descriptionPingPong 1.0: packet-level signatures extractor and detector.
ownerBrian Demsky
last changeTue, 18 Aug 2020 19:11:30 +0000 (12:11 -0700)
2020-08-18 rtrimanaModifying the value DELETED_SEQUENCES_OFF in the script... master
2020-07-22 rtrimanaFixing the value for Arlo Camera's DELETED_SEQUENCES_OF...
2020-02-19 rtrimanaAdding a PDF manual document for users.
2020-02-13 rtrimanaCleaning up further.
2020-02-13 rtrimanaFurther cleaning up.
2020-02-13 rtrimanaUpdating scripts.
2020-02-12 rtrimanaCompleting files.
2020-02-12 rtrimanaRefreshing the scripts using the latest ones from the...
2020-02-12 rtrimanaAdding notes in the source code and scripts.
2020-02-12 rtrimanaModifying README and removing unused script.
2020-02-12 rtrimanaCleaning up the software folder.
2020-02-12 rtrimanaDeleting unwanted scripts and checking in relevant...
2020-01-11 rtrimanaAdding relaxed matching for UNB and UNSW negative exper...
2020-01-11 rtrimanaRemoving error message for additional feature (relaxed...
2020-01-11 rtrimanaPreparing scripts for TP-Link plug.
2020-01-10 rtrimanaImplementing relaxed matching for layer 2 and layer 3.
4 years ago master