2013-03-12 邱建斌rt5631 phone : add rt5631 phone/phonepad board info
2013-03-12 hjcrk3168_86v: fix gsensor direction mma7660
2013-03-12 hhbspi: add slave supprot
2013-03-12 hjcrk3168_86v: compatible with wm831x and act8846; set...
2013-03-11 luoweisensors:fix NULL pointer problem of compass
2013-03-11 hjcrk3168_86v: modify shutdown error
2013-03-11 kfxdownload kernel source code from
2013-03-11 wbxrk3066: add rk3066_sdk_defconfig and rk30_ds975_defconf...
2013-03-11 许盛飞show the lowerpower picture , battery lower-power when...
2013-03-11 许盛飞adc-battery: for lower-power warning
2013-03-11 许盛飞adc-battery: add for lower warning
2013-03-11 yxjrk3188 lcdc:fix bug in rk3188_lcdc_open/close
2013-03-11 yxjscreen:rename LVDS_FORMAT
2013-03-11 wlfUSB: support RK3168M for usb host and usb otg
2013-03-09 luoweisensors:add akm8963 support,need update HAL
2013-03-09 ddlcamera: ov5640 soft reset cancel in init_data, because...
2013-03-08 xxxadd clk disable by dvfs
2013-03-08 ddlcamera: update gc2035 and sp2518 driver, 2035 fix some...
2013-03-08 wbxrk3066: fix board-rk30-ds975.c for rk_cif_power
2013-03-08 hhbrk_serial: set DBG_PORT to CONFIG_RK_DEBUG_UART and...
2013-03-08 wbxrk3066: fix board-rk30-ds975.c for screen blink
2013-03-08 wbxrk3066: add board-rk30-ds975.c for /sys/module/board...
2013-03-08 hjcrk2928b: add board file and defconfig
2013-03-08 Cody Xierk3188 : add board path for /sys/module/board/parameters/
2013-03-07 蓝斌元z600t board add ct36x tp support
2013-03-07 lyzrk292x : usb : exit_phy_hi-z_when_check_dpdm
2013-03-07 蓝斌元modify for ct36x touchscreen
2013-03-07 xxxadd freq volt table selects for productions
2013-03-07 黄涛rk: cpu.h: add soc_is_rk2928b
2013-03-07 黄涛rk: Kconfig add RK2928B support
2013-03-07 黄涛rk30: Makefile: fix board.o define
2013-03-07 yzqrk610 : support 1366x768 dual screen
2013-03-07 hjcrk3168_86v: set min brightness
2013-03-07 cymRK3168 DDR:support DDR change frequency for RK3168
2013-03-07 邱建斌rt5616: add rt5616 audio codec support
2013-03-07 蓝斌元Merge branch 'develop-3.0' of ssh://
2013-03-07 蓝斌元add board path for /sys/module/board/parameters/
2013-03-07 赵子初add pid for mu509
2013-03-07 zsqfix rga mmu map process lock bug
2013-03-06 蓝斌元Merge branch 'develop-3.0' of ssh://
2013-03-06 蓝斌元rk3066 add phone pad modem support
2013-03-06 hjcrk3168_86v: new hardware for lcd_cs pin
2013-03-05 wuhaork3188 ds1006h: wakeup system by OTG BVALID interrupt...
2013-03-05 黄涛Revert "netfilter: xt_qtaguid: Allow tracking loopback"
2013-03-05 chenxingrk3168/rk3066b: force dclk_lcdc0/1 even div
2013-03-05 chmvpu_service: reset decoder when buffer empty
2013-03-05 yxjrk3066b lcdc:fix compile err
2013-03-05 chenxingrk3188: force dclk_lcdc0/1 even div
2013-03-05 hjcrk3168m: defconfig codec rk610
2013-03-05 hjcrk3168m: add lcd_hdmi_rk3168m_b101ew05
2013-03-05 yxjrk30 lcdc:delay 30ms before turn off lcdc clk when...
