2011-01-01 ddlcamera: add ov5642 support 720p
2010-12-31 黄涛rk29_fb: rm setup DMC AXI host priority
2010-12-31 黄涛rk29sdk: add poweroff support
2010-12-31 杜坤明disable gpu to alloc dma mem
2010-12-31 zywfix bug in open and close fb1
2010-12-31 fangupdate wm8900 codec setting
2010-12-31 杜坤明enable gpu's fastclear function
2010-12-31 黄涛rk29_backlight: init eraly, show logo early
2010-12-30 cxdfix wifi not available bug.
2010-12-30 黄涛rk29_sdmmc: fix hotplug problem
2010-12-30 hxyrk29 aigo 1. add it7260 touch 2.modified backlight...
2010-12-30 fangMerge branch 'develop' of
2010-12-30 fangupdate for Android 2.3 Recode
2010-12-30 杜坤明limit gpu to use size of dma-mem
2010-12-30 zywnot enable win0 when fb1_set_par
2010-12-30 黄涛rk29: gpu clock bump to 552M; support codec pll on/off
2010-12-30 zywupdate fb for video end
2010-12-30 zhaoyifengMerge branch 'develop' of zyf@
2010-12-30 zhaoyifengReplace msleep function with msleep_interruptible function.
2010-12-30 lbtwifi: update bcm4329 driver to support the max number...
2010-12-30 陈恒明rk29: vpu: remove printk
2010-12-30 陈恒明rk29: vpu: add reset and unreset when power on
2010-12-28 ddlcamera: add ov5642 5M/3M/2M/1M capture parpmter and...
2010-12-28 ddlcamera: ov2659 i2c speed change to 100k
2010-12-29 黄涛rk29: clock: add pmu register dump
2010-12-29 hxyupdate yaffs2 nand according to raho project
2010-12-29 hxyupdate yaffs2 nand according to raho project
2010-12-29 黄涛rk29: cpufreq adjust
2010-12-29 黄涛rk29_fb: fix fix setup DMC AXI host priority
2010-12-29 zywupdate fb win0 for bandwidth
2010-12-29 kfx'hdmi can switch resolution automatically' and 'modify...
2010-12-29 yangkaiadd usb phy suspend in host mode, modify default usb id
2010-12-28 陈恒明rk29: rk29_fb: fix bug on blocking display
2010-12-28 陈恒明rk29: vpu_mem: add cache clean and invalidate
2010-12-28 lyxrk29 vmac: add power, clock control when open or close...
2010-12-28 黄涛rk29: vpu_mem: better init
2010-12-28 黄涛rk29: clock: default enable intmem/emem
2010-12-27 yangkaiadd sysfs switch for usbhost
2010-12-27 sakuraMerge branch 'develop' of
2010-12-27 黄涛rk29: winaccord: add cpufreq support
2010-12-27 sakuraadd rk_sysrq interface
2010-12-27 hxyadd pwm voltage regulator to board-rk29-winaccord
2010-12-27 ddlcamera:add ov7675 driver, add ov5642 A3907 AF firmware...
2010-12-27 黄涛rk29: clock: more v0.3
2010-12-27 黄涛rk29_fb: fix setup DMC AXI host priority
2010-12-26 黄涛rk29sdk: add cpufreq support
2010-12-26 黄涛rk29: add cpufreq support
2010-12-25 黄涛rk29sdk: fix PMEM_VPU_SIZE and p1003_init_platform_hw...
2010-12-25 lhhMerge branch 'develop' of lhh@
2010-12-25 lhhno battery in rk29 configarch/arm/configs/rk29_sdk_defc...
2010-12-25 黄涛rk29: clock: v0.3
2010-12-25 黄涛rk29: pmu_set_power_domain wait power on or off; close...
2010-12-24 hxyadd rk29 aigo board modified
2010-12-24 zywsupport hdmi for default panel
2010-12-24 lhhMerge branch 'develop' of lhh@
2010-12-24 lhhno battery temp is 25.8
2010-12-24 ddlcamera:add vip controller clock control
2010-12-24 kfxupdate hdmi driver
2010-12-24 zywupdate fb clk ctl
2010-12-24 黄涛rk29: vpu: manager clock
2010-12-23 lhhdel ac property
2010-12-23 lhhadd ak8975 i2c address and up rk29_sdmmc speed
2010-12-23 黄涛rk29: clock: rename periph_pll to general_pll, add...
2010-12-23 lhhMerge branch 'develop' of lhh@
2010-12-23 陈智BT: rfkill is delete by other commit, so commit again
2010-12-23 lhhadd bq27510 battery check
2010-12-23 黄涛rk29: fix clock name and depends
2010-12-23 zywupdate fb for close win0 when open fb1
2010-12-23 kfxboard-rk29sdk.c : add anx7150 i2c config 'again'
2010-12-22 zywfb move close hclk
2010-12-22 黄涛rk29: clock: enable pwm clock temporarily, disable...
2010-12-22 fangChange Codec for I2S0
2010-12-22 陈智BT: modify bt reset
2010-12-22 yangkaiusb clock gate update
2010-12-22 陈城Device mapper support.
2010-12-22 hxyrename consumer supply name
2010-12-22 黄涛rk29: fix bl clock
2010-12-22 zywadd 12bit lcdc reg mark
2010-12-22 黄涛rk29: clock: rm printk
2010-12-22 黄涛rk29: clock close unused, fix fb/backlight/spi
2010-12-22 黄涛rk29: gpio: add clock support
2010-12-22 zywsupport 1080p
2010-12-22 ddlcamera:fix pmem_cam config not allocator and not cached
2010-12-21 杜坤明update gpu driver
2010-12-21 黄涛dwc_otg: fix compile error
2010-12-21 陈恒明rk29: rk29_fb:
2010-12-21 yangkaiadd clock gate in usb module
2010-12-21 hxyadd pwm voltage regulator
2010-12-21 lhhdelay more time for sd card input for rk29
2010-12-21 zywupdate fb for win0 swap
2010-12-21 陈辉modify usb lun number to 2, and vendor id to be HTC
2010-12-20 陈智BT: modify config file
2010-12-20 陈智BT: add bluetooth bcm4329 driver
2010-12-20 kfxenable hdmi audio output
2010-12-20 fangupdate i2s and codec setting
2010-12-20 黄涛rk29: enlarge vpu_mem size from 32M to 64M
2010-12-20 黄涛Revert "rk29: enlarge vpu_mem size from 32M to 48M"
2010-12-20 陈恒明rk29: enlarge vpu_mem size from 32M to 48M
2010-12-20 lyxadd network filesystem configs for rk29_sdk_defconfig
2010-12-20 kfxadd hdmi driver