2009-05-26 jjenistaStable compile, seg fault in MLP mode.
2009-05-26 jjenistaStable, not functional. Builds a switch case for uniqu...
2009-05-26 jzhouadd support for 56 cores in multicore runtime
2009-05-26 adashAdd new file and debugging SSCA bug
2009-05-24 jjenistaNot functional, but stable--sese invocation code pulls...
2009-05-21 adashWorking version of SSCA2 benchmark for kernel 1
2009-05-19 afedwardRemoving ~ files
2009-05-19 afedwardGenome benchmark works for less than enormous test...
2009-05-19 jzhouUpdates to support Tilera multicore version runtime
2009-05-19 jjenistaBug fixes for generating all execution paths for SESE...
2009-05-16 jzhouchanges for multicore version runtime according to...
2009-05-16 adashuse int and float data type for arrays/variables (Compa...
2009-05-16 jzhouupdates for multicore runtime to support Tilera
2009-05-15 afedwardChecking in changes. Genome still not functional,...
2009-05-15 bdemskychanges for alex
2009-05-15 bdemskysmall change for better messages
2009-05-15 bdemskychanges
2009-05-15 jjenistastable for non-sese projects, an sese can have partial...
2009-05-15 bdemskychange for debug mode
2009-05-15 bdemskychanges to use floats
2009-05-15 bdemskychange
2009-05-15 bdemskydouble -> float
2009-05-15 bdemskywrapper classes
2009-05-15 bdemskythis change isn't all that well tested...
2009-05-15 adashnew files
2009-05-14 jjenistause sese pretty id and id to generate method names...
2009-05-14 jjenistaLots of changes that aren't working yet, so new methods...
2009-05-14 bdemskychanges
2009-05-14 bdemskymore efficiency hacks...we're looking fields for values...
2009-05-14 bdemskymore changes...fix soft abort needs to let...
2009-05-14 bdemskychange
2009-05-14 adash Add new files
2009-05-14 bdemskyslightly better locks for stm...
2009-05-13 jzhouUpdates to support multicore version runtime of Tilera...
2009-05-13 bdemskymake atomic work in normal java just uses...
2009-05-13 bdemskychanges
2009-05-13 bdemskyvarious bug fixes
2009-05-13 adash add new files
2009-05-13 bdemskychanges to compile
2009-05-13 bdemskytry to simplify garbage collector lock
2009-05-13 bdemskychanges to build slightly more optimal code
2009-05-12 bdemskychanges:
2009-05-12 bdemskysmall changes
2009-05-12 adashbug fix: acquire lock before copying the object into...
2009-05-11 adashbug fix: changes to make things safe for the GC
2009-05-11 jjenistaGood cut of variable analysis
2009-05-11 jjenistaWhen we stall for some specific SESE, make other variab...
2009-05-08 jjenistaChange isAvailable to notAvailable, updated computation...
2009-05-08 jjenistacompute when to write dynamic address of variables
2009-05-08 bdemskysmall changes
2009-05-08 adashAdd new benchmark:....some prelimnary files
2009-05-07 jzhouupdates on Math operations for multicore version
2009-05-07 bdemskysmall changes
2009-05-07 adashthrow out commented code
2009-05-07 adashrace condition fixed: race due to thread rec becoming...
2009-05-07 jzhoucommented out all functions by mistake
2009-05-07 jjenistaCurious. Found a bug in liveness where liveIn set...
2009-05-07 jzhouupdates for multicore version runtime, temporarily...
2009-05-06 jjenistaadd frame for another pass to compute whether variables...
2009-05-06 adashlocking technique for risky objects enabled
2009-05-06 jjenistaAdd CodePlan object for injecting code before or after...
2009-05-05 jjenistaSeveral bug fixes. Now that tokens have a mutable...
2009-05-04 jjenistaThis is BANANAS. How can a table that calls assertCons...
2009-05-04 jjenistaWhy did last checkin of VarSrcTokTable add carot-M...
2009-05-04 adash do a make tabbing
2009-05-04 jjenistaconvert token tables into triples that sets of referenc...
2009-04-30 jjenistapreliminary stall computation working
2009-04-30 jjenistafixed liveness to calculate live-out set, and a couple...
2009-04-29 jjenistastable, something still wrong with calculating out...
2009-04-29 jjenistastable capture, bug fixes--a problem: using an SESEs...
2009-04-29 jjenistaReinitialize liveness for the second pass, uses virtual...
2009-04-29 afedwardUpdating CVS with partially ported benchmark. Sequence...
2009-04-28 jjenistaSomething is wrong with liveness results that want...
2009-04-28 jjenistaadded another liveness pass that picks up on virtual...
2009-04-27 adashchange makefile and add instructions to compile and...
2009-04-27 jjenistaLots of bug fixes with regard to token table--table...
2009-04-25 adash generate stats in runtime. Use -stmstats option for...
2009-04-24 jjenistavariable analysis reports no stalls, stable
2009-04-24 jzhouadd Tilera version stuff in buildscript and removes...
2009-04-23 jjenistabug fixes and implementation adjustments: matches analy...
2009-04-23 jjenistaquick capture
2009-04-23 bdemskychange
2009-04-23 bdemskychange parsing
2009-04-22 jjenistavariable analysis stable, reports stalls all over-...
2009-04-22 jjenistaadd a convenient method to retreive FlatMethod from...
2009-04-22 adashoptimizations for readLine(), this makes executions...
2009-04-22 bdemskytypos
2009-04-22 bdemskyoptimization (or bug fix) depending on how you view it
2009-04-22 adashTests read from a file that uses buffering directly...
2009-04-22 jzhoureorganize multicore version runtime codes for easy...
2009-04-21 jjenistavariable analysis added
2009-04-21 jjenistaRoot SESE ironed out, some reorganization for variable...
2009-04-21 adashverified functionality and correctness with C versions
2009-04-21 bdemskyremove shortcircuits
2009-04-21 bdemskymake method static
2009-04-21 adashprint better error messages
2009-04-21 bdemskybarrier bug
2009-04-20 adashsmall changes and support for printing doubles in Strin...
2009-04-20 adashAdd runtime support for STM Barrier class
2009-04-20 adash new Barrier Class