2013-03-05 wlfRK3188 USB: disable usb bypass uart function in standby...
2013-03-05 黄涛rk3168/rk3188: board enable CONFIG_UHID in defconfig
2013-03-05 黄涛rk3188: grf add io power domain voltage api
2013-03-05 黄涛rk3066b: grf add io power domain voltage api
2013-03-05 yxjrk30、rk3168、rk3188 lcdc:use get_format_string print...
2013-03-05 yxjrk fb:add get_format_string to convert format to string...
2013-03-05 yxjlcd_hdmi_xxx.c:compatile with new rk hdmi framework
2013-03-05 yxjLR097:compatile with gsensor lis3dh
2013-03-05 邱建斌rk610 codec: add poweroff codec diable clk
2013-03-05 邱建斌rk610 codec : disable rk610 pll and 0AH clkgate,reduce...
2013-03-04 Cody Xierk3188 : modify to support dedicated memory reserved...
2013-03-04 CMYadd CONFIG_UHID for bluetooth hid devices
2013-03-04 邱建斌rt5639: add rt5639 support
2013-03-04 wbxmodify rk30_ds975_defconfig for HDMI and USB hub
2013-03-04 hjcrk3168_86v: modify the tp gt811 config
2013-03-01 wuhaork3188 ds1006h: add cw2015
2013-03-01 xuhuicongadd cw2015 battery gauge driver
2013-03-01 黄涛rk: dvfs: fix wrong mutex_unlock on dvfs_get_vd_regulat...
2013-02-28 张晴tps65910&rk610:Solve communication conflict when rk610...
2013-02-28 张晴tps65910&rk610:Solve communication conflict when rk610...
2013-02-28 xbwMT6620
2013-02-28 yxjlcdc_hdmi_xxx.c:compatile with new rk fb dual dispaly...
2013-02-28 yxjlcd_hdmi_xxx.c:fix compile err
2013-02-28 hjcrk3168_86v: modify the resolutation of tp
2013-02-28 hjcrk3168m: add rk3168m defconfig
2013-02-28 hjcrk3168_86v: add defconfig for rk3168+codec
2013-02-28 黄涛 exclude rk3168m
2013-02-28 黄涛rk3168: tb: update defconfig by savedefconfig
2013-02-28 黄涛rk3188: tb: update defconfig by savedefconfig
2013-02-28 黄涛rk: disable preempt_disable when power off
2013-02-28 黄涛Revert "rk: disable disable_nonboot_cpus when kernel...
2013-02-28 yzqit66121 hdmi:add macro for hdmi source lcdc select
2013-02-27 hjcrk3168_86v: close pwm regulator for 86v new board
2013-02-27 张晴rk3168:set defult voltage for new 86v hardware
2013-02-27 luoweiadd temperature and pressure sensor driver support
2013-02-26 yxjrk3188 lcdc:add ioctl RK_FBIOPUT_COLOR_KEY_CFG for...
2013-02-26 yxjrk fb:add ioctl RK_FBIOPUT_COLOR_KEY_CFG for color...
2013-02-26 黄涛rk3188: set l2c data latency 231
2013-02-26 黄涛rk3188: fix cpu up down bug
2013-02-26 Cody Xierk3188 lr097 : fix ct36x bug on lr097
2013-02-26 hjcMerge ssh:// into develop-3.0
2013-02-26 hjcrk3168_86v: when ddr=300M,the logic voltage=1000mv...
2013-02-26 黄涛rk3188: NFS Most Wanted workaround only for rk3188
2013-02-26 hjcrk3168_86v: when ddr=300M,the logic voltage=1000mv...
2013-02-26 dkmmodify the query of cpu_present workaround for <NFS...
2013-02-26 yxjRevert "rk3188 lcdc:support color key config for win1"
2013-02-26 zsqforce rga output dst alpha channel
2013-02-26 wuhaofix touch ct363
2013-02-25 hjcrk3168_86v: delete arm:1.4G and 1.6G; gpu:600M