descriptionData structure repair
ownerBrian Demsky
last changeSat, 1 Aug 2009 01:57:17 +0000 (01:57 +0000)
2009-08-01 bdemskycorrect master
2009-08-01 bdemskychange
2006-09-20 bdemskyforgot file
2006-09-08 bdemskysmall change
2006-09-08 bdemskyreturn flag to indicate errors
2006-09-06 bdemskyModify Generators to allow multiple specs
2006-09-06 bdemskysmall changes
2006-09-06 bdemskylet command line define flags optionally
2006-09-06 bdemskybuild with other copy
2006-08-30 bdemskycheck in changes to allow [this.length] into grammar
2006-05-13 bdemskychange
2006-05-12 rootchange
2006-05-12 bdemskychange
2006-05-12 root*** empty log message ***
2006-05-12 rootchange
2006-05-12 rootchange checked in
21 years ago start
15 years ago master