013-09-17 邱建斌i2s : add spin_lock for i2s regiter read/write ,
2013-09-16 typRK3026 DDR:amend ft project ddr compile err
2013-09-16 chenxingrk3026: add ft kernel support
2013-09-16 chenxingrk3026: fix compile error without open PROC_FS
2013-09-16 chenxingrk3026: fix compile error without open DVFS
2013-09-16 typRK3026 DDchange DDR DTT Check mode
2013-09-16 lyzusb-debug: add force uart mode
2013-09-16 Cody Xierk3188(t) : limit arm frequency below 1.4GHz and disabl...
2013-09-13 xxxarm 312m vot 0.925V
2013-09-13 yxjrk fb:bank lcdc when change jetta scaler timing
2013-09-12 yjCodec:rk3026 mod suspend pop
2013-09-11 lintaommc: core: Only execute tuning for SDR50 and SDR104
2013-09-11 gwlEnable bcm wifi host wake up function as default.
2013-09-11 CMYsupport ap6441 bt
2013-09-10 xxxft kerenl support multi arm rate test
2013-09-10 kfxrk_emmc: fixed drmboot wr bug
2013-09-09 黄涛rk3026: cpu1 local timer support hrtimer
2013-09-09 ywjadd rk3026 support for factoryV4.0
2013-09-09 ywjmend some error,Compatible with 3028a and 3168
2013-09-09 lintaowifi: fix NL80211_TESTMODE depends on diff modules
2013-09-09 lintaosdio: 1 add invalid bus width log;
2013-09-07 luoweirtc-HYM8563:close intterupt while disable alarm
2013-09-07 lintaoWhile speed mode is changed, CMD13 cannot be guaranteed.
2013-09-07 yzqQc880:optimize hdmi irq mode to avoid lose interrupt
2013-09-06 邱建斌rt3261/rt3224 : optimization bt voip
2013-09-06 lyzusb: fix bug: ep0 64Byte IN Packet Error
2013-09-06 赵子初add support for huawei e1230s/e1220s
2013-09-06 lintaowifi_sys:make use of p2p sysfs for BK3515A