2014-12-29 Mike Kolupaevfolly::AtomicHashMap: fixed race between erase() and...
2014-12-29 Lucian Grijincufolly: AsyncServerSocket::getAddress: prefer IPv6
2014-12-29 Andrei AlexandrescuBring fbstring::operator+ to date with C++11
2014-12-29 Sarang MastiAllow conversion from StringPiece to StringPiece
2014-12-29 Kai WangPrint linux TID while crashing
2014-12-29 Andrew GallagherVarious Dwarf::Path fixes
2014-12-29 Tudor BosmanAdd comment explaining that RWTicketSpinLock<..., true...
2014-12-29 Mike KolupaevFixed folly::AtomicHashMap::iterator not advancing...
2014-12-29 Giuseppe OttavianoRemove unnecessary constraint from Range subpiece const...
2014-12-29 Dave WatsonMove TAsyncTransport to folly as AsyncTransportWrapper
2014-12-29 James SedgwickonError callbacks
2014-12-18 JoelMarceyBump version to 19:0
2014-12-18 James Sedgwickcodemod: merge folly/wangle and folly/experimental...
2014-12-18 Dave Watsonfix make test
2014-12-18 Dave Watsonremove Cpp2WorkerFactory
2014-12-18 Giuseppe OttavianoDisable implicit conversions from std::string for non...
2014-12-18 James Sedgwickstabilize IOFuturePool test
2014-12-18 Adam Simpkinsfix the open source build
2014-12-18 Laurent Demaillyfix bug with elf object left with file open upon error...
2014-12-18 Adam SimpkinsSpinLock improvements
2014-12-18 Adam Simpkinsremove PortableSpinLock.h
2014-12-18 Adam Simpkinsupdate call sites to use SpinLock
2014-12-18 Adam Simpkinsrename io::PortableSpinLock to SpinLock
2014-12-18 Andrii Grynenkoget_fast/get_weak_fast API for folly::Singleton
2014-12-18 Cameron PickettAdd specific multi-bind to AsyncServerSocket
2014-12-18 Nathan Bronsonfix Futex when steady_clock and system_clock precisions...
2014-12-18 James Sedgwickcodemod: folly/wangle/ -> folly/wangle/futures
2014-12-18 Andrii GrynenkoRemove locking when getting ptr to Singleton
2014-12-18 James Sedgwickglobal io executor
2014-12-18 James Sedgwickmove wangle/Executor.h to folly/ root
2014-12-18 Chip TurnerImprove performance of stringPrintf and related functions
2014-12-18 Andrew ChalfantAdd convenience method for folly::join
2014-12-18 Dave WatsonAsyncUDPSocket
2014-12-18 Chip TurnerImprove benchmarking around stringPrintf functions
2014-12-11 Dave WatsonBump version to 18:0
2014-12-11 James Sedgwickformatting nits in Executor.h
2014-12-11 James Sedgwickfuture_* callbacks in ThreadManager thread
2014-12-11 Nicholas OrmrodConcurrentSkipList Bug
2014-12-11 Brian WatlingFix clang compilation
2014-12-11 Dave WatsonOnly test multi accept if reuse port supported
2014-12-11 Sean CannellaSupport -Wsign-compare compilation
2014-12-11 Brian WatlingUse an IO thread pool executor by default
2014-12-11 Adrian HamzaAdd mock singleton injection support to folly/experimen...
2014-12-11 davejwatsonMulti accept
2014-12-11 Philip Proninfix Cursor::skipAtMostSlow bug introduced in D1724111
2014-12-11 Dave WatsonAdd REUSEPORT option to AsyncServerSocket
2014-12-11 Sean CannellaTransportInfo size mismatches
2014-12-11 Dave Watsonset internal thread factory
2014-12-11 Dave WatsonSet a better default for maxReadsPerEvent
2014-12-11 Dave WatsonBump up log level
2014-12-11 Shijin Kongfix local variable shadow
2014-12-11 Philip Proninimprove io::Cursor read() performance for small sizeof(T)
2014-12-11 Sean CannellaMake ThreadLocal identifiers consistent
2014-12-11 Andrii GrynenkoRevert "Revert "Make folly::Singleton's destruction...
2014-12-11 Hans FugalMore logging in HHWheelTimer::scheduleTimeoutFn
2014-12-11 Hans Fugals/makeFuture().via/via/
2014-12-11 Hans Fugalvia and activate/deactivate chaining
2014-12-11 Hans FugalRemove Later
2014-12-11 Hans FugalHHWheelTimer::scheduleTimeoutFn
2014-12-11 Bartosz NitkaRevert "Make folly::Singleton's destruction happen...
2014-12-11 Nicholas Ormrodinclude gflags header in SSLSessionCacheManager
2014-12-11 Andrii GrynenkoMake folly::Singleton's destruction happen earlier
2014-12-11 Andre PintoCorrect getsockopt call made by AsyncSocket
2014-12-11 James Sedgwickadd consumeUntilDrained API to NotificationQueue::Consumer
2014-12-11 Hans FugalReplace Later in tcc
2014-12-11 Maxim SokolovFixing static initilize fiasco in Benchmark.cpp
2014-12-11 Andrei BajenovReadd unit test
2014-12-11 Pavlo KushnirFix dynamic::insert
2014-12-11 Mainak Mandalfix varint decoding in case the first buffer is smaller...
2014-12-11 Nicholas OrmrodIOBuf::moveToFbString legacy 4GiB limit
2014-12-11 Nicholas Ormrodzlib compression fails on large IOBufs
2014-12-11 Subodh IyengarMake SSLContext's exit() handling more graceful
2014-12-11 James Sedgwickfix
2014-12-11 Dave Watsonfix build
2014-12-11 James SedgwickChannelPipeline tests and fixes
2014-12-11 James SedgwickAsyncSocketHandler
2014-12-11 James Sedgwicktest for OutputBufferingHandler
2014-12-11 James Sedgwickmodifiable channel pipelines
2014-12-11 Alexey SpiridonovAdd process group leader option
2014-12-11 Nicholas OrmrodFix build break
2014-12-11 James Sedgwickmerge event base tests
2014-11-20 Dave WatsonBump version to 17:0
2014-11-20 Dave Watsonfolly/io/async documentation
2014-11-20 Andrei BajenovHHWheelTimer - fix scheduling timeouts within callbacks
2014-11-19 Dave WatsonBump version to 16:0
2014-11-19 Dave WatsonOS merges
2014-11-19 Dave Watsonserver bootstrap
2014-11-19 Daniel SommermannRun the HHWheelTimer and EventBase tests
2014-11-19 Edward Chinadd custom getLoad() for multifeed leaf
2014-11-19 Dave WatsonClean up runBeforeLoop API
2014-11-19 Daniel SommermannMove some tests to folly
2014-11-19 James Sedgwicktop-level via()
2014-11-19 subodhImprove initialization of openssl
2014-11-19 Nicholas OrmrodFix build break
2014-11-19 James SedgwickIndefinite observers and inline observers
2014-11-19 James SedgwickOutputBufferingHandler
2014-11-19 Alex LandauCompactProtocol: readVarint optimizations
2014-11-19 James Sedgwickimplicit constructor exception_wrapper(std::exception)
2014-11-19 James Sedgwickfix potential race/memory corruption in IOThreadPoolExe...
2014-11-19 James Sedgwickpriority CPU thread pool