descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
ownerBrian Demsky
last changeTue, 24 Mar 2020 23:19:34 +0000 (16:19 -0700)
2020-03-24 Seyed Amir... Fixing bug in Mobile Presence class master
2020-03-24 Seyed Amir... Adding manual transaction feature to new infrastructure
2020-02-01 amirajFixing value field type in events
2020-02-01 Seyed Amir... Infrastructure compatible with swiches
2020-01-31 Seyed Amir... Infrastructure compatible with locks, alarms, and therm...
2020-01-30 Seyed Amir... Infrastructure compatible with locks' group!
2020-01-29 amirajChange value field in events
2020-01-29 Seyed Amir... Fixing bugs in infrastructure
2020-01-29 amirajRemoving getXXX methods + properties. Adding getPropert...
2020-01-23 amirajAdd changes in events
2020-01-22 Seyed Amir... Fixing bugs in infra
2020-01-22 Seyed Amir... A small change in SwitchLevel class
2020-01-22 amirajA minor change in classes
2020-01-22 amirajMinor change in classes
2020-01-22 amirajAdding SmartThing class and MutableInteger
2020-01-22 amirajInfrastruction modification
3 years ago oldInfraNewAnalysis
4 years ago master